
Beautifully Broken (DeanXReader)

(SUPERNATURAL FANFICTION) You've been through shit, that's for sure. You're mom died in a mysterious fire when you were 5 and you're dad soon became an abusive drunk to try to cope. You spent most of you're days at one of your closest family friends, Bobby Singer's place. While he didn't know about your dad's abusive behavior, he still basically raised you. But after he caught your dad red handed you soon were living at the Singer's residence. Though Bobby has never told you about what goes bump in the night, you're now going to Stanford University and haven't seen or heard from your college friend, Sam Winchester, since his girlfriend Jessica's death. So what happens when you go back home to Bobby's one spring break and are reunited with the missing Winchester? Will you be able to resist his older brother's charm?

EmpressAlysha · TV
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27 Chs

The Diner

Y/n's POV

You smiled proudly to yourself when Dean said you could stay. You honestly weren't sure he'd let you, because of him saying no earlier and all. It wasn't until Sam gave you a triumphant look that you knew you two had won. Guess I'll have to use that face more often, you thought to yourself.

"Seriously though, I am hungry," you announced. Dean rolled his eyes and looked for a decent diner to stop at.

Once he parked "Baby" at some diner, you jumped out and waited for the boys. "Don't get out too fast, you might break a hip," you said to Dean with a laugh since he was the last to get out.

"Trust me, if I was going to break a hip, I would've by now," he said suggestively while wiggling his eyebrows. You laughed at his expression while the youngest Winchester rolled his eyes. As all three of you pile into the diner, you get bumped into by some guy with brown hair and a beige trenchcoat.

"Hey, man, watch where the your going," you said frustrated, you turned to look at the unknown man but he was gone. That's weird, where'd he go? You asked yourself.

"What a douche," you heard Dean say before shaking your head and walking to a table. You ended up being seated next to Sam with Dean across from you. After what seemed like forever the waitress walks over, obviously checking the boys out.

"There you go guys, and I'll be back in a minute," the girl said.

You couldn't help but cringe at her attempt of a flirty voice. Covering the cringe with a sweet smile, you told her a thank you before she walked away, putting a little too much emphasis in the sway of her hips.

You took your menu and searched for what sounded good. Pretty soon you had your order in mind and placed it back down on the table. Soon enough the waitress came back with what you think is supposed to be a saucy smile.

"Everyone ready?" She asked looking around at you guys, well "you guys" meaning basically just the guys.

"I think we are," Sam said politely.

After you ordered your food, you chose to ignore her and doze off a bit. You found your mind wondering back to the man who bumped into you earlier. He looked oddly familiar but you couldn't think of how.

"You alright there?" You heard a voice say bringing you out of your reverie. You looked up to see a curious looking Dean starring at you.

"Yeah just lost in thought," you said with a reassuring smile. You noticed that the waitress was already gone and saw that she was helping some other table.

"Alright," Dean says with a satisfied nod.

"So, you guys never actually told me where we're going," you mentioned.

"Well it wasn't important when you weren't coming with us," Dean commented.

You could tell he still didn't think this whole tagging along thing was a good idea. Honestly how could you blame him, you had no idea what you were getting into.

"We're going to Bismarck, North Dakota," Sam said ignoring his brother's comment. "If it wasn't so close we would've just called Bobby instead of making the drive," he explained.

"Ooh, I've never been," you said, excitement evident in your voice. You knew you wouldn't get the chance to sight see but it'd still be cool to say you've been there.

"One of the perks of hunting, there's lots of traveling," Sam responded.

"And one of the curses," you heard Dean say under his breath. You wondered what he meant but didn't think it'd be a good idea to ask.

"And here's your food, fellas," the waitress said giving both of the boys their food. You couldn't help but notice she didn't bring your food out as well. Bitch. She walked away hopefully to bring you your food. Your stomach growled when you saw her disappear into what you assumed to be the kitchen.

"Guess you weren't kiddin' when you said you were hungry, huh?" Dean said with a teasing smirk. You couldn't help but laugh when you saw that he had some food on his chin. "What?" He asked confused by your smile, Samantha soon saw what you were laughing and quickly followed suit.

"You have somethin' right..here," you said pointing at the food on his face. You laughed again when he grabbed a napkin and completely missed it.

"That's where you pointed," he said defensively. You shook your head, grabbed the napkin and leaned over the table to wipe it off for him casually. You wiped it off and noticed he was starting at you, a faint blush appeared on your face.

"Just like a child," you said with a teasing smile before sitting normally. All the while, Sam was watching the entire exchange curiously.

"And your food," the waitress said with a sour look on her face before anyone could say anything more. She placed your food in front of you non too gently. You began to eat your food and the brothers did too.

The three of you silently left the diner not too long after that and got into Baby. You ran your fingers on the food of the Impala admiringly before hopping in. You buckled up and waited to see what song Dean would put on. You smiled when he put on Back In Black by AC/DC. After about a minute into the song, you and Dean were singing along to the tune.

"C'mon Samantha, you know you want to," you said encouraging Sam to sing along. Sam shook his head and was about to retort when Dean started laughing.

"Samantha?" He asked incredulously.

"Yes Samantha, you can't expect me not to give him a suitable nickname after all his bitch faces and hair flips," you teased.

(A/N: I'll just leave this gif here for ya'll to enjoy

You're welcome)

You could practically see Sam roll his eyes at your comment as Dean laughed a little more. Once his laughter died down and you could hear the song again, you sang along again. You smiled when you could hear both of them join you. The drive continued on, you sang, you laughed, you talked and overall had fun.

Eventually you pulled up to an ok looking hotel and you all got out. Sam went inside to get our rooms while you helped Dean with the bags.

"Holy shit!" You exclaimed as you tried to life one of the bags. "What the hell is in this thing?" You asked.

"Weapons," he replied simply.

"Oh," you said feeling dumb for not thinking about that, of course they'd bring weapons. "Do you want me to leave it in then?" You asked.

"Nah but I can pack them in if they're too much," he said with a teasing grin forming on his face.

"No no, I got it, I wouldn't want you to break something carrying it all the way there," you said with fake sympathy while adjusting it in your hands.

"Ha ha very funny," Dean said sarcastically.

"They said there was only one room available," Sam said coming back out and grabbed one of the remaining bags. "So all of us are in room 15," he informed the two of you.

"Oh ok," you said not quite sure how to react to that tid bit of information. "Let's go then," you added before starting to room 15 with both of the boys trailing not far behind. Sam with his stupid long legs easily walked ahead of you and unlocked the door when he found the room. You walked into the decent hotel room and looked around. Well on the bright side, there's two Queen size beds and a couch, you noted.

"Claimed," you said after putting the bags down and plopping down on the couch.