
Beast and her Prince

Star_bucks07 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Queen Emma

Queen Emma is the Queen of Town J and she is loved by everyone. She spares her time to connect with her people. She farms with them and harvest too when it is ready to be harvested. She empowered her people and educates them too. Even her husband, King Uther was also loved by all as they are people with good and kind hearts. They are set of rare people who ascended the throne of Kingdom J as the previous rulers extort from the people, no matter how poor the people, they enjoyed bullying their followers that the people had to commit treason to save themselves from the hands of their so called rulers. Emma was a seamstress while Uther was a successful carpenter, they got married after 6months of knowing each other so well, they were the most peaceful couples in the kingdom which made the townspeople appointed them to ascend the throne after two years of their marriage and since then, the town has been peaceful and the people were happy and contented with all that they have because Queen Emma and King Uther has made their life easier than it used to be.

King Uther made the men in the town to be more supportive of their women and Queen Emma made a forum in the town's square, where she encourage and enlighten them on how to be more productive as a woman and how to take care of their homes and marriage. There a newly wedded young lady of twenty six asked Queen Emma a question, "You seems quite happy in your marriage of eight years or more and I'm not happy in mine which just clocked six months. How did you go about it my Lady?", she asked tearfully. Queen Emma walked towards the lady majestically in her white regalia, looking stunning, sat beside her patting her back gently and said, " Marriage is all about giving and receiving love, loyalty, understanding and commitment. It takes a lot of effort to be what I've just mentioned but with determination, one can achieve all. This action shouldn't be taken by just one party in the marriage but by both. With that, the marriage will be successful. There won't be any form of problem or misunderstanding", she smiled to them all.

Despite being the happy couple the townspeople know, there was a 'but' in their marriage which was never noticed by anyone except Queen Emma and King Uther. It was the barrenness of Queen Emma, she was concerned that the people would soon start knocking on the palace gate asking for an heir to the throne, she was scared that she would soon become an object of ridicule in the town as she doesn't have a child of her own, her friends who got married after her had children already. Every night, she would cry her eyes out in her husband's arm and asking him to do something about it. One particular night, she woke her husband from sleep in the early morning, "My king", she tapped him again as he didn't respond to her calling and he sat upright, rubbing his eyes, " My woman, why aren't you asleep yet?", he continued before she could speak, "We have a naming function of the Silvers to attend tomorrow, have you forgotten?", he asked and Queen Emma sighed, tears drop from her eyes as she wiped it away. With that, King Uther knew what she wanted to discuss immediately but he decided not to interrupt her, she said, " That is exactly the reason I woke you up", she said softly, "I'm all ears, my lady", he nodded and said. " We have been on this throne for six years now and there's nothing to show for it", she sniffed. "My Lady, there's a lot to show for the six years that we've ascended the throne. We brought civilization to the kingdom, we did a whole lot of good things royals are expected to do and we're hoping to continue in the Creator's name, don't you think?", he asked her, hoping to have successfully convinced her but it didn't work. " I'm a woman, my Lord. I want to experience all that women go through, all the pains they go through when it comes to mother hood, that is what I mean. I also want to see my children play in the rain, I want to caution them not to play too much and read their books. I want...", she burst out in tears as she couldn't continue her words. King Uther moved close to her and embraced her while patting her back, "Its okay my love, we'll wait for the Creator's time, as people say, Creator's time is the best", " What if I say I'm tired?", Queen Emma raised her head with tears welled up in her eyes. "Shhhh, you can't be tired of waiting for the Creator's handwork", he placed a kiss on her forehead. " Why don't we try other options my Lord?", Queen Emma asked her husband and he asked, "What other option is that?", Queen Emma's face lit up when she heard that, " You could impregnate a young lady and she would give the baby to us then we'll sponsor her out of the country to another", she said hoping her husband would consider her this time but high hopes crumbled to the floor when he refused saying, "I won't take that as an option, my Queen, if it were you, would sell your child off?", he asked and she said immediately, " Yes, I would. If it was in a condition like this, I really would", deep down in her heart, she knew she can't do that and her husband knows that too but she was ready for her husband, his reply shocked her. "I know you can't but at this moment, you're desperate and I won't allow that desperation hurt and destroy you so my Lady, take a break into the dream world and we'll discuss this after returning from the Silvers naming ceremony", he said and Queen Emma tried to talk but was interrupted by her husband who said, " Let's take a break into the dream world, my woman", with that he was able to calm Queen Emma down and lay beside her, he cuddled her and they both slept peacefully.