
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Strange old man

This sudden turn of events caught everyone off guard.

Gu Xiao's departure was abrupt and swift, leaving even Gu Yuan and Soul Tiandi momentarily stunned.

Almost at the time they were still marveling at the marvel of Yin Pei, Gu Xiao mounted the twelve-color lotus platform and swiftly sank into the vortex.

By the time they reacted, Gu Xiao had already vanished without a trace, leaving no hint of his presence.

This sudden twist baffled Gu Yuan and Soul Tiandi.

Gu Yuan abandoned the Soul Heaven Emperor and hastened to the spot where the vortex had vanished. Channeling the immense power of his emperor-level soul, he unleashed his soul's strength like a tidal wave, hoping to uncover some leads.

Soul Heaven Emperor made no attempt to obstruct him. He sat observing Gu Yuan's actions, his eyes contemplative, lost in thought.

"Damn it, not even a trace of aura to sense."

Gu Yuan's formidable imperial-realm soul power surged frantically, causing numerous space fissures to be swept away by his soul. However, his efforts yielded no fruit. Not only did he fail to detect Gu Xiao's aura, but also the spatial fluctuations left by Gu Xiao's departure had completely vanished, leaving no traces behind. It was as if he had evaporated into thin air.

Gu Yuan inwardly cursed, his expression slightly grim. He was feeling rather uneasy at this moment—a stark contrast to his usually composed demeanor.

Witnessing a living being suddenly disappear before his eyes was indeed a hard pill to swallow.

Gu Xiao's existence was incredibly significant, and their relationship even more so. This sudden escape at such a crucial juncture stirred a mixture of emotions within him, including anger.

Unlike Gu Yuan, Soul Tiandi's demeanor was unexpectedly composed. Although Gu Xiao's abrupt departure caught him off guard, he accepted the reality swiftly. Compared to Gu Xiao remaining in the ancient clan, his current escape might not be an entirely negative development.

After all, their plan for the day had failed. The Soul Clan's chances of apprehending Gu Xiao were minimal now. If Gu Xiao stayed within the ancient clan, he would undoubtedly be kept under strict surveillance. Diverting his attention away from Gu Xiao would prove difficult.

But Gu Xiao's departure meant the absence of ancient protectors by his side. This made it significantly easier for their Soul Clan to capture him. Given the Soul Clan's potency and the widespread presence of the Soul Hall across the continent, locating someone was not an insurmountable task.

At most, it would take a bit more time. The Soul Heaven Emperor was in possession of time and patience—traits inherent to a distinguished hero.

The Emperor of the Soul shifted his focus. With a light wave of his hand, numerous formidable souls came to a halt and retreated to the Soul Emperor's rear.

Gu Xiao had already vanished, making any further combat futile.

On the other side, Gu Yuan likewise gestured, and the ancient representatives also withdrew.

Though his countenance remained grim, Gu Yuan's stance was composed. His brows slightly furrowed, he still maintained the demeanor of a clan leader with the Soul Heaven Emperor by his side.

"Gu Yuan, today's confrontation leaves us all as losers. Undoubtedly, the Son of Heaven boasts exceptional qualities—more than we initially presumed."

The Soul Heaven Emperor spoke softly, his tone tinged with a sigh. This was the truth. No one could have predicted Gu Xiao's abrupt spatial rupture and escape. His method of fleeing was impeccable, even eluding the grasp of peak Nine-Star Battle Sages.

"Now that Gu Xiao has gone, his whereabouts remain a mystery. Gu Yuan, from this moment onward, our success depends on our individual capabilities. Whether it's your Ancient Clan, with its extensive reach, or our Soul Clan, it's time to prove our worth."

The Soul Heaven Emperor smiled, his expression brimming with confidence. The Ancient Clan and their Soul Clan now faced the same challenge—searching across the continent.

In terms of locating individuals, the Soul Clan believed it could match or even surpass anyone. They were confident in locating Gu Xiao before Gu Yuan.

"Hmph, Gu Xiao is a member of our Ancient Clan, and always will be. Our Ancient Clan will unquestionably find him first." Gu Yuan snorted, his voice resolute.

"Hehe, you seem quite confident. Well then, let's see who prevails."


With a smile, the Soul Heaven Emperor led the Soul Clan contingent into the gateway to the Soul Clan's realm, vanishing from sight.

Observing the disappearance of the Soul Heaven Emperor and his party, Gu Yuan's expression turned somber. He advanced toward Gu Xun'er, who stared blankly at the sky, tears streaming down her face.

He cast a disgusted glance at the nearly lifeless "Gu Lan" on the ground, then dismissed him with a wave of his hand. With a surge of infuriated energy, he obliterated any traces of the Soul Clan's infiltrator within the soul race, leaving no remnants behind.

Upon completing this task, Gu Yuan turned to Gu Xun'er, who continued to weep while gazing emptily at the heavens. A deep sigh escaped his lips...


At a remote corner of the continent, a desolate desert stretched far and wide.

An elderly man clad in a white robe with a long white beard stared apprehensively into the desert's depths. He dropped a peculiar herb into his palm and slipped it into his ring.

"I've collected the necessary materials for the Earth-Po Pill. Only the final ingredient, the sand mandala, remains. It's buried deep within the desert. Unfortunately, I can't venture there. Well, let's suspend this for now."

Muttering softly, the elderly man clenched his fists with a trace of reluctance etched on his face.

"Dou Ling's power is still rather feeble. When will I regain my true strength? Queen Medusa, that woman is truly daunting."

His voice quavered as if recalling something frightening, shivering involuntarily.

"Nevertheless, it's time to find an alchemist to refine this pill. The Earth-Po Pill requires a different fire for refinement. Sadly, no one in the Gama Empire possesses such a thing. What a predicament."

The elderly man shook his head with a crestfallen expression, contemplating his next steps. He turned to walk toward a nearby city. Suddenly, a vortex materialized in the sky, and a colorful lotus platform emerged from it, crashing to the ground with a resounding thud and a flurry of sand and dust.

"Ahem!" The lotus platform dissipated, revealing Gu Xiao, who coughed repeatedly, expelling the dust from his mouth.

After several vigorous coughs, Gu Xiao patted his sand-stained white robe and looked up, only to find himself locking eyes with a white-haired elderly man.

The elderly man regarded him with an odd gaze, making Gu Xiao feel unusually small and insignificant.

Feeling a twitch in his brain, Gu Xiao blurted out involuntarily, "What are you staring at?"

Simultaneously, the elderly man's lips twitched, echoing with the same phrase, "What are you doing?"

In an instant, both men found themselves locked in a baffled staring contest...