
Battle Tower with 2 Bodies

A newbie author suddenly came up with an idea for his new novel to practice his writing skills, but he blacked out after thinking of a name for it. Waking up from his slumber, he found himself in a strange white room that healed all of his scars and injuries. That's not the only strange thing, as he also sees everything from 2 perspectives: one from his original body and the other from a girl who is completely unrelated to him. Now both bodies shared a consciousness, his consciousness, it tried to find an answer by checking through the memories of the two bodies, but it only found his, the attempt to find her memory was met with failure. Her memories are nowhere to be found, and the only clue it has is a hole in the middle of her shirt splattered with blood, indicating that she had lost her life due to a stab to the heart. Accompany them in their adventure within the place that he gave the name to: Battle Tower This novel is in the format of the character narrating their own adventures so there will be a lot of things omitted since they aren't omnipresence or omniscience and the narrator can lie.

Deltvin · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 5 - About the Tower


Ignoring Jake's bewilderment toward Howard's death, I look at my status to check out what has changed.



Name: Leonard Kevler

Level: 2

Exp: 10/50

Race: Human (17) ♂

Vigor: 100/100

Str: F(10/100)

Int: F(10/100)

End: F(10/100)

Dex: F(10/100)

Per: F(10/100)

Available points: 10


[Unique] Authority of Space: Level 1

-Description: The authority to rule over space.


+Teleport: The player could teleport anything they are in contact with.

+Inventory: Allow the Player to put objects into configurable pocket dimensions.

[Unique] Consciousness

-Description: One mind, two bodies


+Skill Share: Share skills between bodies, each body could share one skill with the other. [Regress] [Inventory]

+Life Share: When one body dies, the other body will also die.

+Exp Share: When one body gains experience points, the other will gain the same amount.

+Party Share: The two bodies are always in the same party.

+Unknowable: This ability can only be known by the two bodies, any memories of it outside the two bodies will be erased. Even Gods cannot know.

+True Consciousness: The consciousness of the two bodies is immune to all external mental interferences.




Name: Eliza Chrona

Level: 2

EXP: 10/50

Race: Human (17) ♀

Vigor: 100/100

Vigor: 100/100

Str: F(10/100)

Int: F(10/100)

End: F(10/100)

Dex: F(10/100)

Per: F(10/100)

Available points: 10


[Unique] Authority of Time: Level 1

-Description: The authority to rule over Time


+Time Stop: Stop time

+Regress: On death, the player could return 24 hours into the past.

[Unique] Consciousness

-Description: One mind, two bodies


+Skill Share: Share skills between bodies, each body could share one skill with the other. [Regress] [Inventory]

+Life Share: When one body dies, the other body will also die.

+Exp Share: When one body gains experience points, the other will gain the same amount.

+Party Share: The two bodies are always in the same party.

+Unknowable: This ability can only be known by the two bodies, any memories of it outside the two bodies will be erased. Even Gods cannot know.

+True Consciousness: The consciousness of the two bodies is immune to all external mental interferences.


After I finished checking my status, I saw another notification, but instead of the familiar small blue screen, these screens were golden, and there's a difference between what my two bodies see.


The Light Bringer has noticed your Blazed trail.

Many gods, deities, and spirits have noticed you.



The Forgiver of Heaven has noticed you.

Many gods, deities, and spirits have noticed you.


The first message appeared in front of Leo, and the second message appeared in front of Eli.

'So this thing is like those constellations in those Korean novels?' was my first thought when I saw the notification. The headless man did say, "May the Gods be with you," so maybe he meant these

[So you're the first one to complete the first floor? Congratulation.] A headless man appeared in the middle of the room without any warning.

"I haven't seen the 'more information' that you spoke of, Mr. Headless Man." (Leo)

[I'm Gan Ceann, The Administrator of the First Hundred Floors. For your inquiry, llet'sjust say that floor 1 is a filter, people need to have the urge to reach higher for me to bother explaining to them.] The Headless Man, Gan Ceann, replied before continuing.

[I will be the one answering your questions, so ask away.]

"What is the Battle Tower?" (Leo)

[The battle tower is a Tower to test human abilities by giving them battles to fight against.]

"What is the true purpose of the Battle tower?" (Eliza)

[The remnants of ancient deities tried to find a way to get back to relevance by using the last of their power to create this tower and make people depend on them again, which also worked as a ground for entertainment. However, since they didn't make a lock, every legendary spirit or soul recorded from legends, myths, and stories could also enter the Tower as one of the players or as an observer since the Tower runs on a fame and legend basis.]

"If you tell this to anyone who asks, won't it be a problem?" (Leonard)

[First clearer privileges, I cannot lie or omit the first five questions, and the Gods allow it, though you can only know them and cannot speak of them to anyone because doing that would get you erased by the god.]

'Shit! I just wasted one question.' I thought before asking another question, "You said recorded legends from the past could become one of the observers, then what will happen to the legends that will be recorded here?" (Eliza)

[Good questions, in theory, if you have enough legends here, you could become one of the observers at the cost of being unable to continue forward to the next floor, and only the floor below is available to you.]

"So that means the myths and legends are the true first batch? Why didn't it take data from them?"

[Yes, and since you used up the five questions, your clearance isn't enough for me to answer the latter.]

"Alright, what are Unique abilities? Can you answer that?" (Leonard)

[Unique abilities are hidden potential, a chance of fate, neat little references, or simply pranks chosen by the Tower's system to give to an adequate host. Its completely up to the system of the tower to decide what you get.]

"Why did my status screen changed? Why do my stats have numbers now?"

[At the moment of its creation, the system of the tower started absorbing information from what you called the "Internet", The tower was supposed to start working 11 years ago, but it got overloaded by the information, and the gods had to use more power to fix it. Only now has it gotten stable again. Most of its functions were lost in the fixing, so now it is rebuilding itself a new system by taking data and unconscious opinions from the first batch, namely you and your companions. It may change in the future, who knows?]

"How does the new stats point work?" (Eliza)

[Everytime you rank up the max stat point will be multiply by 10. To rank up a stat, you need to be at the max level of the previous rank and be in a safe zone, like these.]

"Why is the safe zone just this white box? Why doesn't the tower make it more interesting?" (Leo)

[Well since your party is the first clearer, you will be given the option to choose the presets.]

""What's your recommendation?"" Both of my bodies asked Gan

[I recommend choosing the default preset since it fulfills all requirements for human sustenance.]

"What do you think, Jake?" (Eliza)

"Mr. Howard is dead, how can you two be normal about it?"

"We are used to it. Since you don't object, let's just go with that preset."

[Very well,] Gan said before gesturing the air, and the white room turned into a big plain of green surrounded by forests, a bit further was a mountain range, and a river cut the middle of the plain.

[It needs to start somewhere, the resources here are enough for you to create your own city. After all, you are the first batch that requires sustenance, there was no prior case like this since no spirit ever asked for a different safe zone. You three shared ownership of this safe zone and can do whatever you want with it by within its limits, of course.]

"How big is this safe zone?"

[Depending on how strong the owner is, it currently only stretches as far as 10 km.]

Now this is a new thing alright, it's different from all other tower novel that this is a new tower with little to no mark before protagonist's arrival. It's far from completion, just stable enough to work and may need some system update. So if you have some good idea, suggest it to me by commenting.

Deltvincreators' thoughts