
Beast Companion

To contract a Spirit Beast is to shorten your life. To have no contract is to be exiled. This is the reality Mateus faces when he was reborn into a new world. Spirit Beasts are creatures that live off the natural Life Essence that gathers in pockets around the world. Humans contract these beasts using their own lives, in return for the power to fight against the Mutant Beasts. All cities are under constant attack from these dangerous, murderous monsters, and any human without a contract is just dead weight to be discarded. Can Mateus survive in this ruthless world? And what truths will he find?

EmberWyldes · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Dominance and Sublimation

The guard captain straightened up in surprise. "What did you say?" He asked slowly, hardly believing his ears.

"That's an Alpha! He Dominated an Alpha!" The operator checked and rechecked the machine and the results, but found no mistakes. "How is this possible?"

"What's wrong? You said it was fine that I Dominated a Spirit Beast, but now you're acting like I have two heads?" Mateus asked doubtfully. Perhaps he should have checked the pack first?

"Kid, many people can Dominate Spirit Beasts, but that doesn't mean they can tame an Alpha." The captain sighed, and rubbed his face uncomfortably.

"An Alpha with its pack is like the Queen in a hive - the other beasts form a group mind around them, and contracting one means you need to contract them all. There's a special contract used to deal with insect queens, which allows each member of the hive to survive on a quarter the average essence, but this works only because of the genetic link between them. Alpha Beasts of other species don't need a genetic link to form a pack, and contracting them is extremely difficult." The operator explains seriously.

"When most humans contract an Alpha successfully, they do it before the pack is formed. Then, as the Alpha adds pack members, the human finds other contractors for them so they don't need to do it themselves. Having too many contracts is life threatening, and we need a surplus of essence to use shared abilities." The captain continued, leaving Mateus feeling increasingly worried.

"This Alpha has almost reached its full growth, and there are indications of eight pack members. As a Dominated Beast, it would have forced its pack to Submit to you, causing you to endure multiple contracts involuntarily. In the perspective of the pack, you are the one who suppressed the Alpha, therefore you must replace it." The operator explained further, and stared at Mateus in shock. Eleven contracts? How did he endure it?

"There is one final reason why we're so shocked. As a Dominated Beast, this Alpha has delivered its life to you completely. As time passes it will undergo a process called Sublimation - it's physical body and life essence will dissolve into the tattoo and become a part of you. At this point you will gain the ability called Beast Transformation, which will allow you to physically take on the form of this Alpha, and use all its abilities without cost." The captain finished coldly, and Mateus turned to look at the alpha in shock.

He knew it was strange for the beast to submit to him after the Entrapment, and he had heard that a Dominated beast couldn't live outside its tattoo, but he never knew this was the reason. Giving up its physical body means the Alpha would become a disembodied creature that could only exist within the tattoo - but losing its essence as well means this Alpha is slowly dying. And he chose to lose his life on purpose, because all Spirit Beasts instinctively understand the terms of the contracts they enter.

"Why?" Mateus asked, feeling immense turmoil. He had been prepared to kill the beast during the fight, but now they were connected he found the idea of this creature dying horrible.

{You held my life in your hands. By trapping me, you would have sentenced my Pack to death by accident. You would not release me without being certain of your safety. To trade my life for theirs was the only way.} The Alpha answered calmly in his mind. He met Mateus' eyes with acceptance and peace. {Do not grieve, for this is not truly death. So long as you live, I will live on as part of you. I have no regrets.}

Mateus broke into sobs, burying his face into the beast's thick mane. A contract is a binding built through essence, the foundation of life itself - it is expected that there will be an emotional bond between them.

"That's enough kid - let the beast return to the tattoo, and bring out the others. You can cry about it later. Operator, tell us the abilities of this beast too!" The captain patted Mateus roughly, trying to comfort him awkwardly.

After a start the operator lifted the results and read them out. "A near adult hybrid Alpha of feline descent. Main bloodlines are Shadow Cat, Night Lion, Cloud Stalker, and others are yet to be determined. There are markings indicating a pack of eight belongs to it. It has an inclination towards the shadow element. It's abilities are Alpha Command, Mental Link, Pack Tactics, Claw Slash, Shadow Ambush, Climbing, Stalking, Pounce, Alpha Stare and Intimidating Roar. It's current shared abilities are Intimidating Roar, Alpha Stare, Stalking, Mental Link and Alpha Command. It's daily upkeep is 12 units of essence."

"A real combat treasure you have here. Depending on the pack members you have, different tactics can be made. When the beast finishes Sublimating and you gain Beast Transformation you will be make an excellent scout." The captain sighed.

Mateus just hugged the Alpha close, feeling his heart slowly breaking as the future comes nearer.