
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs

Eviction noticed 6

Ten minutes of alone time he even organized the interior of his fridge to give her space for whatever she might buy. Tossing a quart of milk that was rank he scowled at his own necessity to grocery shop. "Gonna have to give blood again just for food." He raised his brows sighing. Depressed over the small things he shuffled back toward Heidi's room just as she stood up with her back to him. Not suspecting he was there she unbuttoned her shirt and removed it in favor of changing into something a bit more comfortable, namely a similar camisole shirt like earlier, only in a lavender color. It was the no bra the caught his eye he knew she had one on earlier. Ah! There it was on the floor. She had beautiful bare back, and shoulders. Silently stepping back so as not to be seen, he peeks at her quick change. He was really hoping she might change her leggings out too, but he knew she would be leaving later and presumed that luck would fall on another day. He was struggling hard to be less pervy, but his dick just wouldn't have it. Dove was just too perfect. He meant Heidi. The fantasy was going to hit home more often than not.

As if sensing him she turns sideways looking at her opened doorway. With him not in sight she grabbed her cereal bowl and utensils and headed out into the hall. Predicting her exit Zach had gone quickly to the living room and was looking through what few DVD's he had for something to watch. A swift notice of three pornos in the batch made him snatch them out and hide them behind his back as she shuffled through.

"Hiding the good stuff?" She smirked moving past him going to the kitchen.

"Yeah, bachelor life. I didn't really plan on a roommate so soon. Tidying up your room took top priority. Forgot all about the silly things, like pornos." He confessed drawing them out from behind his back. "I did make space up in the cabinet for a few things."

"Only a bowl, fork, and spoon. I live light. You can leave the girls out I don't care. This is your place more than mine considering. I like porn just like you do."

"Nice!" He nodded with a pucker.

"I actually considered going into that stuff if money got tight, like my ass." She pats her butt laughing.


"Not! Well, never know, I guess. Flaunt it when you got it, right?"

"NOT HELPING." He growls loudly.

"You really should go do something about that Tom." She shakes her head, raising her arms to the cabinet above to put her bowl away. She just left her silver with it. In her stretch he caught a glimpse of nipple hard on. Fucking perfect nips.

"Food should be here anytime. Duk Fu is pretty fast."

"Duk Fu?" She laughs, "Is that a racist comment?"

"No. That's the guy's name. I eat a lot of Chinese, so we know each other by name. Really good dude."

"I'll take your word on that. Can I steal some sink space for my toothbrush and stuff?"

"All yours. Just nudge my things aside. Not much space on the sink so not a whole lot of room."

"I'll manage. I can keep my deodorant and feminine things in my room. I'm sure you don't want to look at a box of tampons."

"I was married, so I'm used to things being mixed together. You can put them under the sink. No reason to clutter your bedroom."

"Not much in there anyways."

"Cute top." He points at her nervously.

"You noticed."

"Hard not to." He winks.

"Yeah, the girls get pretty stiff when I don't wear a bra." She looks down at herself while leaning her palms on the kitchen counter.

"Man, this is tougher than I realized." He looks away.

"Calm it down Codger Tom." She shakes her head, "Look all you want just remind yourself that we're only roommates."

"Never thought otherwise about that. You have no idea how grateful I am just to have you here. I really didn't want to move."

"I hear that. This is my first move on my own. Mom just couldn't afford anything bigger than her one bedroom. Bad enough Kayla hogs her couch."

"Why didn't you and Kayla get a place together? For that matter why is your stepsister living with your real mom, instead of you?"

"Needed room to grow, I guess. Kayla's not ready to be on her own. I am."

"So, you move in with a guy old enough to be your dad."

"Never knew my real dad." He knew that from Kayla, "Maybe I have daddy issues." She sticks her tongue out at him. "Think you better hide that before Fuk Du shows up? He might think you've missed him."

"Duk Fu." He chuckled. "That's why you're answering the door this time."

"Ohhhhh! My hard ons are better adverteasing that yours?"

"Less disturbing to a guy though."

"Ah! So Duk can go back to his restaurant with his own feathers ruffled."

"That's on him. I'll go grab my cash." He heads to his room for his wallet. In passing they meet in the hallway and brush up against one another. She sighs and goes into her room, returning shortly with her hygiene products. Arranging the bathroom basin to accommodate her things she took time to pee. The door was left open, so Zach thought little of it until he barged in to see her sitting, her leggings to her knees. Her soft hips visible he stares for ten seconds then turns away, "Sorry, Dove, you really should have shut the door."