
Beautiful mistake with a billionaire: vol 2

Enemies to lovers, one couldn't possible tell how but at some point, love intervened and when they couldn't hold it back any longer, they had to pour out their hearts.

Thomas_Diego_3116 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


"why are you here?" Xavier snapped as he turned to look at Jeffery, he had heard the sound of a car driving in, he knew it was none other than Jeffery.

"To see my sister in law of course" Jeffery spoke as he looked at Abigail and gave her a wink. "I see you both are having fun this morning" Jeffery added as he took a glance at the dining table, he noticed a few extra dishes. 

"You had guests?" Jeffery asked as he looked at the dining and then looked at Xavier.

"Unwanted guests" Xavier answered.

"Are you still going to the Opera?" Jeffery asked as he took a sit on the couch with his legs crossed.

Hearing the question, Xavier first galnced at Abigail to see her reaction, he could go alone if he wanted to but that would bring up questions in the media. Afterall he had already introduced Abigail as his wife in front of the media, if he shows up at the Opera alone then it would bring up different speculations.

"Are you going?" Xavier asked his wife. 

Abigail contemplated for a while, well, it's not like she had anything better to do. 

"Yes" Abigail answered with a small smile as she tried to hide her dismay. 

"So you need to take permission from your wife first before going, huh?" Jeffery teased.

"Who's you plus one?" Abigail asked Jeffery, all the while Jeffery had been the one teasing her, she was hoping she would have the opportunity to tease him a little.

"I don't have one" Jeffery said with an air around him that said he didn't care wether or not he had one.

"Why?" Abigail asked. 

"Long story" Jeffery said as he rubbed his nape shyly, a habit he had formed. 

"Don't you have anything to do?" Xavier asked Jeffery again, Xavier was already planning to spend the day with Abigail and Jeffery being here was a disturbance.

"I was planning to take my sister-in-law shopping today and then we'll have lunch later before the opera" Jeffery said. 

"Shopping?" Abigail asked with raised brows as she looked at Jeffery and then at Xavier. 

"Yeah, it's going to be fun, I've never really had the chance to spend time with you without Xavier coming in the way. I'm sure he won't mind me borrowing his wife for a few hours" Jeffery said as he glanced at Xavier with a sly smirk before adding. "Unless you are being clingy" Jeffery added .

Xavier didn't react to his words, he knew exactly the kind of game Jeffery wanted to play but he wasn't going to fall for it today. He had other plans, if Jeffery wanted to go out with Abigail then he would allow it some other time. But today was for him and Abigail and he already made plans. 

"You are not borrowing my wife Jeff" Xavier finally spoke out after thinking for a while. 

"Come on, don't tell me you can't stay an hour or two without her?" Jeffery asked jokingly followed by a laugh.

"I'm not playing with you" Xavier said as he let go of his grip on Abigail. "Leave my house already, you've overstayed" Xavier said as he pointed to the door. 

"I've only been here for a few minutes, jeez" Jeffery complained as he got up and dusted his pants like he was trying to rid himself of the invisible filth. "Alright I'll leave, just know the next time you go on a vacation I won't be filling in for you" Jeffery said before raising his head up and walking out, acting like a child. 

Abigail didn't know wether to laugh or feel bad for Jeffery, she had watched everything unfold in front of her. She wasn't going to interrupt, though she was the reason for the word exchange. She was the one who Jeffery asked out for shopping but Xavier had been the one to give an answer, that didn't seem right.

"I think I would have loved to go shopping with Jeffery" Abigail said when Jeffery walked out, she turned to find Xavier already climbing the stairs, not wanting to be left alone she quickly followed him.

"We'll go shopping" Xavier said as he continued climbing and when he noticed that she was following him, he paused and waited till she caught up before he continued walking.

"And then the Opera?" Abigail asked still not okay with going to the Opera.

"Anywhere else you want to go to?" Xavier asked.

"Actually come to think of it, I would prefer to sleep in my room all day, that's way better than going shopping or Opera. Sleeping is good you know" Abigail said followed by a yawn as she stretched a little, she had zero sleep last night because of Xavier and now her muscles are tired. 

"You are lazy, no wonder you don't know how to cook" Xavier spoke out of the blue. He noticed that Abigail had now paused in her footsteps like she was trying to register his words. 

"What is it?" Xavier asked as he looked down at her from where he stood. 

"I can cook, I just don't like cooking" Abigail defended as she started climbing the stairs again. 

"You can cook but you don't want to cook, that's laziness" Xavier said as he opened the doors to her room and watched her walk in. 

Abigail walked in and she saw Xavier continue to stand outside. Abigail paused and turned to look at him, he seem to not want to come inside her room.

"You are not coming in?" Abigail asked with raised brows, this was not the first time Xavier was here but he was acting a little different.

"Why should I?" Xavier asked as he leaned on the door frame with one half of his body resting on the wall and his arms folded across his chest. 

"I'm not forcing you, you can stand there if you want or do whatever, I don't care" Abigail said as she took a sit on her bed and grabbed her cellphone. It then occured to her that she still hadn't been able to reach Kai ever since. Whenever she called it would always take her to voice mail and sometimes it just says unreachable.

"Do you want to pay him a visit?" Xavier asked surprisingly.