
Be My Idol!(GL)

Lydia Salavar, a spunky girl studying Fine Arts in college. She usuall her days studying for her next test or improving on her skills. But whi goes, you find her listening to music. Music is everything to her. But t artist that she loves the most is Yuna Park. She's pretty, smart, and kit music literally follows through Lydia's body. When Lydia figures out that Yuna is coming into town, she's one of the there for her meet and greet. While she turns the corner, she sees the on only. She helps her get away from the paparazzi. After so, Yuna sneaks a letter into Lydia's bra(somehow) with her phone number on it. Lydia freaks outs that a celebrity wants to get to know her and more than that. As the twos relationship grows a buds, the pains of her new lover being an idol rears it’s ugly head. The media wanting to circle her like a defenseless cat in a alleyway. But even after all of that, Lydia still wants her to be her idol!!

archipelago_devil · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 9

Lydia silently waited for Yuna to pick up the phone as she looked around her room. The ringing of the phone started to annoy her. Suddenly a voice started to project. "Hello?" Lydia sighed as she smiled. Thank god she answered.

"Hey! Are you ready? I can pick you up if you'd like?" Yuna chuckled. "Yeah, that's fine.." Lydia said in a meek yet sweet voice.

"Are you okay? You seem sad?" Yuna purred softly.

Lydia sighed, remembering the fight between her and Angelica. She felt so free yet weighed down. She no longer had a best friend. She still had friends but nobody to really hang out with. Lydia was so tired of dealing with petty problems and just being a ragdoll to Angelica. But that was in the past now. Now, Lydia has to worry about her unofficial date.

"No, I'm fine!" Lydia perked up in tone. "Hey, if there anything you need…I have your back you know. I feel like you just went through something. Is this a bad time?" Yuna said with a gentle tone. "Please don't do this just to please me. I care about you, Lydia…"

Lydia was blushing over the phone as she whisked her head away. "No, I'm fine! Just woke up on the wrong side of the bed!"

Yuna and she both knew that Lydia was lying. "Well, I'll see you in a bit! I'll text you when I'm there!" Lydia smiled as she chuckled. "Alright. I'll see you later!" The two ended their conversation with a beep. Lydia sighed as she looked up at herself in her long mirror. Her eyes were still puffy from crying, her eyes a little red. Her throat felt thick and sore. Just overall looks like she's been crying her heart and eyes out.

Lydia still mourned her friendship. It was for the best. Every time Lydia asked Angelica to come over. She'd always seemed annoyed or uncomfortable. And anytime Angelica asked her, she'd dump her problems on her like how she couldn't get her partner to buy her expensive clothes or items. As if she doesn't make enough already from her job and parents. How she hated how her personal maid didn't wake her up on time. Complain, complain, complain. That's all she heard from her. Nothing else

But when Lydia stood up herself. She knew that Angelica no longer had a ragdoll to throw around in her hands. That she was a person. Lydia sighed once more as she left the mirror, not caring about the witch of a friend she had. Had. What a nice word for her.

The sound of a large car boomed through Lydia's ears. She looked outside to A black fancy car park right in front of her building. She knew it was Yuna. She carefully stepped outside and walked up to the car. She tap on the window, the window rolled down to see Yuna as happy as she could be. "Hey, Yuna!" She perked up.

"Hey…your eyes. Do they look puffy? You're okay, right?" Yuna asked with worry. Lydia scoffed as she shook her head. "Long story Yuna. But who cares! I'd rather spend time with you than waste my time on my post-crying face!" Lydia joked.

Yuna moves over as Lydia slides into the car. Yuna gave the driver a look to start going. "So, where to?" Lydia thought for a moment. Thinking about the place she looked up the night before.

"Ah! A nice restaurant by a venue! It's so lovely! And has great reviews! It's called Pepper's Hotpot! Right around the corner from the city hall's venue!" Yuna smiled at her, her warmth warming up Lydia's heart and soul. "We should start there then! Alright, let's go!" The driver sped out of the parking lot. The car started to merge with them. "So…Care to tell me why you look like you watched every rom-com to ever exist?"

