
Beautiful Me

I'm me, the me I choose to be. If you want to see more, or hear me perform my pieces you'll find me on YouTube: Cams Kami. Just search ‘Cams intro,’ it’s dedicated to my sister ;) Prequel to ‘My Voice.’ My voice is added starting chapter 64.

camicamille · Teen
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72 Chs

Kites may 5 19

I was at church and the speaker talked about how we were kites and the savior was our string. Without tension how we'd fall.


Keep that tension

And take flight

You'll be my string

And I'll be the kite

Let me guide you

Hold you there

I'll be the string

And you'll be my kite

The wind beneath my wings

As we take flight

We take turns

Being the guide

Side by side

For every part of the ride

Let me hold you

As you hold me,

As we set free~

I'll be your wind

I'll be your kite

You'll be the string

And the guiding light

We'll take turns again and again

Again and again~