
Battle Royale in a Different World!

150 individuals had lived their lives on Earth always having a deeper sense of Lethargy than others with the reason never having been figured out. Eventually they all die at the same time and are given the chance for a new life free of that lethargy though it is in a different world that resembles Earth. Reuben a once office worker chose to be reborn as an Ogre with the other individuals who had died at the same time making their own choices. The goal proposed to these individuals is to grow stronger and entertain the Goddess who gave them a second life. Now having received the name of Frey, he must work to protect his fellow Ogres in this world that is being influenced by the other Chosen as they would come to be known as. All of the Chosen had received the CAS or the Cultivation Assistance System. This functions both for the name and a way for the Godddess to help guide her show. All of the denziens in this world of Gaila speak Gailan and the same is for writing with some minor dialect differences at times despite the many different species. Frey will start somewhat naive in Gaila when considering relationships and schemes for example. Frey will have to grow and learn to lead or risk seeing those he came to see as friends and family perish from the struggles of the Natives and the other Chosen much less for any events the Goddess might arrange.

EtherealMixed · Fantasy
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Choices on Origin and Cultivation

*Now then time to dive into these options and see what I can piece together.* Reuben first decided to take a look at the various forms of Cultivation clicking on <Cultivation Types>.

<Cultivation Types>

- <Karmic Cultivation: There is the angel path and demon path. Angels practice virtues they have awakened Demons exert controls over their sins that awakened. Every sin or virtue has achieved sufficient control will cause a wing to grow. Large changes in physique happen every two wings new power for each wing.>

- <Law Cultivation: There are a myriad amount of paths that involve diving into specific concept power in the attempt to trace it back root all power. The realms as follows - Lesser Core formation, Refinement, Duplication, Conversion, Greater Grand Formation, Awakening, and Ascension. (Further stages would harm those even know before Ascension)>

- <Asura Cultivation: Standing on battlefields and killing will cause the user to gradually a blood aura which tempers body of highest degree. The soul is not tempered making it weak point. Asura Cultivation divided into five stages. Origin, Accumulation, Tempering, Blood Fiend, God. Every stage advancement causes enter rage turning them mindless demon that attacks all living things for set period time.>

*Only three options? And two of them see to mention the body quite a bit. I suppose Asura is supposed to represent the strongest body, Karmic is a middle-ground and then Law is weaker on the body side.*

*Law sounds like the standard Xinxia way of cultivation, though aside from the points we would supposedly already have access to something to help with Karmic Cultivation. The question is, should I take the risk and go with the path that carries less aid?*

Reuben was thinking hard on this matter as he had already decided on reincarnation over transmigration. Reuben had no desire to put a limit on his strength from the very beginning.

*If it is anything like the novels I can't remember the titles of then there should be arts or the like I can make to temper my body. I should try to gamble on the untread path opposed to walking the path that has been walked a thousand times.*

Wanting to give himself some more time Reuben figured he should take a look at the Species he could choose from. He thought about clicking on the <Sentient Species> and the following options appeared:

<Unisexual Male>

<Unisexual Female>

<Patriarchal >

<Matriarchal >

<Equal >

*Unisexual? Is this like the goblins of some anime where they require females to reproduce?*

Clicking on <Unisexual Male> a list appeared confirming his theory.

<Goblins >

<Ogres >

<Orcs >

<Kobolds >

*These really are the standard arechtypical monsters for that sort of 'literature' aren't they?*

<Unisexual Female> had the following list:

<Lamias >

<Arachnes >

<Scyllas >

<Mermaids >

<Witches >

<Fairies >

<Holstaurs >

*Aren't Witch and Fairy the odd ones out here? Is there some reason for that? Oh well I can figure that out later, I'd rather keep my little brother after all.*

<Patriarchal > had the following:

<Elves >

<Minotaurs >

<Werewolves >

<Titans >

<Matriarchal > had the following:

<Dark Elves>

<Vampires >

<Harpies >

<Centaurs >

<Dwarves >

<Salamanders >

Finally was <Equal > and it's list:

<Humans >

<Demi-Humans >

*Some of those have more than others for sure, but I'm assuming that despite humans and demi-humans having the least diversity they probably have the most numbers.*

"For crying out loud! No you cannot be a Female Goblin! No you cannot be a Male Holstaur! What would you even have get milked! ... Wait don't even think about that you slimy perverts. Alright, my patience is wearing thin now." Once more her fingers snapped and an hourglass appeared. "This is set for one hour, if you don't make your decision by then I will be having you reincarnate as your opposite sex of the prior life in a Patriarchal or Matriarchal society that would put you in the lower position." The hourglass was flipped and the sands were gradually falling bringing a sense of urgency to the souls though some seemed to fidgeting and almost blushing.

*I'm definitely on board for Law Cultivation. Reincarnation was always the answer in my mind. Now what to do for Species? Human seems obvious, but at the same time would I be able to hide myself from those who might transmigrate?*

*After all if I was to transmigrate I would want to kill or remove all the reincarnators. They would all have the capacity to surpass me if given the chance and I wouldn't be able to do the same. This already feels like a battle royale, maybe I should choose a unisexual species?*

*Goblin is a hard pass and I don't want to be a pig face. I'd rather not have a dog face or other animal faces as well. Ogre is the only option then.*

Reuben took a moment to psyche himself up before making his declaration. *I will reincarnate as an Ogre and wish to pursue Law Cultivation!*

<User's choice has been approved by the Administrator!>

<User has been given Law Cultivation Seed by Administrator!>

<User 250 has been given points for making a decision within the first ten minutes by Administrator!>

Time passed by and gradually the last sand hit the bottom of the Hourglass. "Seems like you bums actually came to a decision before time ran out. Though I can't believe ten of you decided on a Matriarchal society as a male and seven of you a Patriarchal society as a female ... You lot realize it isn't all the kink aspect it is made to be right? Since I said that I might as well give you a look at the numbers for each category not specific species."

Said list was as follows:

<Unisexual Male> 12

<Unisexual Female> 25

<Patriarchal > 45

<Matriarchal > 32

<Equal > 35

"Now I need you all to understand something these only represent you who are my Chosen. Do not assume these represent the ratios of the natives. Your system will have a shop and mission feature that unlocks either immediately for Transmigrators or after ten years of age fir Reincarnators. You can browse through what you can buy then. I will be watching over the Reincarnators more and give them points when they impress me or entertain me before missions are applicable for them. Now I will be sending you to your locations, I hope you all will struggle, grow, and keep me on the edge of my seat."

At that moment all souls were sucked out of the Realm and the Goddess found herself alone. "I had higher hopes for this batch, but there are quite a few transmigrators this time. Hopefully the pressure sharpens the reincarnators who survive." The Goddess let out a sigh as she thought of the ratio between the two types of their new life.

Reincarnators: 24

Transmigrators: 125

Then there are the following ratios for the Cultivation Types:

Law: 12

Karmic: 125

Asura: 12

The stage was set and it was time for the calm before the storm, the time for the reincarnators to hide and grow, the time for the transmigrators to try and grow both their personal and political strength.