
Battlepet Masters

An asteroid crashed into a planet, forever changing the environment and all the creatures living there. Afterwards, portals started randomly appearing, with hordes of alien lifeforms pouring out and killing what lies in their path. For the human civilizations to survive, humans started harnessing the environment to help empower themselves to the extreme, and to contract animals to help strengthen themselves and fight. Follow Jamie on his journey as he embarks on the path of becoming the ultimate Battlepet Master.

Ultravioletx · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 31 -Lance

Above the town, a large figure started descending. Looking up from below, the white underbelly could be seen blocking out the vision of the cloudy sky above. The beat of it's massive red wings caused an audible, deafening thump and the wind generated from it's wings slapped into the earth repeatedly, causing the earth to rumble in response. The pressure radiating from it started to force people to their knees. Jamie's eyes widened as he was forced to his knees.

"Is this....."

The large, black worm, made a squeaky scratchy noise and tried to burrow back into the earth. A deafening roar resounded, and a large, forked head stretched down, biting the worm, before gulping it down. The dragon started to beat it's wings and rotate it's body. As it rose, the pressure subsided.

Jamie got up from his knees, wide eyed. He turned to look at Amber, who had only taken one step before being stopped by the dragon's roar and said "Do you think that's a beast of a cit..."

A loud, sizzling sound ruptured in the air, and a scorching, blazing, beam fired from the dragons jaws,

towards the east of the town, causing a large inferno of fire to devastate the creatures and land it hit. The beating of wings could be heard as the dragon rotated it's body towards the west of the town.

Amber looked at Jamie, slightly wide eyed. "It has to be."

Jamie collapsed on the road. A grin starting to form on his face, then he started laughing maniacally, just glad to be alive. He honestly wasn't sure they would be able to drive past the giant black worm, not to mention if there were other creatures lurking out there. With a City Guardian level figure lurking above the town, they were safe. As he sat down on the ground, laughing manically, and a grin started to form on Amber's face, before her stomach rumbled. Jamie's laugh started to subside as she said "Lets go grab something to eat."


Jamie and Amber sat side by side, on a bench in Grandview Park, munching on some muesli bars, with Eve and Leo sitting at their feet. As they sat looking at the half demolished playground, Amber nibbled at her bar and said "You know, I wish Muncher's Delight didn't take so long to open. I really wanted to try their cookies and see what all the fuss is about."

Jamie rolled his eyes. "They were about to evacuate town. And the window screen was destroyed in the fight with the Momo." Jamie paused, and eventually asked "What cookies?"

Amber shot Jamie a sideways glance. "The golden ones. They had it on the poster plastered to the window before."

Jamie eyes glazed as he tried to think back to the when he looked at the windows of Muncher's Delight, but couldn't remember anything. He shook his head "I can't remember what it looked like. I was too preoccupied with fighting the Momo."

Amber swung her arm at Jamie.

"ouch, what was that for?"

Amber glared at him. "constantly talking about the fight. It's over, relax a little."

Jamie held his hands up defensively. "Your the one who bought up Muncher's Delight, not me. By the way, have you heard of a store called 'Sushi hub?'"

Amber's eyes lit up. "Haven't I ever. I always visit that store during my breaks. The sushi is delicious."

"Right? I visit that place whenever I get the chance. What do you prefer? I usually grab the Maki."

"Ughh, I never liked that one. I preferred the Sashimi."

Jamie winced. "That one huh...My friend John always used to grab that when we drove there during lunch break. I never liked it, myself."

"Your friend John has impeccable taste"

"Did I mention he likes eating pineapple pizza?"

Amber winced. "I take that back. I don't understand why people like eating that monstrosity."

"I don't understand why people like eating pizza full stop. Way too greasy."

"That's because you don't go to a good store. You should try....'


After spending thirty minutes in the park, Amber and Jamie drove towards the police station. On the way, Eve sent mentally to Jamie "Jamie, I have been thinking about your slow soul growth speed problem, and I think I have a solution."

"What solution?"

"You gain the excess energy when a creature you are bonded to breaks through right? I think I have a way to send the energy I actively gather and refine to my Element Affinity to you once the refining process is complete via the Astral bond, rather then storing it in my body."

"You can do that?"

"I think it may be possible. It doesn't hurt to try when we get home. I still gain energy passively whenever I sleep though."


After exiting their vans with their beasts, when making their way to the station, Jamie ended up asking while pointing upwards "Do you know where that Dragon came from."

"Should be Brouis, right? It's the closest city."

Jamie shook his head. "Doubtful. I'm from Brouis. A beast that size would need a large area to move around, and I can think of only one area around the city with that kind of room. It's also an open secret that inside that area is a large lava pond, where a phoenix resides."

"Weird. In Slaka, we haven't heard a peep about any large beasts in the area."

