
Basketball_: Tale of a fallen genius.

In a world where basketball reigns supreme, Takeshi was on the brink of greatness until a teammate's deliberate act shattered his dreams. Unable to play for three agonizing years, he watched as his once-promising career faded away. At the age of 37, Takeshi found himself in the defining moment of his life—the Basketball Champions League finals. But just as victory was within grasp, he collapsed on the court. Moments later, he awoke in his 15-year-old body, a high school freshman once more. With a burning desire for redemption, Takeshi was determined to rewrite his basketball destiny. His past experiences and knowledge became his secret weapons as he reentered the high school basketball scene, facing not just opponents but also his own demons. Against the backdrop of a new generation of talent, Takeshi embarked on a quest to outshine, outplay, and outlast his competition. As he climbed the ranks, he sought not only to prove himself on the court but also to confront the teammate who had derailed his career.

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19 Chs

A new chance! (1)


Author's note__: This story is set in an alternate universe. Everything, from team names to players, celebrities, and legends will be new. Of course, some names might still appear, but that would be a coincidence. However, country names and city names will not be changed. 

If you find any errors, or inconsistencies in the story, please point them out. I want you guys to have a good reading experience. Another point, I will post a chapter every two days. However, no chapters will be posted on Sunday. Of course, today is an exception.


In an extraordinary twist of fate, Takeshi's eyes fluttered open to a reality that defied all logic and comprehension. Gone were the sounds of roaring crowds and the pulsating energy of a championship basketball game. Instead, he found himself in a dimly lit room, the only source of illumination being the soft rays of sunlight streaming through the curtains. The air held a distinct scent of nostalgia, a mixture of old books and memories long forgotten.

Takeshi slowly pushed himself up and glanced around. The room was adorned with posters of basketball legends, each one telling a story from his childhood. There, on the walls, were the iconic images of Robert Jones, Donald Mann, and Lonnie Lewis, the three basketball legends of this world. They have won everything a player could hope to get, making them the target every young player aspires to be, Takeshi Hashimoto included.

Those three players have retired a long time ago. However, nobody would forget the impact they had on the game. 

Aside from the legend's posters, trophies from his youth basketball tournaments collected dust on a shelf, reminders of simpler and better times.

The initial shock of awakening in this unfamiliar yet eerily familiar setting was overwhelming. Fear clung to him like a heavy shroud. He couldn't comprehend how he had gone from almost being a legendary figure in the European basketball circle to his 15-year-old self on the brink of high school. It was as if the threads of time had unraveled before him.

Questions raced through his mind, but answers remained elusive.

'Was this a dream? A hallucination? Or had I somehow been granted a chance to rewrite the course of my life?'

He asked himself, the confusion he felt was palpable, a swirling maelstrom of emotions. He couldn't believe something like that could happen to him, especially just before he could solidify his name in basketball history. In his cognition, he would be considered a Euroleague legend if he had won that finals game. 

Yet, as the minutes ticked by, that fear and confusion gradually gave way to a growing sense of determination and resolution. Takeshi realized that he had been handed an extraordinary opportunity, a second chance at life.

"I can create a clearer path for myself." He spoke, his eyes filled with determination.

He remembered the highs and lows of his previous existence, the triumphs, and the heartaches. Now, with this inexplicable journey, he could shape his destiny anew.

His determination was not solely rooted in basketball, although that was a significant part of it. It was about becoming a better person, forging deeper friendships, and leaving a lasting impact on those around him.

He had hurt a lot of people close to him in his previous life. The nightmares of the struggle he put them through tormenting him every night. Finally, he had a chance to atone for his many mistakes and forge a better, clearer, and easier path for himself and the people around him. That's the least he owes them.

Fortunately, Takeshi understood that the knowledge and wisdom he had gained in his previous life could serve as a beacon, guiding his younger self toward a brighter future. In that life, he had lived until his 38th birthday. He has faced and maneuvered around many struggles and challenges. Those experiences gave him wisdom beyond his age, and he's going to use that wisdom to his advantage.

As he stood up from his childhood bed, the vigor of youth coursed through his veins, a powerful reminder of the potential that lay before him. He was resolved to make this second chance count, to seize the opportunity to rewrite his life story.

With every step he took, the path ahead seemed clearer. He wasn't just focused on his success; he aimed to inspire others as well. He imagined the influence he could have, the lessons he could share, and the impact he could make on the world.

Fortunately for you and me, Takeshi doesn't like sharing his business with others. However, he wouldn't mind holding a whole lot of influence in his hands.

As he gazed out of his bedroom window at the morning sun casting its warm glow, Takeshi took a deep breath. His words were simple but resonated with conviction: "This time, I'll make it count." With unwavering determination, he embarked on a journey to craft a future that would surpass even his most ambitious dreams, using the wisdom of his past to guide him every step of the way.


Takeshi descended the creaky wooden stairs, his determination still coursing through his veins. As he reached the bottom, he found his father, Hiroshi Hashimoto, behind the counter of their cozy family restaurant, methodically preparing ingredients for the day ahead.