Lydia looked down. Her face melted into a sad, depressing look. Her head was hanging low. Yuna felt Lydia's sorrow as she rested her hands on her shoulder. "Well…I ended a 3-year-long friendship with someone who I think I should've been friends with in the first place.."

Yuna's eyes flashed with hurt and empathy. "I-I'm sorry.."

"Kept telling and using me as a therapist for her for "problems that she struggles with.." I was so tired of hearing about how much money she had whenever she had a genuine problem. Either from her parents or whatnot. She'd never listen!"

Yuna could hear her voice getting heated by the second.

"I just exploded on her. And she just left...I feel free and guilty at the same time.."

Yuna could feel her hurt. She'd looked down, trying to figure out what to say. Nothing yet.

"You're not wrong. She's an evil person. She used you and didn't get to see you for who you truly are! A wonderful person! And so so so! Amazing!"

Lydia smiled as Yuna leaned over and hugged her. Lydia could feel Yuna's chest pressed against her. She blushed as they mold and fold into her arm. She could feel her chest spill on her. "Thanks...You truly made me feel better!"

"Heh! Don't mention it! You should be treated right by anyone and everyone!"

The two arrived at the restaurant. Lydia placed it on a table. The two girls sat down and they started to talk to each other. Something caught Yuna in the corner of her eyes. She saw a woman with toned brown hair, sneering at the two of them. She glared at them with rage or maybe suspension. "Hey? Why are you staring at us, Yuna?" Lydia asked as she put down her wine glass. "I don't know, but I think I do..''She said with annoyance yet fear. The first person to come to mind was Siliva. That lady who attacked her and Alice. Yuna looked back at her with rage and an aura of pressure and danger. The lady looked back with the same energy. She took off from her table. Heading toward them. "Lydia! Be careful! She's dangerous to your private life and whatever! Don't give her any true information. It's to keep you safe!" Yuna whispered to Lydia as the lady grew closer.

"Well, well well! Lovely to see that famed K-pop idol! Ms. Yuna Park! Lady who assaulted me!" She whined.

"Listen, lady, I didn't! You came at me and my assistant because your sad and pathetic life needs drama so bad that you need to bother me and my friend here.." Yuan hissed.

Siliva glared over at Lydia, whose eyes were facing the ground. "This is your friend? What a loser! You've gotten low Yuna...Nothing about this is cute. Bad for your image." She mocked. Lydia gave her a look of disgust. Siliva laughed as slammed her hands on the table. "Listen, who is this girl..tell me or face the music sweetie!" She threatened.

"Leave me and my friend alone! What don't you get about that?"

Lydia flipped out her phone, the camera hovering over the table edge and pressed recorded. "Oh please! It'll ruin your life, Yuna! Tell me now. Or..I'll tell everyone about this girl here. She'll destroy your image with other celebs…"

Yuan rolled her eyes as she stood up. "Leave, please. No one wants you here!" The other people around her started to stare as the two more prominent figures of the online world argued. "Listen, just tell me. Pretty please?" She mocked.

Yuna sighed as she looked down. "She's just a friend I met at a venue. Nothing more, nothing less..now back the hell off or I'll pepper spray your ass!" Siliva smiled as her grin poisoned others around her. "Thank you. But, I'm not off your ass yet. Watch it." And with that, she promptly left the restaurant. Leaving a trail of confusion for all. Lydia stopped recording as she saw Yuna sigh and sit back down with her. "And that was?" She asked. "Basically a stalker if you must say." She looked down with frustration. "Don't worry! I got you like you got me!"

Lydia whipped out her phone showing phone of Yuna and Silvia's angry and furious interaction. Yuna smiled as she swiped the phone from Lydia, catching her off guard. She scrolls through the video. Her glee could be seen from Lydia's view.

"Thank you! Finally! Proof...just in case she decides to be a little bitch and share lies as she does!" Lydia sat there confused and in a haze.

"Okay, okay you HAVE to tell me about this weird lady. And how in god's green Earth did she know about where we were eating?!" Lydia hissed with confusion.

Let me know if this chapter was good enough to make up yesterday's chapter! Please comment any opinons! Thank you again for reading and stay tooned!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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