
Battle between Gods and Demons: Start with Crimson Dragon

# worldwide # treasure # multiplier Wei Can woke up from his sleep and discovered that all five billion humans were suddenly involved in a worldwide treasure hunt. A majority of the people were assigned to be Treasure Seekers. They awakened all sorts of talents and were in charge of searching for treasures. Wei Can acquired the Treasure Hiding Multiplier System and was one of the Treasure Hiders. If the treasures he hid were not found by the Treasure Seekers within the allocated time, he would acquire the upgraded version of his treasures as rewards. [Detected: You hid a bottle of Royal Jelly. If it is not found within three days, its value will multiply 100,000 times and it will be upgraded to Ambrosia.] [Detected: You hid a piece of ruby. If it is not found within seven days, its value will multiply 10 million times and it will be upgraded to the Philosopher’s Stone.] [Detected: You hid a golden sword. If it is not found within 100 days, its value will multiply by 100 million times and it will be upgraded to Excalibur.] Treasure Seekers all around the globe were shocked! They were determined to dig through every inch of the land. A Seeker reported, “We sealed off Mount Everest and searched everywhere. Nothing was found.” Another Seeker reported, “We conducted a thorough search all over the floor of the Pacific Ocean. The treasures are not here.” The third Seeker reported, “Reporting from the Sahara Desert. No sign of treasures here.” At the same time, Wei Can was leisurely enjoying a latte at a coffee shop by the side of a road. He murmured, “Keep trying, everyone. Two more days and I will be invincible.”

Archeologist · Urban
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40 Chs

Great Victory

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

After the shock, endless sorrow swept through all the soldiers of the Feather God Kingdom.

The invincible prince in their hearts was sent flying with a slap.

That was the Crown Prince!

That was an envoy sent by the gods!

How could he lose!

For a moment, the morale of the thousands of soldiers was lost, and the soldiers fled frantically.

But how could Qin Xiao let them go?

Countless ghouls and the two tall stone statues suddenly surged out of the forest behind them. The soldiers were surrounded.

On the city wall, Hua Lan fell to the ground in despair. She had never thought that this Demon Dragon's strength would be so terrifying.

Even the Four-winged Angel could not withstand a round of attacks from him.

She was afraid that she would no longer be able to escape from this demon.

Qin Xiao ignored the low-level soldiers who had been declared dead and focused on the angels who were fleeing for their lives.

A few angels with flying abilities fled in the direction of the Feather God Kingdom.

But in terms of speed, they were no match for Qin Xiao.

All the demons near the kingdom were monopolized by Cao Xing. As a result, there was not even a single Three-winged Angel.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the angels turned around and planned to resist desperately.

Sacred swords, fireballs, and light waves instantly smashed towards Qin Xiao.

Game Notification: You have received an angel's attack. Damage: 0

Game Notification: You have received an angel's attack. Damage: 1

Game Notification: You have received an angel's attack. Damage: 0

Their attacks couldn't even break Qin Xiao's defense, let alone cause any damage.

These angels were instantly turned into souls and put into Qin Xiao's bag.

With Cao Xing's disappearance, this battle had become a reaping performance for the demons.

After a short while, there was no longer a single soldier standing outside the city.

"We won!"

"We've won!"

The cheers of the Oak Clan spread throughout Desolate Snow Valley!

The entire Crimson City was filled with endless joy!

The Oak people looked at the indomitable dragon and knelt down.

This was the master they followed!

To be able to obtain this master, they would have no regrets in this life!

The cleaning of the battlefield did not end until late at night. The elder reported the situation of the battle to him truthfully.

"Sir, in this battle, we have sacrificed 7,461 Phantom Laborers, 253 Phantom Hunters, 30 Mutant Ghosts, and 500 ghouls."

"10,000 ordinary Level 1 soldiers and 600 elite Level 1 soldiers were wiped out."

The remaining Two-winged Angels were killed by Qin Xiao himself, so they were not counted by the elder.

It was not really a victory, and Qin Xiao lost a lot of his men.

