
Battlepet Masters

An asteroid crashed into a planet, forever changing the environment and all the creatures living there. Afterwards, portals started randomly appearing, with hordes of alien lifeforms pouring out and killing what lies in their path. For the human civilizations to survive, humans started harnessing the environment to help empower themselves to the extreme, and to contract animals to help strengthen themselves and fight. Follow Jamie on his journey as he embarks on the path of becoming the ultimate Battlepet Master.

Ultravioletx · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 11 - Naming the Black Dragon

Jamie entered the house, with his two bonded beasts trailing behind, with the dragon strutting behind Jamie and Eve. As he approached the lounge room, he could hear a booming voice from the television. "Increasingly, our society has been putting more emphasis an individual's power, and it's not healthy for our society. We have people being marginalized....."

Just as Jamie was about to enter the lounge room, he noticed the absence of a slight tapping noise coming from behind him. He turned around, to see the dragon cowering slightly behind him, not moving. Just as Jamie was about to take a step towards the dragon to comfort it, it straightened up and started walking forwards. Jamie's eyes widened in shock, before he shrugged it off and he walked into the lounge room.

When he entered the lounge room, he saw his mother lounging on the sofa watching the television. On the television was a slightly muscular man, with pitch black hair in a suit and smile lines talking "One of the things we should do is to stop regulating the information a person can access based on their strength. We should be allowed to...."

Laura turned her head to face Jamie, and smiled. She said "Welcome home. How was your stay at Bob's?"

"Good. I managed to bond with the baby Black Dragon and increase my Astral Body size as it improved."

Laura's gaze fell on the black dragon behind Jamie, and it cowered as her gaze fell on it. Her gaze lingered for a few seconds on the dragon before she looked back at Jamie. She smirked "Ferocious thing, isn't it?"

Jamie blushed in embarrassment."I can train it to be strong given enough time."

Laura let out a chuckle. "I'm sure you can. In the meantime, you'll need to make yourself dinner as I didn't know you would be coming home today. Also, that dragon stays at the lawn at the back of the house, or one of the empty rooms downstairs if you can guarantee it won't destroy the house. And I have no meat to feed it, so you'll have to go out and get some for it."

"That's fine, I have some meat in the van."

With that, Laura turned her head to continue watching the television while Jaime looked at the dragon, hesitating slightly before guiding it to one of the spare rooms. Sending a mental image to the dragon and Eve of them staying in the room, he went back to his van to grab the three eskies in the van loaded with meat and dropped them besides the freezer in the kitchen, before putting the meat he received from Bob into the freezer minus two bags. He then separated the meat on two trays, and put the trays in front of his bonded beasts, and opened the fridge to make his own meal. Eventually, he decided to make himself a couple of sandwiches, then went to join his mom in the lounge room.

When he entered the lounge room carrying a plate with two sandwiches, Jamie looked at the television and saw that it was still on the news with the muscular man still rambling on. He rolled his eyes then asked "Can we watch something else? This is kinda boring."

"We can switch the channel when this is done."

Two minutes passed while Jamie sat and ate his sandwich in silence as Laura watched. When the politician was done, Laura tossed the remote over to Jamie. Jaime caught it, and while flicking through the channels he said "Finally."

Laura rolled her eyes. "You need to pay attention to what is going on around you more, instead of fixating on watching League fights."

Eventually, Jamie settled on watching a sitcom, and they watched it together, occasionally laughing. When it was done, Jamie flicked off the television to wash his plate and Laura left to read her book. Before she headed upstairs she said to Jaime "Make sure to fill out an application for the Battlepet Master Trainee today."

Washing his plate, Jamie then went to his van to grab his laptop, before heading to the room where his bonded beasts were. Inside the room, they were laying in the center of the room together, with their eyes closed. As soon as Jamie entered the room, Eve ran up to him to nip on his heels, while the dragon let out a roar, with it's tail twitching. Jamie squatted and patted Eve, then looked at the dragon. It managed to knock some of the meat off the tray he put it on, and there was blood on the floor. Jamie resigned himself to cleaning the mess later.

Jamie then walked over to the dragon and scratched it behind the neck. He then leaned up against the room wall to the left, with his legs flat, and put the laptop on his legs and booted it up. As it was booting up, Eve ran up to him and licked his hand. She then transmitted to Jamie

"Since your soul Astral Body is at stage 2, can you evolve me now?"

Jamie shook his head. "Nope, need to wait 1 day before I evolve you."


"It was constantly mentioned in the mandatory beast class during High School and the later years of Primary School that it could cause problems to the bond anchors soul if their bonded beasts increased their stage or evolved without a sufficient break in between. It was recommended that 24 hours was given in between."


Jamie filled out an application for the Battlepet Master Trainee ID, and afterward he was done he decided to look up information on the black dragon. He transmitted to the dragon "What is your species name?"

The dragon transmitted back "Dragon."

Jamie looked at the dragon blankly, then pointed to Eve and said "Evernight Wolf." He then pointed to the dragon and it replied by transmission "Dragon."

Jamie did a quick search on the internet, trying a variety of keywords with 'black dragon' in it. He got nothing on actual black dragons. Jamie scratched his head. "The video must be on the Hunters Association forums in the members only area."

Thinking back to the video his brother showed him, he tried to think back, to remember the details of the video. If he remembered correctly, the area around two crows rippled before they burst apart. The dragons eyes dimmed afterwards, so it had to have something to do with the dragon. Jamie looked at the dragon, then put the laptop to the side, got up, and went to his room to pick a small disposable object. He found a bouncy ball on the floor among his pile of junk. "This will do" Jamie thought.

Returning to his room where his bond beasts where located, he dropped the ball in front of the dragon and transmitted to it the fuzzy image of the black dragon in the video tearing the crows apart, then transmitted "Do that to the ball."

The Dragon just stared at the ball.

Jamie sighed. He would get the dragon to see if it had any other new abilities, or if it's ember had improved, in front of the dummy in the scanner in the training room tomorrow. He did not want it to burn down the house.

Jamie studied the dragon intently, thinking about the video Michael had showed him. He started to grow concerned about the future. The Dragon would grow much larger in the future. It doubled in size increasing just increasing to stage 2. Considering it's potential growth, he would need to find a massive piece land in the future to house it and give it the room he needed to move about. Jamie put this thought out of his mind, as he said out loud while looking at the dragon.

"It's time to give you a name."

Immediately, Eve looked at the dragon intently with her ears raised. She started wagging her tail furiously, while transmitting to Jamie.

"How about Glutton. He ate some of my meat."

Jamie's eyes narrowed and he said out loud. "Eve, I'm not calling it glutton."

The dragon let out a roar and glared at Eve. Jamie looked at Eve and smirked, saying out loud "see, he doesn't like the name."

Eve looked at intently at Jamie then transmitted "So, what do you think we should name him?"

Jamie scratched his head "How about Scrappy"

The dragon glared at Jamie.

Eve huffed. "Useless. How about Unsettled."

"No not Unsettled. How about Scratchy"

Eve and Jamie continued arguing back and forth, while the dragon just watched in gradual dismay as one terrible name after another was mentioned. Finally, Jamie said "How about Blackwing."

Eve snickered. "Your just being la...."

The dragon cut the bickering duo off with a roar. It then looked at Jamie and transmitted "Blackwing."

Jamie laughed then said out loud. "It likes it. My naming sense is awesome."

Little did he know that the Dragon just settled on Blackwing in fear of getting something worse.