
Beautiful Lie of Love

Game of love, Hunt or get hunted.

Janvi_Pathania_4120 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"I don't know whom you are mentioning??" she smiled lightly and wiped his tears.

"The sovereign??" he felt her touch against his cheeks and felt incomparable happiness. Although he was also not sure.

Everyone, who was standing there was dumbstruck. What is this guy talking about?? The sovereign?? Of what?? 

"I'm not sure." She didn't deny it.

His body trembled as he inhaled. If she really is the sovereign, isn't he lucky to see her?? 

"But how you are so sure??" 

"I don't know, I just felt. When I saw you, I suddenly remembered the description of 'the sovereign of nature' and I just saw her in you." His shoulder dropped letting him see that he is just a humble servant. He is a follower of 'night', but isn't every element made by her??

"Very well. I may and may not be her." she chuckled.

His head dropped. May and may not be… 

But his instinct is telling him, she is not ordinary as she seems. Not to mention he only felt happiness and peace when she held him. This is not something you will find in an ordinary person or any element wielder.

"May I see your injury, Your Majesty??" he asked but didn't have any courage to look at her body.

"Yes, you can." She smiled and looked at Archer, who was silently observing their interaction.

"Sovereign of nature??" Elias pondered.

"Father, didn't our mother tell us about this story?? Was that real??" Aiden asked.

"I'm also not sure myself." Archer frowned.

'Love of Light and Dark' is a famous tale not just in the kingdom, but in the overall universe. Archer has heard about this story countless times. 

Two holy lovers, punished by the gods. Now that Lorenzo has mentioned it, his daughter almost perfectly fits the description of the sovereign of nature. 

"Did you see how, how Lorenzo changed his behavior when he realized this??" Aiden whispered. 

"Well, how could he not?? This tale is really famous in the holy world. Everyone, who wields the elements in their hands, treats this tale as their life." Elias answered while eyeing the big man touching Rohana's injured foot with both of his hands.

Lorenzo was holding her foot like his life depend on him. His eyes closed; his mind focused. And within a snap her injury was gone like it was never there.

"It's done, Your Majesty." He spoke. 

But he didn't let go of her foot, instead, he pulled the foot near his lips. Rohana felt his breathing against her foot but didn't say anything. Something inside her stopped her from saying anything, silently permitting him to go on.

His lips touched his ankle, kissing the area where there was redness. 

"Have mercy on me, Your Majesty."

Everyone gasped. 

The high priest lowered his head?? The high priest who is the 2nd most influential person after the king, is willing to lower his head?? The high priest, who didn't even budge when the King threatened him is now shedding the tears of mercy?? How ironic.

"You are cute." She squeaked, which earned a smile from him.

"Will you be my friend??" she forwarded her hand toward him. He was dumbfounded. He surprisingly glanced at his hand and then hers'. Can he really hold her hands?? Is he that lucky?? His eyes widened and a tint of redness appeared on his cheeks.

"Rohana, how about we go and eat dinner??" Archer bends down to her level, purposely pushing Lorenzo out of her sight.

"Uhh… As you wish, your Majesty." His jaw clenched when he again heard this title, suddenly feeling to throw all the concerning royal titles out of the door.

"Rohana, who I am??" he suddenly caught her off guard.

"You are the king of Kira, Archer-

"Who I am to you??"

"My father."

"So, how should you regard me??"

"… Father…"

"Yes, that's more like it." He smiled at his big victory; this victory is much bigger than those wars he has fought.

"Then… who am I??" Elias coughed, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Eldest Brother." A sudden blush appeared on his cheeks.

"In this case, how should you call me??" Aiden jumped from behind.

"2nd brother." His jumps increased. 

The three authoritative men were smiling like a fool when this little kid regard them with family titles.

Archer picked her up and eyed Lorenzo who was still looking at his hands.

Stupid! Trying to get close to my daughter?? Dream on!! He thought while taking Rohana to the dining room.

Lorenzo who was still looking at his hands in a daze doesn't realize when he was dragged by the knights. This is how his night ended, feeling out most happiness.



