
Beautiful sky

In one world someone dies and in another Hibari Kyoya wins a little sister

kzerpagastelo · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

3rd Arc: Daily Life Ch.4

Ch. 4

Location Namimori Japan


"Class this is the new transfer student his name is Gokudera Hayato" - next to the classroom teacher was a silver haired boy whose aura and appearance just screams delinquent, well it would not be the best to judge a book by its cover he committed that mistake once and you will never live it down.

The excited talk of the delusional fangirls obviously did not take long, ugh just thinking about them actually makes me sick better so maybe with the fuss of the new child some of the most persistent crazy women will leave him alone ... Wait a minute he actually He's seeing Tsuna badly of all people Tsuna that boy doesn't have a bad bone in his body because of all people he has problems with him.

Oh god did the bastard did it kicked Tsuna's desk the new kid is officially dead meat, Welp it was a pleasure to have a passing distraction Kyoya will mince him for daring to damage school property and hurt Tsuna ... that too but there is something bad here… oh yes Meyling has not killed him… .. Wait this is not normal at this point a massacre would have already happened.

Looking around I notice that both Kurokawa and Sasagawa whose faces show the fact that they are so many or more confused than I am well it is weird because Meyling is definitely amused and that is a video camera in her hand ... if for the sake of the time Sanity existing in his being he will not ask.

He will simply dedicate himself to feeling sorry for the poor existence of a being called Gokudera Hayato and praying for his mental resistance he simply knows Tsuna and Mey will drag him to madness in one way or another poor boy does not know what he signed up for, besides It is always good to have new friends while more better at least from his perspective I know that Kyoya has a totally opposite policy to mine.

End of Pov

Despite the initial shock caused by the student at school, the classes continued as expected after all, Nami chu was under the terror regime of Hibari Kyoya and he did not expect more than the perfection of the routine that does not affect his peace. , so they all just scattered the new guy was cute right it was worth risking a beating from the demon prefect for obviously not.

Curiously, this particular mentality is what gave the Italian criminal the opportunity to corner the Japanese heir and test his worth, if he managed to kill him and become a candidate for the Vongola heir, maybe he finally has a purpose in life, maybe he will find a sense of being for him. He was sure he would make a better candidate for Vongola heir than this weakling.

20 minutes later.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi you have had and will have an interesting life" -Those words were uttered by an old stranger in a ramen shop and 6-year-old Tsuna totally believed them now at 14 he naively thought that nothing could surprise him anymore the sight of the Italian boy who I tried to kill him not 10 seconds ago swearing him eternal loyalty and singing his praises he liked to prove him wrong

"I was wrong you are the one to be the boss, Decimo I will follow him order me to do anything" -the Albino's eyes showed respect and an adoration that bordered on delirium Tsunayoshi knows it is the same look that Kusakabe Tetsuya has when he sees Kyoya is being punished by the universe for his teasing towards his brother. It's not like that?

"Well done you have gained a good subordinate" - And Reborn the absolute demon is enjoying the chaos Tsunayoshi will not be fooled by the cute packaging he knows that in reality he is pure evil a monster thirsty for chaos fueled by espresso coffee and rancor whose dessert favorite is human misery there is nothing or no one to convince you otherwise.

The words are repeated in his mind as he watches the Italian delinquent / fanboy fly to some boys who care for sure that he does not "Sawada Tsunayoshi you have had and you will have an interesting life" interesting in fact now how he will explain this development to others.

A / N: What is promised is debt people here is the caption time for the trivia someone can tell me who the mysterious pov is I did not make it very difficult the first to respond wins the right to request a special Omokage which perhaps and I repeat just maybe it will be included in the timeline of the story the request also includes Au or encounters with canon