"That might be because you have a high level Martial Warrior as your city guardian."

"Maybe. Or, they could just be reserving a large area in a portal."

Jamie froze slightly in surprise, before resuming walking. "They do that?"

"They do." Amber eye rose, and she turned to look at Jamie. "You haven't entered a portal before?"

Jamie shook his head. "I should be entering one next week."

They entered the door, and made their way to the reception, where Molly was sitting behind the desk. She looked up as she heard the black sliding doors open, and Jamie and Amber approach. Smiling she said to them when they reached the reception desk.

"Thank you for what you have done for this town. If it wasn't for you two letting us know about the approaching group, help wouldn't have arrived in time, and the people wouldn't have had enough time to evacuate."

"No problem." "Your welcome."

Jamie scratched his head. "How did you find out about the second group?"

"After you brought the news, the chief brought up satellite feeds in a perimeter of the town, in large sweeps. Both to check if their were more groups and...." Molly looked sheepishly at the two "verify that the information you brought was correct."

Jamie and Amber both smiled, waving her off. "It's fine. Of course he would need to verify something, especially if the result of the information was a need to evacuate the town."

Molly smiled. "thanks for understanding. Why did the two of you come to visit here?

Amber took a step forwards. "We killed twelve Red Stripe Falcons with officer Kumar's group. We were told that each kill was worth $200 a head."

Molly's smile faltered. "Officer Kumar.....didn't make it."

"I'm sorry."

Molly took a deep breath. "A couple of members from his squad did make it though. I will call one over to verify that it happened."

Molly picked up the phone on the desk, talked to someone. After she was done, she put down the phone with a smile. "Just wait one moment."

Two minutes later, Mark walked out of a corridor. He nodded to Molly, "That's them alright. They killed twelve Red Stripe Falcons each."

"Okay. Please wait while I transfer the funds."

As Molly typed away, Mark walked up to Amber and Jamie, offering them each a handshake.

"Thank you both for helping out. What you did may have saved the people in the town from being slaughtered."

Jamie and Amber smiled. Jamie was trying to hide the sense of elation he was feeling. It felt good, to know he contributed in a way that helped this town survive.

Molly looked up from the keyboard. "It's done, you can check the payment status via your Battlenet account."

"Thanks." "Thanks"

The duo chattered with Mark for a minute, then said their goodbyes and took a step towards the door.

"Jamie, Amber, please wait one moment."

They turned around, and looked at Molly. She continued "The chief is heading here with a.....visitor.....

who wanted to meet with you."

"Okay." "Sure."

After waiting for a minute, they saw Brad walking in their direction accompanied by a slim man with spiky orange hair and wide set eyes, wearing a dark blue, long sleeved shirt with gold roses on it, with a black, unzipped jacket on top, and dark blue pants.

"This is Lance. He wanted to meet with you."

Lance exchanged handshakes with Jamie and Amber.

"I want to personally thank you both for your part in helping the town. Without the information you provided, I would not have arrived at this town in time to save anyone. As it was, I barely arrived in time."

Jamie and Amber froze, surprised. Lance noticed it and smiled. "Are you surprised that I have revealed my identity so candidly?"

After seeing them both nod their heads, Lance continued "I am no longer a City Guardian. Lately, people have overwhelmingly demonstrated that they want the restriction on information to cease. Yet, the concerns that gave rise to the restrictions have remained. That gave rise for the government to take....a different approach to reduce fear, panic and anger towards beasts, before they remove the restriction on information. Doubtless, you will find out the details in the next two weeks."

Lance held out his hands, and two small, transparent trinket boxes appeared in the palms of both his hands. They each had a white pill in each, and a small booklet at the bottom.

"This will be released in stores next week. It has recently been developed. The pill contains enough energy for anyone at the age of 10 and up, to ingest it and become a stage 1 Martial Warriors safety, as long as they follow the instructions in the booklet. The trinket boxes can contain the energy fluctuations of items within."

After Jamie and Amber received the boxes and thanked Lance, he continued after waving off the thank yous. "Think nothing of it. While these items have a high value, the lives you have helped save in this town is beyond measure. You have contributed to humanity today, and I hope you continue to contribute to humanity going forwards, no matter what happens."


Amber and Jamie stood looking at each other, standing in front of their vans awkwardly.

"I guess this is goodbye."

"I think so."

Silence hung between them for a moment, before Jamie eventually broke it.

"We have each others numbers. Let's stay in contact."

Amber flashed a smile at Jamie. "You have a deal. Contact me once you get home. And once you get out of the portal."

Amber moved forward quickly, giving Jamie a quick peck on the cheek before rushing off to her van. Jamie stood their, dazed, automatically waving in response to Amber's wave as she waved farewell to him while driving off. Snapping out of his daze, Jamie got into the van, and drove home.