
Beautiful mistakes

TRIGGER WARNING: THIS BOOK CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT, VIOLENCE. Losing your virginity to a stranger who doesn't care might feel like the biggest mistake you could ever make especially when you have a boyfriend. But then your boyfriend cheating on you becomes a nightmare that haunts you after the hurtful words he says when he does. Well, that's how Zoey felt only that, the mistake turned out to be the best thing that happened to her because she later gave birth to a young baby girl despite her young age and still in college. What will happen when Zoey meets the stranger who she lost her virginity to and now who is the father of her child? She realizes the father of her child, is his boss, the richest person in the city with quite a bad reputation for being involved with some bad gangs. "You have a kid?"Roy asked and I panicked. How does he know that? No...this can't be happening. I vowed to keep my daughter away from him, he can't know about her. "I'm not talking about this with you Roy. You make me work my ass off the whole day, denying me most of my rights. I don't feel like talking about my personal life with you, you are a bully."I said. Roy looked at me."I want an answer Zoey, do you have a kid or not?" he insisted and this time his voice was so cold. "What are you going to do when I don't answer? Let me guess, make me work overtime like you always do. Go on, I'll do the overtime work I'm used to..... " He cut me off."Don't you dare say anything else Zoey." he roared and then pinching the area between his eye eyebrows, he looked at me with a soft gaze."Why? Why do you always have to provoke me huh? I'm going to kiss you again if you continue being this sassy around me, trust me." he said it like a promise as well as a threat.

Cold_Silence · Urban
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129 Chs

I didn't mean those words.


I looked at Nick smiling at me and I resisted with all my guts to make a disgusted face."What do you want Nick?"I asked him forgetting about Roy. He was the least of my problems right now.

I have to deal with Nick first and tell him to stop pretending like he and I were friends because we were not and honestly speaking, I didn't know who he was, never did five years ago too.

"I am just happy to see you, ain't you happy to see me again? When I saw you yesterday before driving away, I thought I would never see you again but look at what fate has installed for us," he spoke so guiltless I couldn't help myself snort. He was absurd.

Fate he said? Was he out of his mind?" I think you have a problem, Nick. There is nothing such as fate uniting us. It's not like we were separated and we were searching for each other."I told him fighting the urge to be brutal to him. I had so many harsh things I wanted to tell him.

"What do you mean we were not searching for each other? I have been looking for you for years. Where did you go? I heard you dropped out of college and that scared me so much. I thought something bad happened and it made me sad because I knew you would never drop out of college without a valid reason. Since then I have been looking for you." he attempted to touch me but I moved away to prevent his dirty hands from touching me.

I glared at him feeling so disgusted that I was hearing his voice right now. He felt bad for me, I wanted to roll my eyes. Why would he feel bad when he hated me and was disgusted by me?" Are you forgetting something?"I raised my eyebrows at him while wrapping my arms below my breast.

"Forgetting something?" he looked at me confused."I don't think so."

"I am the ugly, disgusting and boring Zoey. Isn't that who you said I was? I have not changed, I am still the same boring and disgusting Zoey. I am wondering why you are talking to me pretending to be nice."I helped him recall since he was pretending not to remember all those harsh things he said to me five years ago. Those words have been haunting me since then.

"You are still with that? I am sorry I said that, you don't know how much I have regretted telling you that. I was not serious, I was hurt and you know it. You hurt me, I had the right to say anything. How could you be ugly when you look like this?" he said looking me up and down.

I wanted to puke my guts out. He was so disgusting for saying that. He was making it seem so simple and like he did not hurt me. He was trying to make me seem as if I was the one making a big deal of what he said and did. He expected me not to be hurt by what he said and did because he had the right to hurt me. That was so toxic.

How are there human beings like him in this world? He was so manipulative I had not realised that before now." I need you to leave me alone Nick. Whenever you see me, you should remember the disgusting, fat person you thought I was and whom you cheated on because she was boring."I told him pointing my forefinger at him.

Then I suddenly chuckled and I could see how confused his face was." Just so you know, all those words you are forgetting to have said, changed my whole life. They gave me a purpose to focus on myself and look at me, I look so good."I told him proud of myself.

