
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Xun'er goes to Xiao's house

Gama Empire, Wutan City!

   As one of the three major families of Utan City, the Xiao family, they have a good reputation in Utan City.

  Especially in the Xiao family, there is also a resounding genius child, Xiao Yan, who reached five stages of fighting spirit at the age of only seven, which made Xiao Zhan, the head of the Xiao family, once proud.

   However, today's Xiao family is a little different. In a certain elegantly furnished room in the Xiao family, two special figures stand facing each other.

   "Xun'er, have you really decided to stay in Xiao's house? The clan is ready to replace you, you don't have to force yourself."

   Gu Yuan spoke softly and said in a gentle voice.

The plan to go to the Xiao's house was originally set, but Gu Xun'er suddenly changed his mind and said that he was going to come to the Xiao's house. Gu Yuan would naturally not refuse, so he brought her here. It's just that Gu Xun'er's thoughts changed too quickly. He was a little confused, so before leaving, he wanted to ask again to make a final decision.

   After all, when there are alternatives, he doesn't want to wrong his precious daughter. If Gu Xun'er doesn't want to stay in Xiao's house, he won't force it.

   "You don't have to worry about me, father, I am willing to stay at Xiao's house, this is my voluntary, no reluctance."

   Gu Xun'er shook his head and said.

   The most fundamental reason why she has been reluctant to come to Xiao's house is that she doesn't want to be separated from Gu Xiao.

   But now Gu Xiao has disappeared for more than three months, without the slightest message, and without the ancient clan of Gu Xiao, she doesn't have much meaning to stay.

   Besides, instead of staying in the ancient world and waiting foolishly for Gu Xiao's news, she might as well come out and search for it by herself. Maybe it's also looking for a needle in a haystack, but at least there is psychological comfort.

   is better than sitting alone in the ancient world.

   Gu Xiao could not be in the ancient world, but in a certain corner of the mainland, maybe someday fate arrived, maybe she would meet Gu Xiao again.

   She always believed that she and her Gu Xiao brother had a special tacit understanding that no one else had. There was an invisible line connecting them together.

   Although this idea is silly and naive, it is the most ardent expectation in her heart.

Hearing Gu Xun'er's words, Gu Yuan sighed slightly, knowing his daughter Mo Ruo father, maybe he didn't understand at first, but seeing what Gu Xun'er looks like now, he also had some guesses about Gu Xun'er's thoughts. .

   "I will pay close attention to Xiaoer's matter, and I will send more people to look for it. I will notify you as soon as I have news."

   "You also have to take care of yourself, don't be too sad, I believe Xiaoer doesn't want to see you like this, he cares about you most."

   Gu Yuan comforted softly.

   "Xun'er knows." Gu Xun'er nodded slightly and said quietly.

"Okay, then I can rest assured. You don't have to worry too much about the ancient jade. You can get it if you can. You don't have to be exacting if you can't get it. We naturally want ancient jade, but one more ancient jade from the Xiao family. In fact, it can't decide anything, Guyu, after all, there are eight pieces."

Gu Yuan exhorted, for Gu Yu, he really wanted it, but his gaze was more on Gu Xiao. For him, Gu Xiao had a mysterious origin, and someone who once exuded the aura of the imperial realm possessed it. With greater attraction.

   After all, if you want to gather eight ancient jade, to be honest, it is a bit unrealistic with the strength of the ancients.

   Although he has confidence in the ancient race, he is not so arrogant that he believes that the ancient race can be an enemy of all other ancient races. Apart from anything else, the soul race is a hurdle they cannot overcome.

   In contrast, it may be more reliable to unearth the secret of becoming an emperor from the astonishing Gu Xiao.

   Therefore, for Gu Xiao, their ancient clan must get it, and the necessary search is absolutely indispensable. They must rush to find Gu Xiao in front of the soul clan, otherwise, if the soul clan gets the hands, then things will be troublesome.