These units were close to 50,000 gold coins, which was equivalent to the profits brought by the Snow Saliva Magic Buns for a month.

However, these laborers and hunters were newly summoned by Qin Xiao. He did not mobilize the ones that were originally engaged in production activities in the city.

Summoning followers required a certain amount of time.

This was the reason why he had to send people to stall for time along the way.

The reason why Qin Xiao didn't plan to use the Phantom Hunters in the city was because he discovered that his combat followers seemed to be able to absorb the demonic energy emitted from the crystal to cultivate.

As time passed, the first batch of Phantom Hunters showed signs of breaking through.

This was good news. Qin Xiao's Snow Saliva Magic Buns for them every meal were not in vain.

At this moment, Qin Xiao opened the system storage panel again and looked at the spoils of war he had obtained from this battle.

Level 2 Angel Soul x7, Four-Winged Angel Wing x1, Ancestral Devil Seedling x1, Broken Soldier Armor x7,321, Perfect Soldier Armor x2,456, Gold Coins x2,355, Silver Coins x5,362…

Most of the gold and silver coins were found on the bodies of the dead soldiers.

Although these were the gold coins of this world, fortunately, the system was considerate and supported a one-to-one exchange.

From the amount of gold coins, it could be seen how rich the Feather God Kingdom was.

One gold coin was enough to cover the entire month's expenses of a family in this world.

Seven Level 2 angel souls could give Qin Xiao 210 points. In addition to the remaining points from unlocking his talents, Qin Xiao now had a total of 250 points.

It looked like a lot, but to raise his talents to Level 2, he needed 300 points. He was still far from it.

Qin Xiao wasn't in a hurry to put the angel souls into the crystal. Instead, he opened his attribute panel. He hadn't looked at it since he advanced to level two.


Name: Qin Xiao

Level: 2

Race: Crimson Demon Dragon

Alignment: Demon

Basic Attributes: Vitality 1200/1200, Magic Power 800/800, Strength 120, Agility 80, Constitution 120, Willpower 80

Talent Abilities: Demonized Human (LV1), Dragon's Breath (LV1), Dragon's Pressure (LV1), Lightning Summoning (LV1), Elementary Magic Immunity (LV1)

Skill: Damage Absorption (LV1)

Points: 250


As expected, all his attributes had doubled. This was the terrifying aspect of ultimate demon aptitude.

Qin Xiao hung up all the equipment in the trading hall.

Now that many demons had begun to fight angels, the price of equipment had risen to another level.

Moreover, Qin Xiao's equipment had better attributes. He had earned nearly 40,000 gold coins for selling the equipment.

"Where did the big shot go to fight again? How did he seize another batch of equipment?!"

"It seems that the big shot is not only a food wholesaler, but also an arms dealer."

"Wait, big shot, don't tell me you're fighting with the Feather God Kingdom!"

"Big shot, awesome!"

The demons in the chat room teased Qin Xiao.

On the other end of the chat system, a demon in the form of a bat was puzzled.

"Qin Xiao? That's strange. I didn't hear anything about the Feather God Kingdom. Where did he get so much equipment?"

This was actually a level 2 Bat Demon. Not long ago, when the Crown Prince of the Feather God Kingdom publicly announced his identity, he had already set his eyes on this piece of fat meat.

Just as he was about to contact the other demons nearby to take down the Feather God Kingdom, news of Qin Xiao's battle with the Feather God Kingdom came from the chat room.

"Forget it. I'd rather believe it than not."

"I have to hurry, lest someone beat me to it."

With that thought in mind, he sent a message to the other two demons.

What about Qin Xiao?

After selling all the equipment, he looked at the angel's wing that Cao Xing had dropped.

Four-Winged Angel's Wing—a wing that fell from the body of a powerful Four-Winged Angel. It can be used to make special level-two potions and is very lethal to demons below level two.

Potion materials?

Qin Xiao suddenly thought of someone who might be interested in this item.

Qin Xiao immediately opened the chat interface and sent her the basic information of the item.