
Battered and Bruised, but NEVER Beaten

"I've always been bullied because of how destructive my quirk is, and some even prodded me to pursue villainy, but I always answer back to them, "I WANT TO BE A HERO, LIKE ALL MIGHT AND THE REST OF THEM!" They all fall to deaf ears...but that won't stop me from achieving my dreams. I will control this quirk, and I will become a hero!" -Ryu Yoshitsune

FriendlyFireM098 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Too Far Gone

(Ryu's POV)

The battle has started, and I am now waiting for the ten-minute mark to be able to jump into the fray. Also, I am given a cue on who I should support from All Might through the earpiece they gave me a while back, and the really loud shouting from Bakugo and the explosions came after that is more than enough to know that Midoriya and him are going at it as we speak. Because of this, I'm just fidgeting with my bandages, worrying about Midoriya. Suddenly, I get a strong feeling that something horribly wrong is about to unfold, so I decide to skip the ten-minute wait and launch myself from building to building with my blasts. From the coms, I hear All Might's voice speaking to me.

"Young Yoshitsune, it's not yet ten minutes! What are you doing!?" He concerningly says.

"I'm sorry, All Might. I've got a really bad feeling about what's going to happen if Bakugo and Midoriya will go at this for too long. I need to intervene as soon as possible. I'm going radio silent, forgive me." As he tries to his hardest to make me stay where I am, I turn off my earpiece completely before continuing to the building.

(Third Person POV)

With the other students and the 3 Pro Heroes, they see Ryu navigate through the city to the building before he kicks down the front door and runs in, leaving everyone to become worried.

"What's Yoshitsune-kun doing? Ten minutes hasn't passed and he's already in the building." Sero says.

"I don't know, but I think we're gonna find out." Kirishima says, hoping that this fight won't go out of hand.

"Ryu, please be careful..." Kurou Yoshitsune says, with her hands clasped together in a prayer position as her husband looks on with a narrow stare. As Midoriya and Bakugo engage in a cat-and-mouse game inside the building, Ryu wanders aimlessly through the halls, looking through every corner and opening every door to try and find Midoriya. Luckily, he manages to catch him pass the hall from the left and runs over.

"Izuku!" He shouts to him, startling Midoriya as he turns to his friend.

"Uhhh, Ryu! You need to be quiet, Bakugo will find us." Just as he says so, said person comes around the corner with one of his grenade-looking gauntlets pointing towards the two of them.

"Hah! Look what we have here! It seems I can hit two birds with one blast! And Deku, with your stalking, you should know that my explosions are made from the nitroglycerin that secretes from my sweat glands." Bakugo says with a malicious smirk on his face as his pulls back the handle of his right gauntlet to reveal a small pin. Ryu's eyes widen as he shields Midoriya with his body while his sword is raised to guard the explosion that is soon to come. All Might, The Crow Mother, and Fenrir realize what's happening through their earpieces as the number one hero speaks through the intercom microphone.

"Bakugo, stop right now! You'll kill them both!" Sadly, his warning falls onto deaf ears as Bakugo responds back.

"Not if it doesn't hit them!" He pulls the trigger as the nitroglycerin takes a second to get ready to blow up before it sends out a highly dense fireball that breaks the walls and floor, leaving a trail behind. With a narrow stare to the fireball, Ryu steels himself as he blocks it with his sword as he holds it with one arm, skidding back from the force of the fireball while also dragging Midoriya along for the ride. The pushback from the fireball becomes even more intense that Ryu removes the sling from his right arm and grabs onto his sword to block it more effectively.

"MIDORIYA! GO, I'LL TAKE CARE OF BAKUGO!" He shouts with all his strength as he diverts the shot towards the wall beside him, destroying it completely and leaving a large circular hole. His bandages have also been burnt to dust, revealing the charred arms that encompass Ryu's entire arms. By now, he starts to catch his breath while his glare never turns away from Bakugo. Back at the monitoring room, everyone's reactions were just plain horror. Mostly for Ryu's mother and father as they saw their son nearly get killed by Bakugo's reckless attack.

"Bakugo..." He starts before his face morphed into rage, pointing a finger to the explosive quirk user.

"ARE YOU INSANE!? YOU COULD'VE KILLED US! HELL, I DON'T KNOW WHY OTHERS TELL ME THAT I SHOULD BECOME A VILLAIN WHEN YOU EMBODY VILLAINY BEFORE YOU CAME TO THIS SCHOOL! Because of that..." For less than a second, Ryu's eyes flash a vibrant red before his arms flare up with energy.

"I. WILL. BREAK YOU!" He dashes towards Bakugo, so fast, that it creates a shockwave that slightly pushes Midoriya back as the two "enemies" duke it out with each other. Bakugo dodges a horizontal swing from Ryu before blasting in front of him to redirect himself behind Ryu for another blast to his back, sending him falling onto his chest, but he gets back up almost as fast before he keeps up the assault. While that's happening, Ryu's body starts to slowly but surely flare up with energy as the battle continues to rage on. He fires a few projectiles at Bakugo, but he manages to dodge them with well-time explosion before it's his turn to take the offense.

"Both of you! Stop this immediately, or else I will deduct points to the both of you!" Kurou says with authority through the intercom. Deciding to break radio silence, Ryu presses his earpiece with his pointer and middle fingers

"I can't, mom! If demeriting points is a cost of beating some sense into this superiority complex a**hole, then so be it!" He sheathes his sword before tackling Bakugo to the ground and holding his arms in place.

"If you really planned on blowing us up, then have a taste of your own medicine, Bakugo!" The energy that Ryu has gathered up starts to glow even brighter, signalling a maximum overload and that means he will implode in any moment.

"Young Yoshitsune, don't!" All Might shouts one last time in an effort to get them to stop before All Might himself runs out of the room to Ground Beta.

"Son, if you do this, your body will break beyond comprehension!" Okami says through the intercom after All Might tries to defuse the situation, but all Ryu could say is...

"I'm sorry, dad...I didn't make you proud, but I love you both...DRAGON ATOM BOMB!" With one more shout that almost comes out as a roar of a dragon, Ryu's body imploded with the strength of a mini-hydrogen bomb. Luckily, Midoriya manages to get Iida and Uraraka out before they could get caught in the blast, but it is so powerful that the wind that comes after pushes them down the ground. The building they just had their combat training in crumbles to the ground until it's nothing but ruble and dust. Fear and horror, that's the emotions that are going through everyone's minds, but Kurou Yoshitsune however, felt nothing but sadness...


They manage to retrieve Bakugo and Ryu from the ruble of the collapsed building, but one has gotten more battle scars than the other, and it's sadly the former who has received these, in the form of his body becoming charred, leaving a portion of his face untouched to the effects. Recovery Girl has done all that she could to heal the both of them, but Bakugo is the only one who seems to be recovering well. Ryu on the other hand...

"His body is slowly starting to break down. There is no way I can use my quirk on him, if I were to even give him a second of it, he would fall into a permanent coma. So, all we can do is hope he can use his will power to fight through this and come back." Just from her results, Kurou starts bawling in her husbands arms, Okami can only regret not doing something to save his own son when he has saved others before. All Might thinks that he was too slow to stop them from fighting, while all of Class 1-A bows there heads, not knowing what to do or think. However, a voice calls out to the coma patient, and only he can hear it.

"You have grit, strength, determination, compassion. And sacrifice comes as a second nature to you, in an effort to do what's good. I commend you...You have received an audience with me, follow the fire, and it shall lead you to your answers."