
Battle between Gods and Demons: Start with Crimson Dragon

# worldwide # treasure # multiplier Wei Can woke up from his sleep and discovered that all five billion humans were suddenly involved in a worldwide treasure hunt. A majority of the people were assigned to be Treasure Seekers. They awakened all sorts of talents and were in charge of searching for treasures. Wei Can acquired the Treasure Hiding Multiplier System and was one of the Treasure Hiders. If the treasures he hid were not found by the Treasure Seekers within the allocated time, he would acquire the upgraded version of his treasures as rewards. [Detected: You hid a bottle of Royal Jelly. If it is not found within three days, its value will multiply 100,000 times and it will be upgraded to Ambrosia.] [Detected: You hid a piece of ruby. If it is not found within seven days, its value will multiply 10 million times and it will be upgraded to the Philosopher’s Stone.] [Detected: You hid a golden sword. If it is not found within 100 days, its value will multiply by 100 million times and it will be upgraded to Excalibur.] Treasure Seekers all around the globe were shocked! They were determined to dig through every inch of the land. A Seeker reported, “We sealed off Mount Everest and searched everywhere. Nothing was found.” Another Seeker reported, “We conducted a thorough search all over the floor of the Pacific Ocean. The treasures are not here.” The third Seeker reported, “Reporting from the Sahara Desert. No sign of treasures here.” At the same time, Wei Can was leisurely enjoying a latte at a coffee shop by the side of a road. He murmured, “Keep trying, everyone. Two more days and I will be invincible.”

Archeologist · Urban
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40 Chs


Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Sir, what should we do?"

As soon as Xu Fu left, the elder asked Qin Xiao worriedly.

"We have to discuss this matter at length. Come to the castle and tell me in detail about the situation in the Feather God Kingdom."

From the moment Xu Fu appeared, Qin Xiao had seen everything that happened in Crimson City.

Even the prophet was invited to the castle by Qin Xiao.

The prophet had lived for so many years and knew many things better than the elder.

"The Feather God Kingdom was established hundreds of years ago. At that time, although the Oak Clan had already fallen apart, it had not declined to this extent."

"At that time, this place was filled with brutal snowfield wolves."

"Their ancestors worked together with our clan to eliminate the wolf pack and settled here. Later on, because the humans were weak, my clan gave them the area that was more suitable for survival."

"We chose the harsher area."

"As a hundred years passed, they gradually developed a kingdom through trade, while our race declined."

The prophet sighed and recounted the history of that period of time.

"Most of what I know is about the current situation in the Feather God Kingdom."

Although the prophet was old, he did not care about worldly affairs. The elder knew more about the current Feather God Kingdom than him.

"There are a total of three cities in the Feather God Kingdom. Two of them are trading cities in the west. They're not very big, but they're the main source of their income."

"The remaining one is their main city. Its defense is even stronger than our Crimson City."

"Furthermore, there are many people in the Feather God Kingdom. There are at least 100,000 of them. There are also many powerful people among them."

"As far as I know, they have more than 700 soldiers who have reached Level 1 elite."

Qin Xiao frowned.

Just the number of elites on the other side was close to half of his.

Moreover, a country with a population of 100,000 would definitely have more than 10,000 Level 1 units.

This would definitely be a tough battle!

Qin Xiao opened the chat system and continued to inquire about the situation in the Feather God Kingdom.

"Friends, do you know what the Feather God Kingdom is like?"

"Boss, why are you asking about the Feather God Kingdom?"

"Don't tell me you're going to attack the Feather God Kingdom! Boss, I advise you to give up on this idea!"

"That's right, I saw it when the Feather God Kingdom wiped out the demons! Hundreds of Level 1 elites, tens of thousands of Level 1 ordinary soldiers, and four or five Level 1 overlords! Those demons were wiped out almost instantly!"

"Brother, how did you escape?"

"I didn't run. I saw it with my talent."


There were actually quite a few lord units. Qin Xiao felt that the Feather God Kingdom was becoming more and more troublesome.

