
Battle Frenzy

Amidst a disaster, an orphan contracts a sickness. In his waking hours, he is tormented by his ailment, but when he slumbers, there is infinite darkness. One day, when he was five years old, a strange Fate Trickster appeared in his dreams. Ten years later, he dreams of becoming a lord. To do so, he takes a chance to trade his fate! That day, Wang Zhong once again stood at the gates of the Tianjing Heroic Soul Academy. He was about to start a brand new life.

Skull Elf · Sci-fi
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1212 Chs

The Second Heavenly Shell Race?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lao Wang spent half a month staying at the Old Nissen Tavern. The Netherworld King was predicted to have appeared by then, but the reality was otherwise. Nonetheless, Wang Zhong was not anxious. According to the people at the Dragon's Head Shore, the Netherworld King didn't appear at fixed dates. He would appear once a month sometimes, or even once every two to three months. The only information about the Netherworld King that could be found in the market was from those few employees. The so-called latest news was actually the same few pieces of news. However, Wang Zhong was rather interested in some pieces of unusual news, such as those regarding that of the Earth.

"Hey, Old Black." An Elf that was black from head to toe walked into the tavern with a smile on his face and headed towards Wang Zhong who sat at the same seat every day.