

A vulgar nomadic drifter with a strange affliction comes to the aid of a teenage runaway. Their bond brings new challenges and many great new risks as his affliction and her inescapable youth place them at odds with the world around them.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 4: Late Night Contention Brings An Escape Plan

Second Bedroom,The Hadley Residence,Trenton County, Oregon....

Startled awake via the forcible knocking at her bedroom door, Rae found herself sitting up in bed with her knees tucked beneath her arms enraged and terrified at the prospect of what could happen once that drunken bastard Ed Earl finally found a way into her bedroom in the middle of the night. She supposed it was too much to ask for the twisted bastard that had been the sperm donor for her birth to croak in his sleep or drink himself to death due to alcohol poisoning, but she came to the realization that scaleless reptiles like him were immune to that kind of thing. As if she didn't have enough problems she had to worry about here was Ed Earl banging on her door no doubt masterbating while he did it and getting his gunk all over the doorknob. She rolled her eyes wishing so badly for him to just keel over and leave her alone. He was the worst of the offenders in her mind's eye as he was her own father and father's were suppose to protect their daughters and teach them about how to find love and support, this sick bastard was only interested in teaching her about sex and how he liked to have his cock rubbed.

There were journals filled to the brim with haunting poetry and writings depicting the death of Ed Earl. She'd even taken to clinging to goth culture with making tiny effigies of him and burning them for delight. She didn't understand why people were so disgusting in her town, sure there wasn't much to do but trying to instigate sex with a minor just because you've ploughed your way through the town didn't give anyone an excuse.

High school boys like Brody Davis, a blond haired blue eyed wanna be jock of the next generation, were just as bad, but at least it was expected of them and appropriate for their age range. Brody fancied himself the star of the football team and as such expected every woman with two sets of lips to put out for him. Rae had not been one of those women. She hated Brody Davis almost as much as she hated Ed Earl. The sick bastard was always giving her a hard time and leading the charge when it came to making fun of her being underdeveloped in comparison to the sluts that he bedded. Even worse was the snide remarks about Ed Earl's attempted rapes.

Brody knew exactly where to hit to hurt, but Rae still wouldn't give him the time of day.

Rae came to the conclusion that if the time came she'd be all too happy to be rid of this place and as a result kept a backpack of possible items to keep her contained when she finally did hit the road. She saved a bit of money from odd jobs and chores around town, it was good to know that all of the people weren't total wastes of garbage, but they were not enough to make her want to stay or to ever comeback if ever she did leave.

The darkness of her bedroom was the only comfort she seemed to have in this place as it was when she didn't have to look at herself and see the desperation and hopelessness behind her own eyes and when all the rest of the world died away and she was left alone at least for the most part until the sun came up the next day.

As a child she use to cry herself to sleep. As a teenager she became morbid and obsessed with the subject of death so much so that she wore black and wrote sad poems. The music wasn't much help either being as death obsessed as she was but she wasn't obsessed with death for herself, she had not been the problem. She was obsessed with the deaths of all those disgusting pigs that thought it was okay to not only prey on innocent children but to go out of their way to ruin their innocent little lives for shits and giggles.

Rae once again felt a bit of rage stirring within her chest as Ed Earl once again ripped her from her thoughts due to his incessant banging on her bedroom door.

"RAELYNN LET ME IN!" he shouted in his drunken aggression. "Daddy's got something he wants to show ya."

"FUCK OFF ED EARL!" replied Rae fed up with that bastard and his nightly visits.

"You got some mouth on you little girl." he replied indignant . "Just you wait...someday soon you gonna get what's coming to you mouthy little bitch just like your whore of a mother!"

"And one day you'll be dead and I'll be dancing on your grave you sick child molseting perve." she replied.

Enraged, but knowing there was little he could do for the time being, Ed Earl took his leave of her ranting and breaking things as he made his way out the front door.

Rae heard the slamming of the doors as Ed Earl had gone and secretly hoped he'd get hit by an oncoming semi truck and it crushed every bone in his pathetic little body.

She took a few moments to lie back down unsure what the next encounter would bring now that she had openly provoked him, before when she had he took to beating her with his belt before forcing her to touch his cock. More rage filled her as she suddenly looked over at the backpack that had been packed for just such an occasion. There was no need to sit and endure the worst of what that twisted freak had to offer when she had a clear means of escape.

Her mother was either drunk or high depending on her choice of poison that night and possibly still at the strip club. Ed Earl had gone as well and possibly in search for a woman playing the part of drunken slut to satisfy his urges for the time being and no one would be any the wiser.

Rae got dressed pulling on a pair of black jeans, her black heavy boots, a few t-shirts with one being longsleeve and black in color, and her favorite pullover hoodie which of course had been black in color. She moved quickly packing what she could for the trip and even grabbing the nearly eight hundred dollars in tips her stripper mother brought home the previous night. She scraped up the cash even snagging a bit extra as she headed out the door shoving the money into her deep pocket and not even giving the place a parting glance once she'd been through the door.

There was no way she was going to stay another night in this horrible place, not when there had to be something better out there in the rest of the world where creeps like these didn't always exist.