
Chapter 9 Preparations for Going to the Forest

When the morning sun shone again in the city, Ethan and Hulk were already standing at the street entrance, waiting for Julian.

"My master, there are footprints of goblins over there."

All of a sudden, Hulk, who was standing behind Ethan, pointed to the alley nearby.

"Goblins? Are they wild?"

From what they had seen yesterday, all the humans in this city should have a summon book. Their summoning beasts, except a few people, were the same goblins.

If a considerable number of humans passed by with the summoned goblins, perhaps Hulk would misjudge them.

However, Hulk said firmly.

"Yes, my master. They were footprints left by wild goblins."

Hulk walked to the alley and pointed at the messy footprints.

"Judging from the traces and quantity, these goblins may come from the forest of the city. And the number of them is no less than ten. I'm afraid they are sent by a large tribe to scout."

Hearing Hulk's analysis, Ethan couldn't help but become serious.

So coincidental. On the first night of the huge change in the city, goblins ran in. And it was the stomp point before the attack.

In particular, the place which might be attacked was close to Julian's home.

"It seems that we have to postpone our plan to go to the forest,"

Ethan asked Hulk again.

"Hulk, can you tell when the goblin tribe will launch the attack?"

Hulk raised his hand and touched his head. He frowned and thought for a while.

"Maybe tomorrow, or maybe the day after tomorrow. I'm not sure."

After saying that, Hulk thought for a while in silence.

"There are many people in this city who can summon goblins. And the goblin tribe probably doesn't know about this."


Ethan nodded slightly.

Although the goblin was timid, it was able to use all sorts of methods to attack the enemy under the leadership of a powerful and experienced leader.

If the goblin scouts who came to investigate last night were from the smart goblin tribe, the attack would probably happen after figuring out the situation here.

After all, there were a lot of summoning beasts in this city.

If they didn't know it, they would probably regard this city as a large goblin tribe.

Presumably, what the goblin tribe wanted to know the most now was whether there was a leader goblin in this city.

If not, the goblin tribe would launch an attack to take control of the city.

After thinking for a while, Hulk finally nodded in agreement with Ethan.

"My master, you are right. I'm afraid the goblin tribe will have this idea. But before that, the goblin tribe has already begun to figure out the situation here."

While they were talking, Julian appeared in a hurry.

It seemed that he was looking for something or someone.

As soon as he saw Ethan and Hulk, he was overjoyed.

"Ethan, Ethan! You come just in time! Something happened!"

Hearing Julian's words, Ethan and Hulk looked at each other subconsciously.

Hulk shook his head and murmured.

"Does this mean that Hulk has become smarter after being with my master?"

Ethan waved his hand and asked Hulk to step back, leaving some space for him to communicate with Julian.

"What happened, Julian? Did the goblins attack your home?"

"Yes, goblin..."

Julian answered subconsciously. And then he felt something was wrong.

" "

"Ethan, how do you know that goblins attacked here?"

Ethan pointed at the alley with footprints of goblins.

Julian patted his thigh as soon as he saw it.

"Damn goblins! Those bastards sneaked into the house of Jack yesterday and took their granddaughter away!"

Ethan was shocked and asked.

"Jack? He used to give us candies when we were young, right? How is he?"

Julian shook his head and sighed.

"He is fine. But Ivy was taken away. This morning, when Jack went to wake her up, he found that his granddaughter was missing in the room. What's more, there are messy footprints!"

"My master, I'm afraid that the little human girl has been taken away as a hostage!"

Ethan said angrily.

"Just a hostage? Hulk! Do you think I don't know the habits of goblins? They are cruel and timid and like to abuse human women!"

Seeing Ethan get angry, Hulk shrank back under the light pillar. He didn't dare to move. The scene was extremely funny.

But the two people present had no intention of laughing.

"Julian, I know what you are thinking."

Julian smiled and patted Ethan on his shoulder.

"Good buddy! I also know what you are thinking about. After all, we ate a lot of candies from Jack when we were children!"

Ethan patted the quiver and the bow hanging on his back.

"If we want to save Ivy, at least we have to prepare the equipment! Moreover, we may have to drill a hole in the ground. I'm afraid we don't have much advantage there."

Julian promised loudly, patting his chest.

"If it's a cave in the ground, I have prepared flashlights, poison masks, and a lot of equipment for mining. It's just a piece of cake!"

"The equipment used in the mine? Oh, by the way, I remember that your brother is an engineer in the field of geology."

It was not until then that Ethan realized that there was indeed a brother in Julian's family!

"Yes, Ethan. Wait a minute. I'm going to get the equipment ready!"

"By the way, if you have a short ax, you can also bring it here. If not, try your best to find short weapons and protective equipment that can resist attacks!"

Hearing Ethan's words, Julian made a gesture of relief.

"Don't worry. We used to play MMORPG a lot when we were young. What's more, I have summoned beasts. Although they are not as good as yours, at least they can give some advice."

Looking at Julian's receding figure, Ethan's face became more and more serious.

The situation was not as simple as the two of them had guessed.

"Hulk, will this tribe have a superior leader like you?"

"I can solve it if it's only a big goblin. But if it's a goblin warrior, it may take a lot of effort. Before that..."

When Hulk mentioned the goblin warrior, his caution confirmed Ethan's worry.

It seemed that there was a higher rank goblin in the goblin tribe than Hulk.

Besides, in addition to the goblin warrior and other goblins, there may be a goblin shaman, who could use spells.

Although the anti-curve bow in Ethan's hand was a sharp weapon made of modern technology, Ethan didn't dare to guarantee that he would be able to kill the mysterious goblin shaman in front of him in the face of the unknown spells.

This time, it was not easy. And there were even many crises.

But he had to save Jacks granddaughter.

However, the method needed to be changed.

In addition, the fusion ability of the summoning book could also be used as a trump card.

In a word, as long as Ethan could kill more goblins, it meant that Hulk could be upgraded faster.

After a while, Julian came back on his motorbike.

"Ethan. It will take too much time to walk there. Let's go and ride this motorbike. I have put all the equipment behind it. I have brought the short-handled fire axes, the poison masks, the mobile oxygen bottles, the gasoline, the flashlights, and the first-aid kit with me. Are you ready?"

Julian said proudly.

"Well, not bad! Is this the shield that Aidan used?"

Ethan saw the transparent simple shield hanging behind the motorcycle at a glance.

If there were not some familiar cracks on the edge, Ethan would not have recognized that it was the shield that Aidan used yesterday.

"That's right! Since that guy didn't take it away yesterday, I took it home. Just in time, after cutting off the place where the arrow pierced, it became a small shield, which meets your requirements!"

After reconfirming the equipment, Ethan turned around and ordered Hulk to return to the summon book and wait for the order.

"Hulk, you go back to the summon book first. When we get there, we will depend on you to find the goblin tribe!"

"Yes, my master!"

Time waited for no one!

Ethan and Julian must seize the time to find the goblin tribe. Otherwise, what Ethan was worried about would most likely happen!