
Beast World Portal

Liss took her mother place as she was pulled into a world that she thought was a daydream of her mentally ill mother. Her mother wasn't delusional, she was telling the truth. Now she is alone in a new world where nothing makes sense and the only thing she can do is adapt.

Mctunado · Fantasy
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24 Chs

New feeling

We stayed in each others embrace for some time just enjoying the warmth.

I never felt this connection with Levi before, skinship was normal between us but this time I felt a little tingle in my heart.

'Time could stop now.'

"Leave your clothes here, he will probably provide some for you."

"Can I take my panties?"

Levi pondered and nodded.

"He probably won't understand why you need them."

I got up and rummaged the basket that Levi made to store my clothes. They never understood why I changed clothes everyday and washed the used ones every time.

There is a herb here that the witch doctor used for wounds that were already infected, I deduced that they had anti-bacterial properties and used them to soak my clothes with them in a rock bowl.

I even thought of making a big tub made of stone to use to take a bath but before, one of the only places I was allowed to go was the lake so I never expressed my idea to keep going there.

Folding the cotton underwear inside a big banana leaf I was ready to go. It's a shame that I won't be able to say goodbye to Ishid nor Semion but Levi said that before long I will be back so it's ok.




In the afternoon Feng Huang came back with a big basket, big enough to fit a person inside.

"Are you ready, little female?" He said in his elegant voice.

I turned towards Levi and gave him a hug as a good bye, his face still holding no emotions had watery longing eyes.

Lowering his head he planted a kiss on top of my head and released me from his embrace with reluctance.

"Take care, bunny."

"Let's go little one."

Walking towards Feng Huang I felt a sudden excitement, I finally get to see more of this world before settling down with Levi and building a family.

'It's kind of my bachelor party."

Feng Huang lifted me by my armpits and placed me inside the basket, looking closely it was filled with leafs and even some flowers to make it more comfortable.

Feng Huang turned and walked towards Levi, he leaned closer and whispered something making his eyes widen and his body to tremble. Levi raised his hands towards me but with just one hand on Levis shoulder he subdued him making he knee down and groan.

"Levi!" Even after calling him he stood still on the ground trembling and only Feng Huang turned to answer.

"There is no need to worry, I explained what will happen if that wolf cub throw another tantrum."

While walking in my direction he slipped the upper part of his hanfu leaving it to fall over his arms, in contrast to my three friends he had a lean flawless body, his skin was so well kept that made me wonder if he soak in honey before his beauty sleep.

"Close your mouth lest a bug nest, little one." He said mocking me. "Remember to hold the sides as to not fall down."

His wings appeared and started flapping making his feet leave the ground.

When on top of me his legs turned into bird claws with which he grabbed the handle.

"Hatchling, heed my warning and everything will be fine."

With this he set of flying grabbing the basket with his claws, the initial velocity was high making me shut my eyes and grab the basket with all my strength.

After the initial fright I felt the wind slowing down.

"Open your eyes and see." Feng Huang said chuckling at my frightened appearance.

Reluctantly opening my eyes I saw a white sea beneath us and a infinite blue.


Seeing my reaction Feng Huang chuckled

"Are we over the clouds?"

"We are."

The scenery was breathtaking and a felling of complete peace took over.

"I wish I could fly too."





Our final destination was a short cliff near the ocean, there was a big wood house with a L shaped stone path that went from the front of the house down though the florest.

'It's different from earth.'

Feng Huang left the basket with me on it on the floor and transformed back. He straitened his closes and simply walked away.

'He really don't give a damn to females.'

The basket was big but wasn't impossible to get out, in the process it knocked down and I fell flat onto the ground.



Liss sat on the ground dusting herself with her hands after the fall. The girl had already acknowledged that her world was small, she had never in her life explored outside the bubble her mother allowed her to live in and she never really tried before.

Her father used to call her princess, before going to school when she was small he would hug her and promise her the world while praising her. Liss was trully loved by her father, while looking at Feng Huangs back as he walked away she sat quietly on the ground thinking.

Her body was trembling but she wasn't cold, her heart beating fast even though she wasn't scared.

While hugging herself, her head fell down and a anxious smile crept on her face, as a rational person she had no idea that what she was feeling was excitement.

Oblivious to his guest on the ground, Feng Huang went inside the house looking around at the house he abandoned some years ago seeing it was dusty and worn instantly regretting his actions. He is a proud orc, in all his years he had never lifted a finger to clean or cook but now he was responsible for a female.

Just then he noticed her absence and annoyed his eyes searched for her seeing her scrunched on the ground earnings a annoyed groan from him as he made his way to her side quicker than when he walked away.

He was expecting a weeping girl complaining about the situation but what he saw puzzled him. She was trembling but her face didn't make sense, seeing the ends of her mouth curled up even though she was bitting her lower lip and her eyes wide open with a strange gleam changed his annoyance to curiosity.

last chapter on 1° pov.

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