
Basketball Time Travel: God on the Court

Traveling through 07, and Durant became a teammate of the University of Texas, side by side to fight in March Madness! The opening to activate the system [basketball world's strongest humanoid plug-in], fusion of Iverson template, the road of legend opened! Iverson: "He'll do everything I'd do, and this guy is still two sizes too big for me!" Kobe: "This kid makes me ignite a desire to win, I enjoy the feeling of confronting him!" Reporter: "Michael, what kind of player is Chen Yan in your eyes?" "Possesses top-notch skills, top-notch physical fitness and top-notch fighting spirit!" "And then what?" "And then the NBA came to a big finish!"

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Team practices and getting on the March Madness roster!

  Inside the University of Texas basketball gym, the atmosphere at today's team practice was slightly more serious, if not a little heavy.


  That's because after this practice session, head coach Rick Barnes will announce the 12-man roster for 'March Madness'!


  In fact, the general roster of the team has been finalized, and all that's left is a couple of water cooler keeper spots.


  But even the water cooler keeper is enough to keep the fringe replacements scrambling.


  It is every college player's dream to participate as a player in this phase of the March Madness tournament.


  Even if it's just making an appearance in garbage time, or even waving a towel and passing water to the starters on the bench.


  After warm-ups and shooting drills, head coach Rick Barnes looked at his wrist watch, "It's about time."


  Assistant coach Russell Spryman nodded, then clapped his hands hard:


  "Come on lads, come on over here, the 5v5 training match starts next!"


  Hearing that he was going to play a 5V5 training match, Chen Yan's eyes immediately let out a light, 5 to 5 can best reflect a player's comprehensive strength, and is also the best opportunity for him to show his strength and talent to the coaching staff!


  Rick Barnes took the first and second string groups against each other in practice today.


  The training game started soon, and Chen Yan first watched the game from the sidelines under the arrangement of the coaching team.


  Team 5V5 training are not able to debut on the field, in other words, he is the replacement of the replacement, but Chen Yan early psychological preparation, if not the replacement of the replacement, he does not have to be here to pursue a chance to enter the 12-man list.


  "Nice play, conduct the ball a little faster!"


  "Good shot! Good shot!"


  The substitutes all played hard in this practice game, and the applause kept ringing throughout the dugout.


  Head coach Rick Barnes, who was watching the game from the sidelines, clapped and shouted every now and then to show his satisfaction with the players' attitude towards today's practice.


  The first few rounds were a back-and-forth affair, but after a few minutes the difference in strength between the two sides became apparent.


  You can't blame the bench either, as the Texas Longhorns have 2 NBA caliber players in their starting lineup.


  Durant, the absolute centerpiece of the Texas Longhorns, averaged 25.8 points plus 11.1 rebounds in 35 games this season, with 11 games of 30+ points and four games of 35+ points, which can be said to be killing it in the NCAA!


  In front of this bench, Durant scored like a drink of water, with a vestigial sense of an adult beating a child.


  Another with NBA credentials is the team's point guard, DJ Augustine.


  DJ Augustin is averaging 14.4 points and 6.7 assists per game this season, a player with quickness and a decent three-point shooting and organizational skills, and a handful of bootleg Hardaway crotch shifts are his killers.


  Chen Yan's deepest impression of him is the scene of the three-point slaying of the Raptors in the playoffs in his previous life.


  If Durant is the thigh of the team, how about DJ Augustine can be considered a calf.


  In addition to the two, the team's first unit has players with NBA potential like Damian James and Dexter Pittman, which together make it very difficult to top the bench.


  That's how the scrimmage lasted about 10 minutes before head coach Rick Barnes made a change to the second lineup.


  "Chen, Justin, Harris, you three go!"


  Hearing the coach's shout Chen Yan immediately stood up, whether or not to enter the final 12-man list depends on the next performance!


  The three players who were replaced looked a little bit frustrated, they had just played a sparse training match and wondered if this would affect their ability to make the 12-man roster.


  "Check it out! Our senior is on!"


  After seeing Chen Yan on the court, Damian James laughed and teased.


  The NCAA has a Proposition 48 that would prevent players with substandard academic performance from participating in all NCAA tournaments.


  It was very sad when Wade just sat on the bench for a year his freshman year because his grades were so bad.


  With Wade's previous experience, the college players after that all pay extra attention to their grades, Durant, DJ Augustine, these first-year students often look for Chen Yan to tutor after practice.


  It wasn't because of how good Chen Yan was at studying, but these scumbags on the basketball team were outrageous!


