
Beast Master Legacy

"YOU HAVE BEEN PRESENTED WITH THE LEGACY OF YUKON......DO YOU ACCEPT?" The ethereal voice asked in it's vague tone. "What?!" Peter had never been so confused in his entire life before. "DO YOU ACCEPT?!...." This time, the ethereal voice became slightly authoritative, as if daring him to say no. No matter what it was, whether good or bad, it was wise not to refuse a gift being presented, or else you'd risk the anger of the one presenting it. "Yes!" Peter replied as he held on for his dear life. "VERY WELL, YOU HAVE ACCEPTED THE LEGACY OF YUKON AND HAVE BEEN CHOSEN AS A PARTICIPANT IN THE CONTEST OF MIGHT AND MAGIC" ----------------------------------------- On a strange day and in a mysterious moment, Peter made a choice that would change his life forever. Find out how his choice affected his whole life. And what epic adventures or dangers awaits him.

Shadow_Darkstar · Fantasy
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70 Chs

CHAPTER 54 - Another Clash With The Red Spider

As the snake's jaws snapped shut, Captain Ruger's battle axes gleamed in the sunlight, raised high above his head. The snake's teeth sank deep into the earth, mere inches from Ruger's face.

"Captain!" the elite fighters screamed in unison, their voices laced with horror.

Garciel arrived just in time, his sword flashing with a magical glow in the sunlight. He struck true, aiming for the snake's wounded neck. The blade bit deep, releasing a spurt of dark blood.

The snake's hiss was ear-piercing, its body thrashing wildly. The attack had struck a vital spot, preventing the snake from moving its head or closing its jaws.

But the snake's fury was far from spent. With a swift motion, it swung its massive head at Garciel, striking him with incredible force.