
Beautiful sky

In one world someone dies and in another Hibari Kyoya wins a little sister

kzerpagastelo · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

1st Childhood Arc chap. 8

Long ago

Fon began, remembering the time when he himself was a child and his father told them the same story

-When the stars still had no name, the elements blessed humans with a fraction of their power, those humans, although powerful and revered, were lonely and unhappy as they could not find a place to truly belong completely.

Heaven, seeing the sadness and loneliness in their hearts, I wish I could give them those they needed then, decided to bless an unborn human with his power, he would be born for them to repair their hearts and give them a place to belong.

-And what happened, uncle were they happily ever after? -Asked his niece, still fighting with the dream, Kyoya had already lost the battle, Mey still fought at times so Fon could really see Kimiko in his daughter.

-If they were little girl, it's late you should rest

-but I'm not sleepy

-no buts you must rest

-If I fall asleep, you will go, listen to you, talk to mom

Fon inwardly made a face -definitely Kimiko's daughter -That ... I didn't want you to find out little girl

-I know, just don't forget me, and come back soon, okay? Will you please?

-Of course now to sleep.