
Beautiful mistakes

TRIGGER WARNING: THIS BOOK CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT, VIOLENCE. Losing your virginity to a stranger who doesn't care might feel like the biggest mistake you could ever make especially when you have a boyfriend. But then your boyfriend cheating on you becomes a nightmare that haunts you after the hurtful words he says when he does. Well, that's how Zoey felt only that, the mistake turned out to be the best thing that happened to her because she later gave birth to a young baby girl despite her young age and still in college. What will happen when Zoey meets the stranger who she lost her virginity to and now who is the father of her child? She realizes the father of her child, is his boss, the richest person in the city with quite a bad reputation for being involved with some bad gangs. "You have a kid?"Roy asked and I panicked. How does he know that? No...this can't be happening. I vowed to keep my daughter away from him, he can't know about her. "I'm not talking about this with you Roy. You make me work my ass off the whole day, denying me most of my rights. I don't feel like talking about my personal life with you, you are a bully."I said. Roy looked at me."I want an answer Zoey, do you have a kid or not?" he insisted and this time his voice was so cold. "What are you going to do when I don't answer? Let me guess, make me work overtime like you always do. Go on, I'll do the overtime work I'm used to..... " He cut me off."Don't you dare say anything else Zoey." he roared and then pinching the area between his eye eyebrows, he looked at me with a soft gaze."Why? Why do you always have to provoke me huh? I'm going to kiss you again if you continue being this sassy around me, trust me." he said it like a promise as well as a threat.

Cold_Silence · Urban
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129 Chs

Cyber attack


I sat down on my chair looking at my working space unbelief written all over my face. The space had a mahogany desk and a few computer hardware with a black leather flexible chair.

I could not believe I made it this far, I got a job in a multitrillion-dollar tech company that specialized in automotive. It manufactures the famous Roma cars and even though I found out my baby daddy was also my boss, it still felt great to make it. I felt proud of myself. I was working in a company where cars were made. How great was that?

I smiled getting my laptop from my bag while looking around at the other employees who had the same desk set-up as mine. We were like thirty colleagues on a single floor which constituted a whole office room belonging to all employees who were computer programmers. Well, I was not sure about everyone being a computer programmer.

R Tech Corp was a big company having connections worldwide. Plus, the main headquarters I was in, had many workers specialising in different departments. I was a newbie, I held no right to make assumptions. 

I accidentally made eye contact with the mean lady from earlier in the conference room. We were in the same office? She sized me up and down making a disgusted face.

I chuckled looking away because I thought she was so ridiculous. What was her problem with me? She didn't know me and I didn't owe her anything for her to start stupid fights with me.

I ignored her negative mean vibes and concentrated on my work. She was not worth a reaction from me unless she pushed my buttons so hard to force me to defend myself.

Immediately I logged in to my laptop I got an alert from my security software and I frowned. Someone was attempting to intrude into my account. Who was this primitive to attempt such a crime and what were they looking for? I was neither rich nor was my information of use, what did they want?

I acted fast and I started tapping into different keys on my laptop to gain control over the situation. I know I had no important information but I was not going to sit and watch someone hack into my account. I not only wanted to gain control but also trace who they were. 

Within minutes I had gained control and blocked them and lucky for them they decided to back off because when I tried to trace them, they had already deleted all the traces. They were good.

I sighed after many failed attempts to track down any trace of the loophole I discovered. Instead of dwelling on the matter, I decided to secure my information by installing a more secure security system on my accounts.


Marcus sighed after experiencing the most shocking experience in his career. He had never failed to gain access to any information about anyone no matter how good the person was.

He was a legend with computers but today he failed. He got access to every information he wanted from anyone, well except his boss. His boss was an exception, nobody could beat him because he was a mastermind. He had mindblowing knowledge about computers.

"Did you manage to gain access?"Roy asked without looking at Marcus. He was reviewing some documents while Marcus sat on the couch his head bowed down on his laptop.

Marcus raised his head wondering how he was going to say he failed. That would be disappointing. Roy had great faith in him, he always had."I failed." he still said the truth. There was no use in lying.

Roy blinked then he raised his head to look at Marcus his face expressionless but Marcus was long used to him being this cold every time he even wondered if he was human." What do you mean you failed?" he calmly questioned his eyes on Marcus.

"She was able to detect my attack before I could get access to anything. She logged me out and blocked me. When she started tracking me I backed off," he explained.

Roy was silent not showing anything he was thinking of on his face." So you found your match? This should be interesting." he said after a while.

Marcus furrowed his eyebrows confused. Interesting? How was he being dethroned interesting? His boss was weird." We don't have any other way to get access to her information and the one submitted in the HR is just a vague one," he said.

"How vague?"Roy asked showing interest. He couldn't believe the same information he rejected was his only choice. How mysterious was Zoey? He wondered but also felt a certain rush to uncover the mystery. 

Marcus tapped the keys on his laptop and then he smiled when he found what he was looking for. "She was raised by a single parent, her mother Anna. She has no siblings. She studied in this city but they lived far from the city. She passed with flying colours her high school entrance exams and college but....."Marcus paused to make sure he was reading it right."But she dropped out of college in her second year only to continue three years later." he said quite shocked.

"Reason for dropping out of college?"Roy asked.

"The reason is not indicated. In my opinion, she must have lacked money to pay for college. Her mother is not that well off. She was on a scholarship."Marcus guessed but if he were to be asked, he wanted to know the real reason. He was a bit curious about the Zoey his boss was so curious about. She seemed fascinating.

Roy sighed. The information was still not satisfying. How was that supposed to tell if she was dangerous or not? He needed more information like phone calls and messages from whom and when, where she spent her time and with whom. If there was a possibility of suspicious financial information transactions. All that could only be found on her phone or computer.

What was he supposed to do now? Leave her be? He looked at Marcus while sitting back on his black leather chair."I will ask this one more time. Do you think she is either dangerous or a threat?"

Marcus blinked wondering why he was facing the same question again."I think she's good. In what terms could she be a threat to you? You are the strongest and most feared person I know. No one would want to mess with you. You are just being paranoid, she was here for a job interview the last time you met her, and her getting the job is evidence enough. Maybe you are thinking too much. About her hiding her face could be because she's just an introverted person."Marcus gave a long statement explaining why Zoey was not dangerous. Of course, he was just saying what he thought was right.

"There's just something about her I can't quite comprehend. However introverted you are, you can't hide your face if you are not scared of someone seeing you. That could mean you are hiding something from the person you are hiding from. She knows me, Marcus, I am sure about that."Roy said his thoughts out loud.

"But that doesn't mean she's dangerous. Maybe she is a victim who saw you doing something bad. It's not like you are a saint. She could have been shocked to see you again."Marcus said.

Roy nodded." Maybe she once saw me torture someone or kill someone in my underworld dealings. There is always a loophole of evidence left." he said seeming to give up on the thought of Zoey being a threat to him." I want her gone." he suddenly let out.

Marcus raised his brows shocked."What do you mean by gone?"

"It's not what you are thinking about, I agreed not to kill anyone, besides, I got my revenge, and I have no resentment. I want her to quit working here. I don't like her, she could not be a threat but she's trouble."Roy said coldly his eyes focusing back on the document.

Marcus took a relaxed breath."But she is good, she managed to beat me. She must have so many skills that can be beneficial."Marcus suggested.

"We don't know that. You should be able to understand that just because someone can stop an attack, doesn't mean they have better skills. I have a feeling she's not that great of a genius."Roy said. He was determined to watch Zoey fail. It was like her failure was his source of joy and he was going to make sure she failed.