Glacier Demon He Yingying: Big boss, don't be headstrong. The Crown Prince of the Feather God Kingdom has already reached the fourth wing. Even if you're at level 2, you might not be able to defeat him.

####Qin Xiao: I don't want to either. He has his eyes on me. By the way, do you have any new blueprints? Preferably defensive ones.

Glacier Demon He Yingying: Do you think the blueprints are that easy to obtain? I have some in my hands, but I don't have any defensive ones for the time being.

Glacier Demon He Yingying: Big boss, please don't let anything happen to you. If something happens to you, where am I going to buy the Snow Saliva Magic Buns?

####Qin Xiao: Don't worry, nothing will happen. I'll buy the blueprints from you after I'm done with this.

After everyone left, Qin Xiao sat alone in the castle and pondered over a plan.

Xu Fu traveled through the night and returned to the Feather God Kingdom at dawn.

"Your Highness, that elder of the Oak Clan doesn't know what's best for him. I don't know what kind of bewitching potion that demon has given him, but he won't agree no matter what."

"Have you collected any evidence?"

"For some reason, the voice-recording scroll lost its effect after entering the castle."

"It's fine if you don't. It's not important anyway."

Cao Xing had already made up his mind. Even if there was no evidence, he would mobilize his troops to attack the snow valley. He only took the evidence to justify it.

"How strong is the other party?"

"He built quite a large city around the snow valley, but other than a castle, I didn't see any defense facilities. The city has a lot of large fields."

"Other than the two stone statues guarding the door being a little troublesome, I didn't see any powerful existences."

"Those followers are also Level 1 elites, but there are quite a few of them."

"Hmm, it seems that the demon is much stronger than an ordinary level one creature."

"But so what if he's already at Level 2?"

Cao Xing chuckled and immediately became serious.

"Gather the army and follow me to wipe out that demon!"

"So soon?"

"Things will change if we delay. The other party is not easy to deal with. We have to set off now to catch them off guard!"

"They wouldn't have thought we'd attack now."

The Feather God Kingdom was indeed worthy of being a country that could thrive in the Boundless Icefield, which was filled with danger.

The entire country's military system was like a large machine that was operating at high speed at any time. In just a few minutes, the 10,000-strong army had gathered.

And the king knew nothing about it!

The attendants and personal guards beside him had long been replaced by Cao Xing's men.

It was no exaggeration that even if Cao Xing led the army to the entrance of the king's bedroom, the king might not have noticed it.

The citizens of the Feather God Kingdom looked at the rapidly gathering team and walked onto the streets to send them off.

In their eyes, this prince who had descended to the mortal world was the hero of the Feather God Kingdom!

"Kill all those demons!"

"The Feather God Kingdom is invincible!"

The girls looked at Cao Xing with shining eyes.

"The Crown Prince is so handsome!"

"The Crown Prince will return triumphantly!"

Cao Xing, who was at the front of the group, sat on a tall snow deer. He enjoyed everything!

This was a scene that he imagined countless times in his previous life.

Although the sports car had been replaced by a snow deer and the villa had become a palace, everything made him extremely intoxicated.

He shouted, "To battle!"

Then, the army marched towards Crimson City.

In a dense forest outside the city, a Phantom Hunter saw this scene and quickly crushed a green seed in his hand. Then, he flew into the sky and rushed towards the snow valley.

On the other side, the elder, sitting in front of the totem, immediately sent a message to Qin Xiao.

"Sir, the Feather God Kingdom has sent their troops."

This was a communication spell unique to the Oak Clan. No matter how far it was, as long as the seed that had been infused with the power of the totem was crushed, the clan's ancestral totem would be able to receive the message immediately.

This was also a method Qin Xiao had arranged in advance.

"Everything's going according to plan."


"Come, this is the first battle of Crimson City!"

The army slowly advanced. Suddenly, there was a commotion in the middle of the army!

Thousands of Phantom Laborers and ghouls rushed out of the surrounding forest to ambush them!