
Beautifully Broken (DeanXReader)

(SUPERNATURAL FANFICTION) You've been through shit, that's for sure. You're mom died in a mysterious fire when you were 5 and you're dad soon became an abusive drunk to try to cope. You spent most of you're days at one of your closest family friends, Bobby Singer's place. While he didn't know about your dad's abusive behavior, he still basically raised you. But after he caught your dad red handed you soon were living at the Singer's residence. Though Bobby has never told you about what goes bump in the night, you're now going to Stanford University and haven't seen or heard from your college friend, Sam Winchester, since his girlfriend Jessica's death. So what happens when you go back home to Bobby's one spring break and are reunited with the missing Winchester? Will you be able to resist his older brother's charm?

EmpressAlysha · TV
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Fixer Upper

Y/n's POV

You couldn't believe what had just happened, this started as a night to have fun and get drunk. Now, Dean had threatened and beat some guy up because he was trying to flirt with you. True, Dean was pretty drunk when this happened but he did it nonetheless.

Something you've learned from your deadbeat father, you don't have anything blocking you from doing what you want to when you're drunk. The little angel on your shoulder gets some popcorn and shuts up to watch. That is what scared you the most about this and you asked yourself, did someone flirting with me really bother Dean that much? Did he care about me that much?

You doubted these things but you couldn't find any other explanation. You decided you'd talk to him later about this so you could get some answers.

So that is how you found yourself making Sam, the only fully sober one here, drive the Impala back to the hotel. Dean grumbled about this and tried to argue but you quickly shut him up by reminding him of how drunk he was. So he settled in the shotgun seat and pouted.

Sam got all of you to the hotel in no time. You got out and watched amused as Dean stumbled as he walked, he really must be drunk. Even though you weren't as drunk as him, you knew you couldn't walk in a straight line either. Sam, however, was walking and acting perfectly fine only having had one drink.

Once you were all inside, you sat Dean down and went to get anything you'd need to fix him up. Not just from the bar fight but also from the fight with those demons. You knew he'd have to take care of your injuries afterwards but you didn't want to think about that now.

When you turned around to get back to him, you stopped in your tracks and you could've swore you stopped breathing. There, sitting on one of the hotel beds, was a shirtless Dean Winchester.

This man is going to be the death of me, you thought.

"Alright well I'm going to go get some food so I can avoid the sexual tension," Sam said with a teasing smile and Dean glared at him.

"Sam you shouldn't go on your own, we just got you back," you said worried he might get captured again.

"Oh I'll be alright Y/n, it isn't me you should be worried about," Sam replied giving Dean a look to which you gave a confused one.

Before you could say anything though, Sam was out the door to one of the local diners.

"Alright, where'd the bitch get you?" You asked Dean remembering one of the demons cut him during the rescue.

Dean seemed a little surprised by your lack of questioning but nonetheless pointed to a spot on his lower stomach that was cut deep. You then sat next to him and started cleaning it up. Even though he tried to hide it, you could tell this was hurting him pretty badly so you tried to talk to him to take his mind off of it.

"Mind telling me what that was about?" You asked.

"How am I supposed to know what goes through that Giants head?" Dean asked thinking you meant Sam's comment.

You laughed at the nickname he gave his younger brother. "No I meant the fight at the bar," you clarified and watched him go from confused to understanding to a little embarrassed.

"Oh.." he said stupidly.

"Yeah oh, what was that? Trying to see whose dick is bigger?" You asked curiously.

"No of course not," Dean said like the idea of that is ridiculous. "I just..I don't know," he said with a sigh.

"I think you do, you just don't wanna tell me," you said and he sighed again. "C'mon either tell me or I'll have to beat it out of you," you told him jokingly.

"I didn't want to have to hear some guy hit on you when I can't and I lost it, alright? Happy?" he said a frustratedly.

You stopped what you were doing and slowly looked up at Dean. "What-what do you mean?" You stuttered.

"You heard me," he grumbled scared to have to say it again.

"Why wouldn't you..?" You started to ask but trailed off knowing he'd understand what you meant.

"Because, A) you kind of hate me right now, B) Bobby would tear me a new one if I did, and C) I'd end up screwing everything up even if you did give me a chance," Dean explained looking at the floor.

You had no idea what to say, this man has left you completely speechless. There was only one thing you could think of to do, and it didn't involve words at all.

You reached up, put your hand on his uninjured cheek and brought him to look at you. He looked confused but you knew exactly what to do. You leaned closer to his face until your lips were on his and kissed him.

He seemed genuinely surprised by your action but he kissed you back with just as much passion. All the feelings the both of you have been hiding, for the most part, went into that kiss. Unlike the last kiss you two shared however, this one wasn't quite as heated.

There was that desire, but this felt more personal than sex ever had for the two of you. Instead you both kissed passionately, content with how this was. Dean put his arms around your waist to pull you even closer to him. But before the kiss could progress anymore than it has, Sam opened the door to the hotel.

"Oh!" he exclaimed and jumped, ending the kiss. "Sorry I-uh-I forgot the pie!" He said before going back out.

You couldn't help but smile, Sam was such a dork sometimes. Feeling Dean's eyes on you, you turned to look at him only to find his eyes the softest you've ever seen them. They were so full of so many emotions you couldn't begin to describe them all, some you couldn't even identify.

"You know you're an idiot right?" You told him.

He smiled, "very true but please continue."

"How could I possibly hate you?" You asked.

"Well I was a complete dick to you when we-when we were alone before you went back to the University," he said changing his wording.

"Did you mean what you said that night?" You said hoping he didn't.

"No," he said without hesitation.

"Then why'd you say it?" You asked wondering why he would do that.

"Because I thought I already messed everything up, I thought that if I drove you away then less people would get hurt, but I realized too late how stupid that was," Dean explained looking anywhere but your face

"Do you regret it?" You said voicing the question you've been wanting to ask since it happened.

Dean looked back at you and what you saw in his eyes made all doubt of whether he regretted what he did disappear.

"I've regretted it since those words came out of my mouth," he said honestly. "I like you, Y/n, I have for awhile now but I suppose it's just taken me this long to grow the balls to say it," Dean added.

"You-you do?" You asked meekly and he nodded. "Well I might just like you too," you told him with a light smile to which he returned.

As if on que, Sam cautiously opened the door and once he saw both of you had clothes on and weren't kissing, he came in. You quickly finished fixing Dean's wound before washing your hands. By the time you came back out, Dean and Sam were sitting and eating their food.

You couldn't help the smile that formed on your face at how much lighter Dean looked, like a huge weight had been lifted off of him. After your stomach rumbled from the delicious food just 5 feet away, you sat down next to them and dug right in.

And all was well.