
Beast - Link

Genetically modified beast linking, with a fusion system.

RagingArtPunk · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Beast-Fusion System Activation




The crowds roared menacingly. Their voice coalescing into a rumble that shook the entire Continent. 

"Ripped from the flesh of the deep! Dugged from the soul of the condemned!! Torn from the being of the invisible deity!!! We have... Soul ripper!!!!" 

"Soul ripper!" 

"Soul ripper!!" 

"Soul ripper!!!" 

The crowds from each Continents almost couldn't contain themselves as their primal voice of chaos tore through the entire hemisphere of the world, echoing through an several kilometers of the country as they screamed and hailed past the moving planes and nearby vehicles. 

The music boomed and the air shook and space warped as the first cave opened. 


A massive beast emanating raw brutality and waves of berserk wickedness ripped through the still opening steel gates with its sharp claws as it roared to the skies. 

The atmosphere shook and warped as the entire clouds seem to dispersed at that single roar.

The beast stood at a hundred meter radius, waves of violent energy rippling through the void as plasmic energy lit up its spine as well as it's veins. 

"ROAR!" "ROAR!!" "ROAR!!!"

It was as though the world was about to collapse as the entire ground shook just due to its rampaging roar. 

* * *

About a thousand kilometer away, a young man wearing the pelt of a gigantic beast which seem to be the combination of ten, ancient, pre-historical and desolate beasts, took his seat on a large mountain peak.

The pelt possess the eyes of a basilisk, the tail looking like a flood-dragon's head, the scale of a true dragon, the mouth of a lion, the claws of a tiger, and so many more!

The monstrous beast head covered the young man's head like a cape, its patterned, dragon scale clothing him like a blanket while its dragon claws and paws dug deep into his shoulder, and thighs.

The young man's face remained indifferent as he spoke. "Initiate beast link."

The strange beast pelt seem to come alive as its basilisk's eyes lit up, that instant, the pelt extended out millions of tendrils of veins, digging deep into his flesh, combining with his genes as they merged directly into his DNA.


The world seem to collapse as his body expanded and inflated, the beast-link transforming him into a 1000 meter tall monstrosity.


* * * 


Ezra jolted up as the pain rippled through his entire back. 


He couldn't help but cry out in pain as he felt as though he had been electrocuted by thousand of watts of electricity. 

"Calm, calm! You are safe now." A soothing voice slithered its way into his ears, strangely calming him enough to make the pain bareable. 

Ezra awakened to a strange new scene. A pure white ceiling and a strangely beautiful woman putting on a white lab coat. 

"W-what's this!?" He immediately panicked noticing the vast amount of blinding whitness absorbed onto his eyes. 

"Calm down Ezra, you are in safe hands now."

Ezra's panicking expression subsided a little bit as he rested in the white bed. 

"What happened? How did I get here?"

The doctor with the white lab coat smiled as she stated. "You were in a rough fight with some of your school mates and ended up like this."

"It's really good luck for you to be able to regain your motor function as well as memories."

Ezra frowned listening to this words. It was an understatements if she stated it like that.

Neither his memories nor his dream was as simple as that. 

In his memories, he had been thrown into a bear pit and thorn to threads while in his dreams, he had been attacked by a Twin-tailed rabbit only to come out alive. 

"Can you recall those who did this to you?" The nurse pressed as she asked, her pen ready against the white board. 

Ezra glanced at her but retracted his gaze as he stared at the transparent windows revealing the outside world. 

"No, I couldn't recall any of their faces."

The moment his voice landed, the echoes of two relieved breathing through the hospital wards. 

Ezra wasn't even able to turn to the two voices when two same mixtures of emotions slammed into him. 

"Thank goodness you are okay!" A feminine voice took over as a soft hands pressed against his shoulders. 

"What actually happened?"

A masculine voice demanded. Two faces walked into his line of sight. 

Ezra immediately recognized them as his parent. 

"Mom, Dad.

"It's alright now, dear. We are here."

His mother spoke in a soothing voice, carefully stroking his bandaged head. The woman appeared young, and beautiful and she looked late twenties. 

"Weren't you in just in school? How did you get hurt this much?" His father was the older one with wrinkles on his face and a muscular build with very large hands. He was also a farmer which matched with his build. 

"I-I can't don't actually remember..." 

Ezra shook his head and replied. He wasn't sure what exactly happened because of his distorted memories of two different lives.

"Can he go home now?" His father turned towards the nurse and asked. 

The nurse frowned slightly, removing her gaze from the white board in her hands, she spoke. "While he appears fine, we still have to put him through multiple test to ensure his brain wasn't affected. Discharging him right now isn't good as some hidden injuries can lead to bigger problems."

Ezra's father shook his head. "Since he's fine right now, there's not need to run through any test."

Then he turned towards Ezra, "Martha, help your kid with his stuff. I will go settle the bill."

He still had the lots of animals to tend to at the farm. This right here was wasting his precious time. 

* * *

At the sitting room, Ezra, his parents and his two twin sisters quietly ate at the sitting room. 

"You can have the today off." His father finished with his food and went to tend to the farm animals alone. 

In his little room, Ezra sat on his foam bed, staring into space. He had eventually arranged his memories. 

It turned out he somehow came here into after dying a gruesome death.

Which was surely a very strange experience. 

But what was especially strange was the embedded rectangular object on the left side of his head and a line of text in his left eye showing the time and a vivid text stating, 

[Beast Link:None]

Even after thinking of it for a while, he couldn't understand what it meant. Forgetting about it, he slept off. 

"Wake up kid, let's go."

The next day, Ezra was awakened by his father's husky voice very early.


 Checking the time Ezra groaned in annoyance seeing it was only 4 am. 

"Get up! Go feed your section of the animals otherwise you'd be late for school again."

"I forgot about this." Ezra grunted, obviously displeased. He only had a three hours of sleep which wasn't nearly enough to ready his body for the next day. 

Like a walking zombie, he was guided towards the farm which was only about three hundred meters away from the house. 

His father gave him a large pale of bucket while he himself grabbed two. 

"The sheeps are in the barn, don't just toss the feed at them like you did yesterday and place the feed in their food box."

His father warned and turned to leave. 

Ezra nodded unconsciously, the heavy bucket slightly waking him up as he walked towards the wooden barn. 

The moment he opened the door, he was stunned as he was greeted by more than 50 glowing sheeps!

But tmit wasn't the glow that shocked Ezra, what shocked Ezra was the new text that appeared within him left vision. 

[Name: Glowing Sheep]

[Rarity: Common]

[Strength: 0]

[Speed: 1]

[Physique: 0]

[Ability: None]

[Link rate: 97%]


* * *


[Beast-fusion System Activated.]

[Do you wish to fuse 76 sheeps together?]

[Fusion success rate: 97%]