
Battlepet Masters

An asteroid crashed into a planet, forever changing the environment and all the creatures living there. Afterwards, portals started randomly appearing, with hordes of alien lifeforms pouring out and killing what lies in their path. For the human civilizations to survive, humans started harnessing the environment to help empower themselves to the extreme, and to contract animals to help strengthen themselves and fight. Follow Jamie on his journey as he embarks on the path of becoming the ultimate Battlepet Master.

Ultravioletx · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 3 - Prep Talk

It was the end of the school day, and Jamie was sitting at the bus stop, waiting for the bus. The rest of the day passed by for Jamie in a blur after leaving the gym. All he could really focus on is the slim hope that his brother could help him out. He tried to take his mind off it, but it was near impossible because his friends kept asking him how the result went, which he didn't want to talk about. As he was sitting down on his phone, browsing the net, John walked up behind him and lightly slapped his back, before saying "So Mr Doom and Gloom. How did you go on the evaluation?"

"....Fine. 3 in Astral Body purity, 2 in Astral Body links, and 1 in Astral Body size."

"Damn.....I was expecting something bad given how you moody you were throughout the day. Congrats."

"....What do you mean congrats?"

"Your soul purity is at 3 right? You can communicate directly with creatures now. Your basically a Beast Tamer now, minus the formalities."

"I failed to qualify as a Battlepet Master trainee. My Astral Body size is 1."

At that, John shook his head."So what. Seventy five percent of the people do. Look, you at least qualify as a Beast Tamer right? You would have had learn some of that stuff anyway, being a Battlepet Master. Besides, have you considered buying the items to help increase your progress?"

Jamie rolled his eyes at that. "The energy gathering mat was only released last year. And it's not enough to help me significantly."

"Sure.....for now. Progress, change. What's available can be improved upon. New things can be discovered. I'm sure somewhere down the track, more methods will be made available to help progress Astral Body size improvement."

Jamie thought it through in his head, before coming to agree with it. He could try out being a trainee beast tamer, make some money, and keep an eye items that could help him improve. He was still going to ask his brother for to help him get a battlepet that could continually boost his Astral Body size though.

Jamie took a deep breath, before saying "thanks. I needed that."

"That's what are friends for. So, what were you looking up on the net?"

As John asked, he leaned forward to take a look at the mobile screen, before his eyes widened in surprise. "whoa, Battlepet Masters Julio and Zoe fought?"

"Apparently. It was a live fighting demonstration for some trainees in Hartas."

"Nice, open the video, lets watch."

"Wait a second."

After Jamie spoke, he reached into his bag, before grabbing some white earphones out of the front pocket. After he plugin the earphones into his phone, he passed one piece to John before putting the other into his left ear, then starting the video.

As the video started, two people could be seen at standing at opposite ends on a massive black stage. The person to the left was a petite female with a ponytail, in blue jeans and a black, long sleeved shirt. Standing slightly in front of her was an orange tiger half her height, with black stripes and two tails. At it's feet, flames could be seen flickering. On the other side of the arena, a tall, lanky man was seen in a black hoodie and pants. Hovering slightly before him was a green crow half his height, with white swirls on it's wings, hovering in the air slightly in front of him. In the center of the stage, there was a female humanoid figure of average height in white hovering in the air. However, it had purple hair and only one, large eye. A slight, brief ripple suddenly started to appear around the figure, and with it a bland voice could be heard.


After the voice was heard, both Battlepets leaped into action. The 2 Tailed Tiger started to run forwards, with fire lingering around it's footprints briefly before dispersing, and the White Swirled Crow started to beat it's wings, causing slight gusts of wind to hit the stage below as it moved forwards while gaining height. The 2 Tailed Tiger was faster then the White Swirled Crow, reaching the center of the stage while the White Swirled Crow had only traveled half the distance. When the 2 Tailed Tiger reached the middle, it raised it's head at the White Swirled Crow with it's mouth open, with a red ball being visible between it's jaws. With a flash of light, a small beam of red light flashed from it's jaws heading towards the White Swirled Crow. The White Swirled Crow swiftly tucked it's wings and dived down, avoiding the beam of red light. After avoiding the red beam, the White Swirled Crow opened it's wings and flapped furiously. A large gust of wind generated under the White Swirled Crow's wings, heading towards the 2 Tailed Tiger. The 2 Tailed Tiger stopped abruptly, dug it's claws in, raised it's head, and howled, causing a curved white, semi transparent barrier to appear above it's body, positioned between the 2 Tailed Tiger and the gust of wind. The gust of wind slammed into the barrier, rebounding, and hitting the White Swirled Crow. The White Swirled Crow was flung up higher into the air, out of control, with it flapping it's wings to orientate itself. The 2 Tailed Tiger looked at the White Swirled Crow with it's jaws open, with a red ball forming between it's jaws. Another flash of light erupted, and the red beam flashing between it's jaws hit the White Swirled Crow. After being hit, the White Swirled Crow let out a shriek, while it's wings stopped moving as it's feathers started to melt, then it started to crash towards the ground. As the White Swirled Crow started to fall, the 2 Tailed Tiger once again snapped into action, dashing forwards towards the falling crow. As it closed in on the crow, it opened it's jaws, preparing to bite. Suddenly, a purple square barrier snapped around the crow, and it stopped falling, hovering in the air, while still shrieking. With the barriers appearance, the same bland voice could be heard again. "Match is over, Zoe's 2 Tailed Tiger is the winner."