  Chen Yan had never thought that one day he would be able to tutor others in their studies...


  One dares to teach, a group dares to learn.


  Over time he earned the nickname Senior on the team.


  There was no malice in Damian James' flirting, but his tone made Chen Yan a bit upset.


  "Chen, ignore that guy!"


  "Play well, focus on the practice games and take advantage of this opportunity."


  DJ Augustine and Durant walked over to Chen Yan and counseled him.


  Both of them have a good relationship with Chen Yan privately and naturally hope that he can catch the last train to the final 12-man roster.


  Chen Yan nodded, knowing that his priority right now was to gain the coach's trust to enter the roster, not to clash with his teammates or do something meaningless.


  The practice game continued after the changeover.




  The bench lineup took the first shot, and right off the bat Martin Hill hit an iron in anger.


  In order to fight for the qualification to enter the list of big names, the substitutes are eager to show their own performance, Chen Yan came on the first round of the first offense did not even touch the ball.


  But the problem is not big, no ball can Chen Yan rob himself, no gun no gun enemy to us to build!


  On the starting lineup's offensive turn, DJ Augustine dribbled the ball across half-court and handed it off to Damian James, who took the ball right off his butt and lifted it up in preparation for a handoff matchup with Durant on the wing.


  Damian James is considered the odd man out amongst the frontline players, as he doesn't have the shooting consistency of a perimeter player nor the ability to handle the ball off the dribble.


  Being able to start for the Texas Longhorns is all due to his great physicality and aggressive defensive attitude.


  Just moments before Damian James and Durant were about to successfully hold hands, the third party, Chen Yan, suddenly intervened!


  [Godly Ball Stealer]!




  Chen Yan completes the grab under Damien's nose!


  Starting too fast, Damian James just wanted to chase back, Chen Yan has already nitrogen accelerated through the half-court!


  Durant looked up at Chen Yan's back.


  Those calves are fitted with the same V10 engine as the Lamborghini, right?




  1V0 in the frontcourt, left foot stomp, right hand fly snap! Ends the round on offense!


  At this time, the members of the coaching staff watching the game off the field have not completely realized the changes in Chen Yan, but only felt that he was very energetic today, and played very hard as soon as he came on the field.


  Also have a vague feeling that he seems to be faster than ever today ...


  However, Chen Yan's actions in the next round made everyone's jaws drop!


  After a simple pass through the starting lineup Durant met his man dry and the ball crossed the rim.


  Chen Yan took a step back and leaped high to pick up the defensive rebound!


  Seeing that there wasn't much of a fast break opportunity they pressed the pace and brought the ball across half court.


  One step beyond the three-point line, Damian James appeared in front of Chen Yan.


  The hand-to-hand break in the last round made Damian James lose face, so he took the initiative to post up when he saw Chen Yan holding the ball in this round.


  In Damian's impression Chen Yan's ball-handling level is similar to his own, and the two are considered to be the University of Texas' sleeper picks.


  Without even thinking about it, Damian James directly lunged towards Chen Yan.


  Gambling steals!


  In the very next instant, Chen Yan's center of gravity suddenly pressed down, feinting to go left, and switching the ball directly to his right hand in a flash of lightning!


  [Answer CROSSOVER]!




  With a sound of sneakers rubbing against the floor, it was as if Chen Yan had disappeared out of thin air from in front of Damian James!


  Damian James was humanly stupid, and was petrified right where he was!


  He said that he had seen a change of direction with a large amplitude, but he had not seen Chen Yan so large ah!


  Iverson's signature CROSSOVER was originally known for its large amplitude, plus Chen Yan's height is nearly 20 centimeters taller than AI, and with the addition of his height and arm length Chen Yan's CROSSOVER is even more exaggerated than Iverson's original amplitude!


  A wiggle had pulled away nearly a body and a half!


  When he reacted, Chen Yan had already drifted into the restricted area in his supercar!


  Facing Pittman and Durant who came to make up for the defense, Chen Yan took off from outside the small penalty area, flashed around and then one drifted through the cracks, and a pull-up reverse basket put the ball in!


  After seeing this series of operations by Chen Yan, Damian James only felt his scalp tingle.


  When did this guy get so sick?


  "Chen's ability to combine the ball with the man, his starting speed and his ability to finish at the basket is like a different person!"


  On the sidelines, Russell Spryman shouted excitedly as he took notes.


  As the team's offensive coordinator, Russell Spurgeon knows every player on the Texas Longhorns' offense inside and out.


  The skipper on the sidelines, Rick Barnes, didn't say anything, but just silently put more attention on Chen Yan's body.


