
Beast-Lord: The First Voidmaster

Many decades have passed since the Beginning of Sensing which heralded the World's changes when mana and beasts came about. Sensing is the unlocking of the potential to be a beastlord as humans need to bind with beasts to be able to fight or use mana. This heralds the beginning of the Void Beasts first appearance. Welcome to the Void where hunger is imminent...

The_OneShadow · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Forbidden Forest

Sam and his dragon had been travelling for hours, their eyes scanning the dense forest for any sign of the powerful beast. They had heard whispers of its power, and Sam was determined to add it to his collection.

As they entered the forest, Sam felt a sense of unease. The trees were thick, and the foliage was so dense that it was difficult to see more than a few feet in front of them. The only sound was the rustling of leaves and the occasional snap of a twig.

Sam's dragon kept a keen eye on their surroundings, its head swivelling from side to side as it scanned the trees. They travelled deeper and deeper into the forest until they stumbled upon a clearing.

In the middle of the clearing was a massive tree, its trunk as wide as a house. And on the tree sat a creature that Sam had never seen before. It was a cross between a spider and a scorpion, with long, spindly legs and a barbed tail.

Sam's dragon growled, its eyes fixed on the creature. Sam drew his sword, ready to engage in battle.

But before he could take a step forward, he heard a voice behind him. "Hold on there, cowboy."

Sam spun around to see a young woman emerging from the trees. She was tall and lithe, with long, wavy hair that flowed down her back. She wore a leather outfit that clung to her curves, and she held a whip in her hand.

Sam was taken aback. He had never seen another Beastmaster, especially not a woman. And this woman was gorgeous, with a confidence that matched her beauty.

The woman approached them, her eyes fixed on the creature in the tree. "That's mine," she said, her voice low and sultry.

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Yours? How do you figure that?"

The woman smirked. "I've been tracking that creature for weeks. It's taken me this long to finally catch up to it. And now you come barging in, ready to steal my prize."

Sam's competitive spirit flared up. He didn't like the idea of this woman claiming the creature as hers. He wanted to prove that he was the better Beastmaster and that he deserved the creature's loyalty.

"Let's make a deal," Sam said, his eyes locked on the creature. "We both have a chance to catch it. Whoever can catch it first gets to keep it."

The woman considered this for a moment, then nodded. "Agreed."

And with that, they both set off towards the creature, their beasts at their side.

The competition was fierce. Sam and the woman were both skilled Beastmasters, and they each had their own unique strategy for catching the creature. Sam used his dragon to distract the creature, while the woman used her whip to immobilize it.

For hours they battled, neither one giving an inch. It was a test of skill, patience, and determination. And in the end, it was the woman who emerged victorious.

Sam watched as the creature crawled onto her arm, its long, spindly legs wrapping around her wrist. The woman smiled at Sam, a twinkle in her eye.

"Well played, cowboy," she said, her voice laced with amusement. "But it looks like I win this time."

Sam was surprised at how much he wanted to impress this woman. He had never felt such a strong desire to prove himself before. He knew that he had to do better next time, to show her that he was just as skilled as she was.

As they walked back towards the edge of the forest, Sam struck up a conversation with the woman. Her name was Miranda, and she was a skilled Beastmaster, just like Sam. They talked about their journeys and the beasts they had tamed, each one trying to outdo the other.

As they walked, Sam couldn't help but notice how Miranda moved. She was graceful and fluid, her movements as smooth as silk. He found himself captivated by her, drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

They emerged from the forest, and Sam realized that they had been walking for hours. The sun was starting to set, casting an orange glow over the landscape.

Miranda turned to Sam, a mischievous smile on her lips. "You know, we make a pretty good team. Maybe we should work together more often."

Sam felt his heart skip a beat. He had never worked with anyone before, let alone someone as skilled and beautiful as Miranda. The idea of teaming up with her filled him with excitement.

"I would like that," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Miranda's smile widened. "Good. I have a feeling we're going to make a great team."

And with that, they parted ways, each one heading back to their respective homes. But Sam couldn't stop thinking about Miranda, and the fierce competition between them. He knew that he had to prove himself, to show her that he was just as skilled as she was.