And then the video ended.

"Damn, that was awesome. Didn't see that result though."

After hearing that, Jamie scratched his head. "Zoe caught Julio by surp..."

"STOP! I don't need a step by step analysis, it kills the enjoyment. But seriously, I can see why your into being a Battlepet Master after seeing something like that."

"Thanks. My bus is here, it's time for me to go. I'll see you later."

With that, Jaime unplugged his earphones, and put it and his phone into his black back, before slinging his bag over his shoulder and getting on a bus.


As Jamie was getting off the bus, a house could be seen. It had a big, grassy lawn in front of the house, with a gravel pathway leading up to a white, two storey house. A sturdy, metal fence Jaime's height surrounded the blocks perimeter, with 2 gates at the front. One opening to the path leading to the houses front door, and the other leading to a concrete road going to a garage.

As he got off the bus and approached his home, a gravely voice could be heard. "Hey Jamie. Do you mind giving me a hand?"

Jamie paused, looking to his right, and sure enough, his neighbor, a frail looking man with white hair and glasses could be seen, standing next to a white ute with a freezer visible in the back, in front of an open gate. Jaime nodded, and said, "Sure James. You need help with the freezer?"

"Yes. Thanks."

Jamie walked towards the ute, before getting in. After the ute arrived at the house, and Jamie and James got out, before moving the freezer to the house to set it up. As they were setting it up, they talked.

"So Jamie, happy birthday. How did you reach the requirement for the Battlepet Master Trainee?"

"No. I did reach stage 3 of Soul Purity though."

" That's a pity. Still, reaching the requirements for a Beast Tamer is good. I can talk to some friends to get you working at good store if you want. "

"Thanks for the offer James. I need some time to think about it first."

"Okay. Just don't feel shy to ask for help if you need it. By the way, I have something to give you for your birthday."

With that, James shuffled into one of his rooms, before a minute emerging a minute later with a slightly dusty red container. "Here, this is just collecting dust with me. I'm sure it will be useful for you though."


After Jamie accepted the container, he opened the box. After seeing what was inside, his eyes opened wide and he gasped. Inside it were two small grey, blue, brown, red, black, and gold stones. James smiled, and said "There are 12 basic evolution stones, two stones for the elements of chaos, order, air, water, earth, fire. Most creatures need one of these stones for the most basic evolution."

Jamie closed the box, then put it into his bag. He finished helping set up the freezer, then lingered to play a game of scrabble with James, before heading home. As he entered the house, he was greeted with the sight of the black pup sitting inside the house. Unlike it's usual behavior where it would nip at Jaime's heels playfully, the black pup just stared at him intensely with it's golden eyes. Jamie tried tapping into his soul, to communicate directly with the pup.

"Hey girl. What's wrong?"

Despite feeling the slight drain on his soul indicating he was successful, the pup just continued to observe him, without answering back. Shrugging it off, Jamie made his way to the lounge room where a note was on the table left by his mother, saying she would return late. After reading it, he then went to his room, before changing and sitting in his room, strengthening his soul for one hour, after which, he stopped and went to the kitchen, to make himself something to eat.

After browsing through the fridge, Jamie decided to make himself a sandwich. Just as he started to cut the tomatoes, the black pup entered the kitchen, then steadily approached Jamie while looking intensely at the knife. At that moment, Jamie had raised the knife. He then moved the knife downwards to cut the tomato. The knife deviated slightly, cutting his finger on his left hand holding the tomato, drawing blood.


Jamie dropped the knife, with it clattering and falling under the fridge, while he was touching his cut finger with his other hand, clenching his teeth in pain. After a moment, he lay down flat on the floor, to reach under the fridge to retrieve the knife with his right hand, with his left hand on the floor. At this moment, the black pup leaped into action.


The pup swiftly bit it's paw, drawing blood. It then rushed forward, slamming it's bleeding paw into Jamie's cut finger. Once they connected, an illusionary white line briefly appeared, connecting the pup and Jamie, before disappearing. Milliseconds afterwards, the left thumb of the illusionary miniature Jamie flashed briefly, while a white line attached to it.

Jamie paused in shock, before tilting his head to the left. Where he found found himself face to face with the black pup. Then, a soft spoken, female voice could be heard in his head.

"Hello partner. Now, we can finally talk properly."