
Beasts World

Hiro_Volpez · Games
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3 Chs

Cryatal Hare

The man is looking down the rocky mountain staring at the vast forest in front of him with trees that would grow to hights of 30 to 40 feet. The trees have a leen look with a branches that were long and thick and had a good many leaves.

"status" the man says out loud when a screen apeared in front of his face.

[ Name: Alex ]

[ Level 0]

[ Apaptations 0]

These three phrases apeared in front of his face making him wince. "I was so close to my first evolution, this sucks"

Alex starts to look around the mountain while thinking " If there was any rain resently a river should be near." The first thing Alex always did after comeing back into the beast world would be to find water. He did this for many reasons.

First waters a must in this world. This lead to the second fact that humans group around water so if he could find a river he may find other people. Alex didn't really like people because they had a tendency to be greedy, but it also allowed him to trade for things like clothes.


Beast World is a huge layered universal plane that humans discovered around seven hundred years ago that allowed people to make their bodies stronger, faster and many other crazy adaptations they can take from this world. This allowed humans to risk their life to get stronger to fight the other species in the many universes the humans have colonized and the many ones they havent. The best part was the first layer, the easiest, made dieing an impossibility it would only start you at the beginning of your cultivation.

The down sides though were you could bring nothing in or out other then your body. The higher levels though also had to cultivate at the risk of their lives aswell.


After a coulpe of hours walking around the base of the surrounding mountains Alex still couldn't find water but in front of him was a different problem. 50 feet in front of Alex stood a rabbit like creature that had crystallized hairs runing down its body.

In Beast world their are many types of creatures that have adapted in atrange ways. This creature Alex had see before and it was annoying to deal with because it was extremely fast and also would cut you with the crystals on its back. There was good news though Alex had heard their is a chance to gain a rare adaptation from it.

When killing something in Beast World you would gain a slight boost in your physical capabilities based on what you killed. This rabbit for example wold probably increase Alexs speed. With every kill you also have a minor chance of getting an adaptation that would cause significant changes to a person anatomy.

Alex got excited when seeing this rabbit because he new if he could kill it and gain the adaptation he would be able to more easily kill later. This rabbit was also a lower level creature compared to some things Alex fought in his pass life.

This was only Alexs second time coming into Beast World. He was relatively lucky in his past and had a bit of a cocky strak going until he ran into those lizards.

Alex shock his head to stop remembering the past to focus on right now. it woul be difficult but if nothing else a slight speed boost from the beginning would be great. Alex always liked being fast, it helped him attack and run away so it was always a good stat to invest into.

Looking forward Alex noticed this rabbit was busy eating grass and still hadn't noticed him. This was good because Alex could see a path where if he could be quite enough he could sneak up on the bunny and quickly finish it leading to his dinner and hopefully gain of an adaptation.

So right now their were several problems though. Alex was naked and had no weapon. He looked around keeping an eye on the bunny to make sure it didn't sneak attack him because that would be an extremely embarrassing death. After a minute of searching Alex found a stick to use as a club, it was about a foot long and an inch and a half in diameter. It may not kill in one shot but it would be better then punchin crystal.

Next Alex walked behind the bunny by about a hundred feet slowly getting closer to its behind. Alexs plan is to hit it back leg hopeing to break it and then just bash its head in. Alex thought it may take a strike or two to break the rabbits neck or skull because it had that strip of crystal fur running down its spine. This meant it would be best if Alex stopped its ability to move first so it couldnt attack him.

With this plan in mind Alex was creeping closer silently.

100ft.. 70ft.. 40ft.. 30ft until then Alex felt good about his plan. Then the rabbits ear twitched facing Alex, in that moment Alex held his breath hoping for his chance. The rabbit turned its head towards Alex where it clearly saw him. Alex then exhaled trying to gain his breath while running forward.

The rabbit jumped up turning in the air and when it landed it was facing Alex. Now Alex was only 7ft away and Alex stopped movinge and took a stance that looked like he was playing golf. His club was pulled back. The rabbit didnt care it burst forward at a speed even faster then Alexs 7ft was closed in the blink of an eye. Alexs club was swinging down and smacked the rabbits head but the club was now broken in half due to the pressure.

The rabbit was flung back 5ft and landed on the ground sliding back tearing up some ground on its way. Alex ran forward without hesitation, if Alex had anything it would be decisiveness if he wanted to act he would.

Alex jumped on the rabbit and grabbed its neck and twisted. This caused for several gashes in his right hand as he cut it on the fur . The next moment his system said.

[ diamond backed bunny killed]

[ gained 1 point in speed ]

[ gained adaptaition crystal hare]