
Beast Master Legacy

"YOU HAVE BEEN PRESENTED WITH THE LEGACY OF YUKON......DO YOU ACCEPT?" The ethereal voice asked in it's vague tone. "What?!" Peter had never been so confused in his entire life before. "DO YOU ACCEPT?!...." This time, the ethereal voice became slightly authoritative, as if daring him to say no. No matter what it was, whether good or bad, it was wise not to refuse a gift being presented, or else you'd risk the anger of the one presenting it. "Yes!" Peter replied as he held on for his dear life. "VERY WELL, YOU HAVE ACCEPTED THE LEGACY OF YUKON AND HAVE BEEN CHOSEN AS A PARTICIPANT IN THE CONTEST OF MIGHT AND MAGIC" ----------------------------------------- On a strange day and in a mysterious moment, Peter made a choice that would change his life forever. Find out how his choice affected his whole life. And what epic adventures or dangers awaits him.

Shadow_Darkstar · Fantasy
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70 Chs

CHAPTER 46 - Gambit

Lord Richter was resting in a pool that was filled with lavender roses, while passionately kissing a black haired woman.

This pool was located in a large luxurious parlour that was well decorated to suit a noble.

While he and this woman kissed, Lord Richter chuckled in pleasure as he began to caress the nude body of the woman.

This was one of the reasons why he loved the Midlands — their women were quite beautiful and had great sexual appeal!

At this point, they were both breathing heavily as they were engrossed in each other's arms.

With waters splashing and tongues slurping, they were both about to move on to the second base of their sexual activity, when a man wearing light armor with two battle axes hung on his back, walked into the parlour and knelt on one knee.

"My lord an urgent message from blue stone village"

Pausing his romantic spree, Lord Richter turned and glared at the intruding soldier.