  After the ball went in, Durant's expression was both surprised and excited, and he couldn't help but high-five Chen Yan as he returned to defense.


  It seemed to him that Chen Yan had really improved, and by leaps and bounds!


  The next round of offense, Chen Yan quickly crotch change and then directly in the middle distance emergency stop shot!


  Damian James was shaken by Chen Yan's center of gravity, he wanted to jump on Chen Yan to cover, but the body does not allow, can only see the ball in the air to draw a wonderful arc.




  The frequency of Chen Yan's movements was so fast that it was as if 1.5x speed was turned on in Damian James' eyes!


  Looking at Chen Yan's back, Damian James shook his head, this kid is open, right?


  For the next few minutes, Chen Yan unreservedly displayed his comprehensive offensive skills.


  A 2+1 on an open cut to the basket, a mid-range shot after a reverse crotch pullback, and a nifty throw-in with the ball.


  Usually, the second team can only be considered as the first team's accompanying trainer in training matches, but today under Chen Yan's leadership both sides surprisingly played back and forth!


  "Chen's impact is like a different person compared to before, and his playing style is more aggressive than before!"


  "The sharpshooting jumper is very rhythmic and has a much softer hand."


  "Chen has already scored 12 points in a row, no one seems to be able to stop him in today's practice game!"


  In just a few minutes, Chen Yan had overturned the coaching staff members' perception of him, and everyone focused their eyes on Chen Yan!


  Practice games usually don't do technical stats, but today was an exception!


  The nature of this training match today changed after Chen Yan made his appearance.


  It turned into a game where the coaching staff was specifically watching Chen Yan!


  Just as the members of the coaching staff were exchanging discussions, Chen Yan made another successful break on the pitch!


  Chen Yan's anticipation succeeded in starting early, leaping high to intercept DJ Augustine's cross-court pass to Durant in the air!


  Chen Yan stabilized himself after landing and dribbled single-handedly across the half-court.


  Just outside the three-point line, two teammates consciously mentioned the high position to cover for him.


  This treatment ...


  Through the few rounds just now, Chen Yan had not only subverted the coaching staff members' perception of him, but had also changed his teammates' impression of him!


  Using his teammates to cover, Chen Yan took the ball from the 45-degree angle on the left side and killed the inside line.


  Dexter Pittman was quick to fill in, and Damian James followed Chen Yan's flank as he rounded the cover.


  The two of them were ready to give Chen Yan a dumpling wrapping one after the other!


  Facing a double pinch, Chen Yan did not panic in the slightest.


  A sharp brake pulls the ball back and feints to head towards the outside.




  Just in the moment Damian James and Pittman followed, Chen Yan suddenly turned around with a fried ball!


  The sudden change of pace caught Damian James off guard!


  The next second, Damian James stumbled on his feet and went straight to the ground!




  "Damian, how's it going? Is your ankle okay?"


  The bench screamed instantly!


  That's the culture of basketball across America, and there's nothing like shaking down an opponent to get the crowd going.


  Leaning on Pittman, Chen Yan flicked his wrist and easily uploaded this ball.


  After landing, Chen Yan smiled and pulled Damian James up from the ground.


  At this moment, Chen Yan's smile looked like mockery to Damian James.


  Damian James' expression was slightly embarrassed, and the thing he regretted the most right now was Chen Yan calling him a senior when he came on the field, because Chen Yan had really taught him a lesson in this training session.


  Damian James was beaten until he had no temper at all, and even had the urge to cry.


  Right now Damian was filled with only one thing on his mind, and that was to hurry up and end the torture by playing the training match!


  Looking over at a tearful Damian James, Durant wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead.


  Originally, Du Xiaoshuai was also thinking of properly letting loose on the defensive end, so that Chen Yan could get a chance to enter the 12-man roster.


  Now it seems to be overthinking itself.


  Not to mention letting go of water, even if you go all out yourself, you can't defend against Chen Yan!






  "I think we should keep Chen, we need his impact and scoring explosiveness!"


  After the scrimmage, offensive coordinator Russell Spurgeon proposed to head coach Rick Barnes with an excited look on his face.


  "I agree, Chen is a very special player and I think he can help the team in the games afterward." Another assistant coach, Goodman, chimed in.


  After saying that the two assistant coaches turned their attention in unison to head coach Rick Barnes, because it was the man who really had the right to make the call.


  The atmosphere was just awkward for three seconds.


  After feeling the gazes of the assistant coaches, head coach Rick Barnes, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke up, "Why are you all looking at me? Hurry up and put Chen on the roster!"