"I'm sorry, didn't you hear me say that? Those words meant nothing, I didn't mean any of them but thanks to them, you look like this as you have said. Now I don't know whether to be happy I said them because I have to say, you look so good right now. The most beautiful person I have ever seen." he said checking my body out with a smile. I didn't miss that predatory gaze.

How shameless of him?" Listen to me, Nick, go back to Kira or whatever her name was. You know, the girl you cheated on me with."I told him.

"Stop talking as if you too didn't cheat. We both cheated, we should get past that and move on because I still love you. Hear this, I have my own company now and imagine how great it would be for you to have me as your boyfriend. I would provide anything for you." he said and I wanted to cry.

How dumb was I not to see how stupid this guy was? Back in the day when we were dating, I thought he was the smartest and best guy in the world. Turns out I was as stupid as he was for thinking that.

"I don't need anything from you and let this be the last time you are talking to me. Kira needs your money and time than I do. And yes, we were both unfaithful but the fact that you did it on purpose makes our cheating situations different."I told him but I was not done."And remember this when you see me, I moved on so long ago. I have never spent a single day wondering about you or getting back together with you. That's how irrelevant you became in my life so do yourself a favour and focus on yourself. Maybe then, your brain will have a glow-up like my body did."I dropped the last statement feeling like flying.

I waited so long to say that to him, and finally, just finally, he got to hear that from my mouth. I might have lied when I told him I didn't think about him, but it was not because I missed him, his words were the one haunting me and I always remembered his face saying them to me. That's the only way I got to think about him.

I made a horrendous expression while looking at him then turned around to leave a smile transforming into my face. How happy I felt at the moment. But just then, I saw Roy's face in my view and I gasped." Boss?"I said surprised.

How long had he been standing there? Did he hear my conversation with Nick? God, I hoped not. I completely forgot about him.

He looked at me and instead of saying anything, he looked at Nick then he turned and left. I ran after him not sure why but then I heard Nick call my name holding my hand. At this point, the urge to kill him was just on another level.

"Leave me alone Nick, how many times do you need to hear that?"I tried to yank his hand away but he held me tighter.

"You can come to work at my company Zoey, I know you don't have college papers and as much as you are trying to be strong, I know you are not. You still love me and you don't know how happy I am to have met you again. You don't have to endure misery from your boss because he is underestimating you for not having college papers. I saw how he treated you in that conference room. I read every facial expression on you and even if you won't say it, he is harassing you. I know you, Zoey, you were frightened by him. If you come to work in my company, you won't have to face humiliation in front of anyone because you won't have to work under a harsh tyrant boss." he said.

I stopped fighting to get him to release my hand. I was shocked at what he said. How could he say that? I still loved him? How delusional was he? And who gave him the right to assume that I didn't have college papers? On top of that, he wanted me to quit my job and work for him because he thought he was the less tyrant boss. I would rather die than work under his management.

He thought he knew me? He knew nothing about me, what he knew from five years ago was not who I was now. I had changed, so much he couldn't imagine.

"Let me go of my hand, Nick, you are hurting me, "I calmly told him. I didn't feel like saying anything to him. He had this narcissistic ego about himself and adding the thought of who I was five years ago, I felt like he thought he had an entitlement to criticize me. It would be pointless trying to get some sense in his head.

He refused to let go of my hand and he continued to hurt me even more." You are not listening to me, Zoey. I am rich now." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't care, now let me go, you are hurting me, Nick."I struggled to get my wrist out of his grip. "If you don't let me go, I am going to scream. You don't want that."I threatened.

"Go ahead," he said not terrified at all and I wondered what to do. My bag was slipping from my other hand and if it fell on the floor, my laptop in it would dash to pieces.

"Let go of her hand."I heard Roy's voice say. He didn't leave? I turned to see him standing quite a distance away from us playing with his lighter with one hand and the other in his pocket. He looked so cool." She said you are hurting her, let her go." he added glaring at Nick and I could see a rare angry expression on his face. His face had some life even if it was anger that brought life to it.

Nick released my hand and I immediately held onto my bag looking at the red mark on my wrist. I then looked at Nick with the worst glare."Go to hell bastard."I yelled at him angrily and I walked away. I didn't know where I was going, I just wanted to get away from there.