"Xun'er understands." Listening to Gu Yuan's words, Gu Xun'er nodded slightly. In fact, she didn't care much about Gu jade in her heart. For her, the task of fetching ancient jade was only incidental, and she cared most in her heart. It's her brother Gu Xiao.

"Well, it's okay to understand, then I'll leave first. If you have any problems, you can tell Ling Ying and Lin Ye and they will all be for your advice. If you encounter a problem that can't be solved, you can also contact the clan directly. Naturally, the clan will do everything to help you."

   Gu Yuan said warmly.

   "Xun'er remembers, father, please go slowly." Gu Xun'er replied, indicating that he had already remembered it in his heart.

   Gu Yuan nodded, and took another look at Gu Xun'er. Then, with a thought, a door of space emerged. He walked directly in, disappearing in place.

   Gu Xun'er looked straight at the leaving figure of Gu Yuan, only turned around after a while, her small hand could not help but stroked her chest, her beautiful big eyes blinked gently, her eyes filled with thoughts...


   The sky gradually sank, and Gu Xun'er put away the moonstone for lighting, and the whole room suddenly dimmed.

   About half an hour later, a small figure suddenly appeared in front of Gu Xun'er's door.

   "This should be the room that Kaoru's sister lived in today."

The figure said softly, with a strange smile in her tone, "This new sister Xun'er seems to be a little weak in her body. As a new generation of good young people, it is my duty to help her. Now I am successful in my practice. , Just spend a little bit of anger to warm up her body, alas, I'm always so kind."

   The figure said, he paced slowly, opened the door bolt cautiously, then gently pushed the door open, and walked towards the direction of the bed.

   With the faint moonlight falling outside the window, the figure saw Gu Xun'er's delicate and lovely face like a porcelain doll.

   "This sister Xun'er is really beautiful, much better than Xiao Yu's wife."

   The figure muttered, and stretched out his hand towards Gu Xun'er.

   And just when his hand was about to touch Gu Xun'er, an invisible pressure struck him, directly suppressing him in place, unable to move a single minute.

   Gu Xun'er also woke up instantly, seeing the figure in front of him and his outstretched hand, a pretty face was suddenly covered with a layer of frost, UU reading www.uukanshu.com eyes filled with killing intent.

   "Ling Lao!" Gu Xun'er called out, and a figure suddenly appeared.

   "Who is this person?" Gu Xun'er asked coldly.

   "This is the third young master of the Xiao family." Ling Ying replied.

   "The third young master of the Xiao family?" Gu Xun'er's eyes trembled slightly, and slowly took away the killing intent from his eyes. Gu Yu hadn't gotten his hands yet, but he couldn't completely tear his face with the Xiao family.

   "Pull out and break a leg!" Gu Xun'er said coldly, with a deep chill.

   Brother Gu Xiao said that anyone who has bad thoughts about her will be disabled.

   "Miss, interrupting a leg, this is unavoidable..." Ling Ying said softly. After all, the young lady came with a mission. She really interrupted a leg of the third son of the Xiao family.

   "Yes, breaking a leg is too cheap for him. Pull it down and break both legs." Gu Xun'er said, with a bit of cold in his voice.

   "What?" The shadow was shocked, so he would break his legs?

   "Old Ling, what are you hesitating about, pull it down." Seeing Ling Ying's motionless, Gu Xun'er suddenly shouted coldly.

   "Yes, miss!" Seeing Gu Xun'er seemed to have made up his mind, Ling Ying stopped hesitating and pulled the figure directly out of the room.

   "No, dad, help!" Seeing that it was really pulled out, the figure became anxious, and suddenly shouted, this is to be true.

   "Boy, if you are to blame, blame yourself for your own death. You dare to fight the lady's idea. The gods can't save you."

   Ling Ying's voice fell, and with a light wave of his right hand, two fighting air burst out.

   "Ah!" Accompanied by the sound of bone cracks, a screaming scream suddenly resounded in the dark...