

"In the kingdom ruled by Adric King, three brave princesses, Rose, Anna, and Liya, stand by their father's side in a war initiated by Edric King. With unwavering courage, they fight valiantly. However, when tragedy strikes and Adric King falls at the hands of Edric King, the princesses are consumed by grief, causing them to lose focus on the war. In their vulnerable state, they are captured by Edric King's soldiers. Now, they must find a way to regain their strength and overcome their captors. Will they rise above their sorrow and reclaim their kingdom? Discover the resilience and determination of these princesses in this gripping tale of love, loss, and redemption."

Lahari_Joglekar · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Rise Of The Fleauran Kingdom

Despite King Valter's victory in the war, the loss of his dear friend cast a shadow of sadness over him. He sends a message to Fleauran Kingdom, and everyone there became really sad because of the king's death. The Queen Isabella, felt like her life was filled with darkness after losing her husband, and their son was also deeply grieving. It's a tough time for everyone in the kingdom.

After the kingdom mourned the loss of King Arthur, the ministers and citizens were left wondering about the future of Fleauran. With Prince Aldrich being only 10 years old, it seemed too early for him to ascend the throne.

However, Queen Isabella, displaying her strength and determination, gathered the entire kingdom and with hint of sadness in her voice, addressed the citizens saying,

"Dear Citizens of Fleauran, I understand the pain of losing a beloved King and Husband. But we cannot let grief consume us. We must rise above it. Today, I stand before you to make an important announcement. My son, Prince Aldrich, will ascend to the throne when he turns 18. Until then, the throne shall remain vacant . During this time, he will receive a comprehensive education from the most skilled teachers in Fleauran. Not only that, but he will also undergo rigorous training in the art of wielding weapons, ensuring that he becomes a formidable protector of the kingdom. I hope you all support this decision. Thank you for listening, and now you may carry on with your daily tasks."

The queen's announcement was met with a mixture of curiosity and admiration from the citizens. They understood the importance of preparing Prince Aldrich for his future role as the king of Fleauran.

Finally on Aldrich's eighteenth birthday he was going to be announced as the King of Fleauran. The announcement of Aldrich becoming the new king spreads like wildfire, and the town is buzzing with excitement and anticipation. As the news reaches every corner of the kingdom, people start preparing for a grand celebration to mark this historic occasion. The streets are adorned with colorful banners and decorations, and the air is filled with a sense of hope and renewal. The townsfolk eagerly gather in the central square, eagerly awaiting the proclamation of their new king.

When the moment arrives, there's a hush in the crowd as Aldrich steps forward to address his subjects. He speaks with confidence and humility, promising to lead the kingdom with wisdom and fairness. His words resonate with the people, and they can't help but be intrigued by this new chapter in their history. The celebration that follows is nothing short of spectacular. There are music, dance, feasts, and fireworks illuminating the night sky. It's a joyous occasion where people from all walks of life come together to celebrate the beginning of a new era under King Aldrich's rule.

When Aldrich turns 24, he embarks on a journey to the magnificent Kingdom of King Valter. As he arrives, his eyes meet Princess Aria, and an instant connection forms between them. Aldrich is captivated by her beauty, grace, and intelligence. King Valter notices this spark between them and sees an opportunity to strengthen the bond between their kingdoms. In a grand gesture, King Valter proposes a marriage alliance between the King Aldrich and Princess Aria. Aldrich, recognizing his love for Princess Aria, potential for unity and prosperity, agrees to the proposal.

The news spreads throughout the kingdom, filling the air with excitement and anticipation. As the wedding day approaches, preparations are made on a grand scale. The kingdom is adorned with vibrant decorations.

Finally, the day arrives, and Aldrich and Aria stand before the kingdom, ready to exchange vows and become husband and wife. The ceremony is filled with love, joy, and promises of a bright future. As they are pronounced as husband and wife, cheers erupt throughout the kingdom.

After few years of their marriage, Queen Aria was about to give birth to a child. She has the fate of giving birth to three children. However, she was unaware of the thought that her unborn children are not just ordinary children. They possess a unique power that poses a great threat to all kinds of evil in the world. These powers have been bestowed upon them by God, with the prophecy that their hands hold the fate of evil's demise.

In fact King Aldrich's story is still shrouded in mystery, and his secret remains undiscovered. But guess what? The princesses are destined to uncover it! There's this person who knows all about it, and there's even a mystical creature at play, hidden from everyone's knowledge. This mystical creature is not only connected to the ongoing war but also to King Aldrich's secret. Now, the princesses, unaware of their father's secret or their own powers, have to embark on a thrilling and epic journey to unravel the truth. But before they can do that, they must find a way to escape from Edric's Prison.

It's gonna be quite the adventure, my friend! Keep those pages turning! 😊