
A whole new wooorld!!

It was surprisingly normal outside. I expected it to look fiery and red, but it was full of greenery and had a beautiful sky. An idea popped into my head"System who owned this body before me?"

[Previous owner of body was a demon named Jonah Arc, would you like his memories? Y/N]


[Integrating… Complete]

I recoiled, expecting pain but all I got was a bunch of info being crammed into my head, so I started to sift through it.

"Damn". Turn out that this dude had a bad life. He was orphaned at birth and was commonly raped by people in his sect because of his three list-filled bloodlines, Incubus, faceless, and Devilchild. Now that I looked at myself, the new me was packin'. I had 8-pack abs, a long *Cough* phallus*cough*, and muscles girls would drool over."I guess this is the side effects of three lustful races, a body to charm the opposite one"

I walked through a valley which had many sheds akin to my own, and spotted several other demonic species, ranging from low level demons to succubi. I released my wings and tail and started attempting to fly, and after a few flaps, I was off, going to where my memories told me the sect training ground was.

The sect was a sect in the demonic realm called the Demon Tree sect, in honor of the Giant tree that supports the sect.

Another price of information I pulled out was that after a demon's bloodline was awakened or they reached a certain level, they could become at outer disciple, and live on one of the thirty-seven mountains in the area or the hundreds farther away.

After about twenty minutes of flying, I reached the main part of the sect. I was a large area the size of a town, and filled with shops and places of registry for disciples. I made my way to the nearest one and told the senior working there"I would like to apply to become an outer disciple, as I've awakened my innate bloodline"

"Name please" The senior Replied

"Jonah Arc"

"Show me your hand" The senior ordered as I obeyed. I could feel him analyzing my blood with his Qi, and then he said"Confirmed, bloodline awakened, would you like to take on any missions for some rewards?"

"What's available?"

"There are 4 missions available, one in the high mountains 29 miles out, one in the desert 42 miles out, one in the caves in the nearest mountain, and one in the forest 47 miles out" He listed

"I'll take the mission for the forest" I Replied, taking the paper from his stand as I started to fly off. I wanted to buy something but until I get money, I'll be poor.

I flew west, towards the forest as I messed around with my Qi. In my first life, I was a weapon fanatic, both modern and medieval. I tried to for something akin to a revolver from my past life, and I succeeded. Mid-flight I pointed it towards the nearest tree and pulled the trigger, and a light was shot out from it, punching straight through a tree that was easily 5 foot thick. I knew it definitely shouldn't be that strong, as it'd take a lot of work for someone at my level to cut those trees. I let the revolver dissipate, so that no one else could copy my moves, before I left towards the forest again.

I was flying towards the forest when an eagle tried to attack me, I dodged it and sped away, wanting to conserve energy for now .

I was about three miles away from the forest, when I heard a menacing sound.


It was a Sleek panther, known for their speed and ferocity among the skin tempering realm. It kept up with me as I flew above it, as it was waiting for me to come down. I decided to oblige as my wings immediately disappeared, and I plummeted towards the ground. I concentrated for a second and the Qi revolver was re-formed in my hand and aimed at the panther. With a loud gunshot, the panther simply fell to the ground dead, not even a fight.

[Bloodline detected, does Host wish to absorb? Host will gain Sleek panther form and abilities.]

"Yes" I mentally yelled. Immediately I could feel my body change and transform to a sleek panther. I didn't need to get used to it because basic information about how to control the body was implanted in my head. I immediately went over to the corpse of the one I killed, and fed on it, not disgusted since it was instincts from the panther that told me to eat.

After I was full, I noticed the information about abilities. I almost smacked my head"System show me my abilities."

[Abilities(Not defined)

Qi revolver

Basic Qi manipulation

Qi claws

(More will be here as Host gains more abilities)

Darkness affinity

Metal affinity(From original form)]

I immediately tried the Qi claws skill, and my claws glowed with a silver sheen, as they became much sharper. I decided to stay in this form for a while. An idea suddenly came to mind"System can I use my wings in this form?"

[Correct, just imagine them like normal]

"Yeah!" I immediately summoned them and tried to fly. It was more difficult with this body but I succeeded. The first thing I need to do is establish a shelter before doing the mission, as it is almost nightfall. I quickly dragged a bunch of branches and giant leaves to the side of a tree with my mouth.

As I finished setting everything up and dispelling my wings, I went to lay down in the new shelter. Before I could fall asleep, I saw a motion out of the corner of my eye. I crept up to it as quietly as possible while activating my Qi claws. When I was close enough I punched and cut the animal deeply in the side, penetrating its heart. As it died I asked the system what kind of beast it is.

[Beast is a sleek panther (metal)variant. It absorbs metals to increase body strength]

"Absorb!" I told the system as I saw the notification and heard the voice in my ears. This was a rare catch. I saw the notification and then headed back towards my temporary shelter, and drifted off into a comfortable sleep.