
Battle of the Ancients

Though this world may seem the same as the world you were born it's not In a world where a boy has to face a destiny he knows nothing about, for a change certain decisions must be made... Ayo born in a parallel world where the gods are not just myths, orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage just to be hunted down, for who he is..... A great evil lurks in the shadows from a prophecy once told but can he fight against this evil "I may be born half mortal but i shall ascend the Realm above and slay all those responsible for this chaos and all Ancients shall kneel before me"

Hila · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Soul Devourer

I woke up still thinking about the problems of yesterday but I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind while focusing on the tasks I had in front of me. I finished all my chores faster today so I ran outside the house to temper myself, I start running around the neighborhood when I heard a cry for help coming from the alley barely a block away from me.

I decide to check it out even though I knew I was putting myself in danger, I steeled myself and ran towards the alley. On getting closer I confirmed that it was really a cry from help as it was getting louder and louder, if it was anyone else apart from me I doubted they could have even heard the cry for help even if they were ten meters away from its origin.

I stepped into the alley only to see a ghoul like demon with no teeth and was phasing in and out of existence feeding on what seemed like the lady's soul I thought. I immediately charged at the demon causing the demon to suddenly stop feeding on the lady and charge at me instead, I throwed out a punch which contained all my strength.

I felt as if I punched empty air, if not for me seeing as my hand passed through its body before it disappeared as if it was not there in the first place. I was still on edge since my enemy could not be hit physically I was afraid it might attack once again. Pushing my fear aside I rushed towards the lady seeing as she was starting to regain a little strength and her eyes started to shine with a luster that showed how much of a fighter she was.

"Are you ok" I asked slowly helping her sit up, but she didn't have any energy left to spend trying to talk so she weakly nodded her head.

"Am going to carry you up and out of the alley if you don't mind" I said while lifting her carefully and walk out of the alleyway.

I took out her phone from her purse and called an ambulance, while waiting for the ambulance I tried asking the woman what she saw but she said she doesn't remember anything at all no matter how much I asked her she seemed to have forgotten all the past events from last night till now.

When the ambulance arrived and the personnel onboard asked me about what happened to her all I told them was that I found her like that while going out for my morning run around the neighborhood.

After they left, I couldn't help but feel rather uneasy so I rushed back home to take my bath, when I finished taking my bath and went down stairs for breakfast I couldn't help but think about Mr. Boyle. I then decided to talk to Mr. Boyle first thing in the morning when I met him. I finished having my breakfast just moments before the bus arrived, I hurriedly get on the bus and found a seat at the end of the bus but surprisingly Rayla was on the school bus as well and she didn't stop talking all about magic and her other interests.

We arrive at school a little late to school since there was an accident on the route we usually took to school. I got down from the bus and just happened to catch a glimpse of Mr. Boyle heading into the school building so I decided to after him.

"Hey Rayla I've got to meet Mr. Boyles is it okay if I go ahead" I asked her.

"Sure" better hurry I saw him go into school a while ago.

I ran after him as fast as I could and just managed to catch him closing the door to his office.

Knocking on his door I asked "Mr Boyles are you free, I need to talk to you".

"Can you come back later" he asked

"It's quite urgent sir" I said

"Come in" He said sitting down.

"Tell me all about it and let's see if I can help you" before folding his arms while sitting down.

I slowly recounted all I saw that morning when I described the demon I saw that morning his face was filled with slight terror.

"It's either you're extremely lucky or just not worth it's time otherwise you would be dead".

"If am right the ghoulish creature you saw was a Soul devourer, it's one of the most difficult demons to kill because it has no corporeal body" He said.

"What do you mean by it has no corporeal body as in no physical form" I asked

"at least that's how it seems at first glance, it has an actual physical body but certain conditions have to be met for its physical body to take form" he said while shaking his head.

"Can you tell me more about them" I pleaded.

"I can but the more you know the more danger you're putting yourself in do you understand" he said while warning me.

"Then can't you just tell me enough to be able to protect myself" I asked.

"I will but it may not be possible for you to execute it" he said as he sighed.

Moments later he finished telling me how to make its body take form long enough for me to kill it. I left his office after asking other questions which he refused to answer.

"Hey Ayo what took you so long?" asked Rayla. "you were gone for the whole first period".

"it turned out we had more to talk about than I thought" I replied.

"well what did you guys talk about?" she asked.

"We talked about just stuff, you know" I replied giving a vague answer.

"It's cool if you can't tell me yet" she said. "Now better sit down before Ms. Gretel gets here"

I hurriedly sat down while we waited for Ms. Gretel to arrive and started talking to Rayla, even though it seemed like I was paying attention my mind was lost in her words, her every movement seemed perfect and when she smiled it seemed as if the whole world stood still. In that moment it became clear to me that even if I hadn't known her for a long time I really liked her. I was a little happy and sad as my life felt like a sitcom.

Ms. Gretel came in and pulled me from the thoughts I was slowly getting lost in. The rest of the day was great apart from my little encounter this morning it was nothing short of being great.

The next couple of days were the same apart for the one or two assignments I had trouble finishing and the Soul devourer I was ever so cautious of.