
Beautiful mistakes

TRIGGER WARNING: THIS BOOK CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT, VIOLENCE. Losing your virginity to a stranger who doesn't care might feel like the biggest mistake you could ever make especially when you have a boyfriend. But then your boyfriend cheating on you becomes a nightmare that haunts you after the hurtful words he says when he does. Well, that's how Zoey felt only that, the mistake turned out to be the best thing that happened to her because she later gave birth to a young baby girl despite her young age and still in college. What will happen when Zoey meets the stranger who she lost her virginity to and now who is the father of her child? She realizes the father of her child, is his boss, the richest person in the city with quite a bad reputation for being involved with some bad gangs. "You have a kid?"Roy asked and I panicked. How does he know that? No...this can't be happening. I vowed to keep my daughter away from him, he can't know about her. "I'm not talking about this with you Roy. You make me work my ass off the whole day, denying me most of my rights. I don't feel like talking about my personal life with you, you are a bully."I said. Roy looked at me."I want an answer Zoey, do you have a kid or not?" he insisted and this time his voice was so cold. "What are you going to do when I don't answer? Let me guess, make me work overtime like you always do. Go on, I'll do the overtime work I'm used to..... " He cut me off."Don't you dare say anything else Zoey." he roared and then pinching the area between his eye eyebrows, he looked at me with a soft gaze."Why? Why do you always have to provoke me huh? I'm going to kiss you again if you continue being this sassy around me, trust me." he said it like a promise as well as a threat.

Cold_Silence · Urban
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129 Chs

Doll face


Two days had already passed and today we were going to hold another meeting with the investors of our new project. I didn't know if Zoey was done with the work I told her to do concerning the project, I liked her version so I thought it was better if put into practice.

I planned to ambush her like last time since I had not informed her what the meeting would be about. I wasn't surprised she did quite a good job last time. She did mess up in the beginning, I think she was just nervous but her presentation was one of the best I have ever heard from a newbie employee. 

Watching everyone stand up as I entered the conference room, made me want to kill them all. All the hypocrisy these people had never ceased to amaze me. Yes, I had the last say but if any of them were to have a chance to behead me, they would do it without a second thinking.

That's the world I lived in. If you were not strong enough, you would be the prey because in all frankness, everyone in this room was my prey and I was the predator. I was the strongest person in the room because my power and influence were the most significant.

I had to work so hard to tap into all the power I had, and I was not proud of most things I did to attain it but what mattered was that I was up here. They say that, in the end, what matters is the results not what you did to get the results. Therefore, I would do anything to retain my power because the moment I slipped, these people would be up for my neck. And they were not the only ones, others were watching me like a hawk hoping I would slip so that they could attack. It was sad.

Once I sat on my respectful chair, everyone sat down. I looked around for that one face and I spotted her standing by the door just like last time. Why did she like standing there?

"Miss Zoey, it's time you present to us that app project," I said and I didn't miss that shocked expression on her face, as I expected. I was curious how she was going to do this. Would she be nervous and act shy like last time? Had she even finished the work?

She walked to the front and got her laptop out, this time I hoped it was fully charged and I guess it was because she started tapping on the keyboard keys avoiding everyone's contact. Of course, she was such a shy little doll face. 

She cleared her throat and then she looked up."My name is Zoey and I'm here to present the project from last time. Nothing is new except for a few codes which I was asked to substitute from the original." she said looking at no one in particular.

She did the presentation, and that was so reliable of her that she had already done the work even though I expected nothing less from her. I just had so much faith in her to do good work because she had much to prove to me so I always knew she would always do a good job.

She wanted to prove that she fit here because I said she didn't. Well, at the moment I had no doubt she fit here, I just wanted to mess with her a little longer by keeping her close. Her being a threat to me was no longer an excuse.

As she was explaining, she paused staring in a certain direction and I followed her line of sight. That guy from last time again? Her ex was it? I can't remember his name but now he was getting on my nerves. 

I get that they were companions once but he was a bully. I am not sure if her wrist was all healed, he did hurt her the last time I saw him with her. Sh*t, why did I care about her wrist? This was not like me, you know, caring and all that kind of emotions.

I believe caring is the worst thing a person could do. People were nothing but tools for me to achieve my goals. I had no care towards anyone. As long as I got what I wanted, I was done with everyone who helped me get what I wanted.

She continued talking looking away but I didn't stop looking at the guy wondering why he was getting on my nerves so much. In all honesty, I hated him, well, I didn't like anyone. I felt nothing towards everyone but him, I hated him for no reason or was there one?

I turned to look at Zoey and she was killing it. In a few minutes, she was done and everyone turned to clap at her the annoying guy clapping the loudest.

"Enough..."I said and I wasn't sure if I just yelled that. I was annoyed. Everyone stopped clapping and they all looked at me."The app is set and done. We just have to put it to the test before launching it. I want suggestions on when it should be launched so that we can plan how long it should take for the test to be done."I announced.

People gave in their suggestions but I was not satisfied with their suggestions and this showed me how I got the wrong team to invest in this project. I have had so many projects but this is the only one that made me dissatisfied. Nobody was using their brains, I wondered how they handled their own companies with the limited knowledge they had. It was such a shame to be led by such people.

I welcomed them for their money investment in this project. I was aware I was going to do the work myself, in this case, Zoey did the work. I had done quite a research on them, and I saw they were stupid people I could control with ease, my mission was already in motion. They were so stupid they didn't know what I had installed for them. They made a deal with the devil.

Zoey was better than all their thirty heads combined. How unfortunate was that? The codes she wrote were better than the codes written by thirty heads. I wanted to laugh at that if only I knew how to.

I looked at her because everyone was just so stupid and I felt she was the only sensible person." What do you think Miss Zoey?"I asked leaning back on my chair.

I slightly smirked at the shocked expression on her face. She couldn't believe I picked her for a suggestion. She needed to work on her self-confidence so much. That was the only thing she lacked, otherwise overall, she was good.

"I uuh...I think.." she explained her suggestion and I nodded immediately agreeing with her.

Since we came into agreement, wait...not really, I forced everyone into agreement. Since I agreed, no one dared to oppose me."Meeting adjourned."I announced and everyone started leaving.

I expected Zoey to leave too but she stood rooted on the ground. What was she waiting for? But then I put the pieces together. The guy from last time. She must have been avoiding her ex.

"Ex troubles?"I asked when everyone left.

She looked at me and I expected her to say something like she always does but she didn't say anything. She just closed her laptop and started walking. Wait, am I missing something here? I was not harsh today with her, why was she mad at me?

"I asked you a question," I said.

"That is not work. We are supposed to talk about work only sir," she said and walked away. What was wrong with her? 

I could only watch her back as she walked towards the door. She had a nice back, I had to say I had realised that. Her front was as good too and her face? She was very beautiful. Her face could only be compared to a doll such that I had made a nickname for her in my mind, doll face.

By the time I was done imagining her beauty, she had already left. I sighed troubled." why is she worrying me? I'm I even capable of that? I might be having illusions. I don't care what her problem is. I've never cared about anyone and she is not different from everyone. She's just a tool disposable any time."I said to myself out loud but there was a voice in my head disagreeing with me and I opted to ignore it.

That voice seemed to open doors for complications in my life, that I was not ready for. Zoey could sulk all she wanted, as long as she did my work right, I didn't care about anything else.