'Love of Light and Dark' is a famous tale in the world. Every kingdom has this tale. But the highlighted part is that this tale was never written anywhere. No one knows the origin of this tale, but still, it's alive in people's mouths.

Every universe has 7 dimensions of time, with an additional dimension for the realm of God. This specific realm has given birth to all the elements present in the universe. 

The universe was divided into 5 essential elements for life to uphold its roots. 

Air, Water, Earth, Space, and Time. 

Multi dimensions were introduced in the tale, telling people that time and space have their own version. Life exists in every dimension made by the supreme personality.

It was believed that the supreme was in extreme love with his wife and that he only spends time with her, neglecting the work of the universe. 

The existing elements were really upset by his behavior. 

People were just existing, there was no cycle of life and death. With this, people were exploiting the powers of nature.

The power of these elements could be held in a single shell, but due to overpowered humans, it was difficult to hold these powers in an already-filled vessel. No one was really interested in these powers due to their overgrowing life; they were tired. And if no one can wield these elements' powers, the course of nature could be destroyed due to tremendous energy.

These elements reached the realm of the supreme god so that he can provide some solution. 

The new rule of 'life and death' was introduced. Every soul was given a temporary body, in which they will be born and die in a continuous loop. But there was a con to this process… competition. 

People killed people. The more people they kill the more power they will attain. The cycle of life and death was in chaos. Seeing innocent people dying for nothing, God instructed all the elements.

"Two shells will arrive to hold your power; they will uphold the tree of life and bind the branches of death. One will manipulate life and the other will hold death. One will handle day and night all the weather the other will be responsible for the cosmos. The tremendous power of nature will be held by those two souls, they will introduce the concept of philosophy and education. One will hold sword, the other will master archery. Time will be manipulated by one the other will manipulate the mind, and space will be held by one the other will operate loop."

The instruction was followed. All the elements started searching for such souls. Air blow everywhere to find the reminisce of these souls creating more chaos, followed by the time. Time reversed itself again and again to find any clue.

Space searched all the dimensions to find these elementalists.

But there were these two serene elements. Earth and water. They knew that they don't have to run here and there to find those wielders. A girl was born from a womb of earth, making it more contented. A boy was born somewhere in water making others believe that he was birthed by water.

Those Elementalist doesn't just control the power but also introduced the way of life to people. They told them how should they arrange the pattern of living, and these 5 kingdoms were introduced by those souls. 

These souls were not just partners, but they fell in love with each other, disregarding the rule of the universe: the elements, the light, the darkness, the life, the death, the ground, and the sky, must not merge themselves in emotions.

Otherwise, every soul will be punished.

Not everyone was brave enough to disregard the rule of the universe except these two souls. Yes, not everyone was the Sovereign of nature and the Monarch of darkness.

When the realization hit them, that they have to reincarnate again, their memories will be erased, they have to start everything again and leave each other to go to different dimensions, those two monarchs hugged each other for the last time.

Sovereign of nature died first, in the arms of her lover. He is believed to shed tears of blood. Absorbing everything in his grief, even her body. With blood in his eyes, he glanced at his empty hands, where his lover was lying a few moments before. He instructed his brother 'death' to hold the soul of the sovereign and take her where she meant to be.

He closed his eyes and sighed. Now, it's his time. 

But nothing happened. He was still seated in the same place. Instead of seeing an unfamiliar dimension, he saw two more men staring right into his soul.

It took him no time to understand what had happened. He had observed the energy of his beloved, the tremendous power. 

His soul was split into 2 more pieces, holding his energy in their own shell. The three of them looked different but it was his one soul. God must have punished them.

He understood what their future held. He, whose energy is divided doesn't have to roam in the cycle of life and death. But his lover has to. His shell was now only used to hold her overflowing power when she dies. He has to see her die every time in every dimension. 

This punishment of God was cruel, but they had no choice but to go on with this arrangement. 

No one really knew if this story was real; this tale is just roaming from mouth to ear. No one has mentioned it in any scripture or book. But still, this tale has been engraved in people's brains. 

It's so funny how people only know one side of the story and judge you on this basis. Who knows, how many laughs that tale had held, how many tears this romance had shed. Everyone loves their own speculations, defying whether it's true or not.