Hiroshi glanced up from his task, his eyes meeting Takeshi's. The room seemed to brighten as they locked gazes, a rare smile gracing his face. "Morning, champ," Hiroshi greeted his son, his tone warm and affectionate.

"Morning, Dad," Takeshi replied, his voice calm as he took a seat at the counter. He appreciated these simple moments with his father, knowing how precious they were.

Hiroshi paused for a moment, a hint of emotion flickering in his eyes. He had worked hard to take care of his son. The mother of the family passed away more than a decade ago, leaving him alone with a 3 to 4-year-old child. He suffered a lot during that time. However, seeing his 15-year-old son almost reaching his height, 188 cm, Hiroshi couldn't help feeling emotional. 

(AN__: The two of them look the same, by the way. Also, the current Takeshi is 183 cm.)

He cleared his throat and resumed his work, trying to hide the vulnerability he felt. "Sleep well?"

Takeshi nodded, his thoughts racing. He had always been the quiet, stoic type, not one to openly express his emotions. Today was no different, and he maintained his composed demeanor. However, that didn't mean he couldn't get emotional. He's just very good at keeping his emotions in check. The only place he can show his true emotions is the basketball court. That's why most people in his previous life know him for his ability to gather and excite a crowd. He was a great player too. So, that helped.


As Takeshi leaned against the counter, he couldn't help but let a hint of his natural humor slip through. "Well, I guess you could say I slept like a baby. Woke up every two hours crying."

Hiroshi chuckled, his shoulders shaking with mirth. "You and your jokes, Takeshi. You've always been the funny one in the family."

Takeshi shrugged modestly, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Guess I get it from somewhere, Dad."

Hiroshi continued to prepare ingredients, his hands moving with practiced precision. "Speaking of jokes, did you hear about the kidnapping at the playground?"

Takeshi raised an eyebrow, playing along. "No, what happened?"

Hiroshi delivered the punchline with impeccable timing, his voice dripping with dad humor. "They woke up."

Takeshi couldn't help but laugh, the sound filling the restaurant. His father's puns might not always be side-splitting, but they never failed to bring a smile to his face.

As their laughter subsided, Takeshi's tone grew more serious. "Dad, there's something I want to talk to you about."

Hiroshi turned off the stove and gave his full attention to his son. "Of course, Takeshi. What's on your mind?"

Takeshi took a deep breath, his emotions hidden beneath his composed exterior. "I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you've done for me. I know you've sacrificed so much for our family, and I'll never forget that."

Hiroshi's eyes glistened with unshed tears, but he quickly wiped them away and cleared his throat, hoping that his son didn't notice that little change of emotion. Unfortunately, he miserably failed. "Thanks, Takeshi. It means a lot." He said, his voice cracking a little bit. However, he quickly managed to return it to normal. It takes a lot to be a stoic individual.

However, that didn't stop Takeshi and Hiroshi from continuing their conversation, transitioning seamlessly to lighter, everyday topics. Their easy banter and shared humor created a warm and harmonious atmosphere in the restaurant.

Takeshi took a sip of his coffee and grinned. "Dad, I was thinking about those dad jokes you're always throwing around. Got any new ones up your sleeve?"

Hiroshi chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You know, I've been working on a few. Here's one: Why don't scientists trust atoms?"

Takeshi leaned in, playing along. "I don't know, why?"

Hiroshi delivered the punchline with a theatrical flourish. "Because they make up everything!"

Takeshi burst into laughter, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "Classic, Dad. Classic."

Their conversation meandered through a variety of subjects. Hiroshi shared stories from the restaurant, from the eccentric customer who insisted on bringing their pet parrot to the dining area to the time he accidentally spilled a pot of spaghetti sauce all over his apron. Takeshi, in turn, recounted his junior high school escapades, from his amusing encounters with teachers to his attempts at mastering a skateboard.

Hiroshi's eyes twinkled with amusement as he listened to his son's tales. "You always had a knack for getting yourself into hilarious situations, Takeshi. Remember the time you tried to cook spaghetti for the first time?"

Takeshi chuckled, recalling the disastrous culinary adventure. "Oh, how could I forget? I nearly set the kitchen on fire. Thank goodness for instant noodles."

Their laughter filled the restaurant, echoing off the walls and creating an ambiance of joy and camaraderie. It was moments like these that made their father-son relationship special, a bond built not just on love but also on a shared sense of humor.

As the morning sun streamed through the restaurant windows, they discussed the menu, brainstorming new dishes and debating whether to keep the infamous "Dad's Delight" special that had become a local legend. They both knew that the dish, a quirky combination of flavors that only Hiroshi could concoct, was the source of much amusement among their regulars.

Takeshi's determination from earlier in the day was palpable, but the levity of their conversation provided a welcome respite. Despite the weight of his past experiences and the uncertainty of his future, Takeshi couldn't help but appreciate these moments with his father. They were a reminder of the simple joys of life and the enduring bond between them.

With the breakfast dishes cleared away and the restaurant ready to open for the day, Takeshi and Hiroshi stood together, side by side, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead. Their unspoken understanding and shared humor were a source of strength, a foundation upon which they would build the next chapter of their lives together.


As the warm glow of their lighthearted conversation filled the restaurant, Takeshi couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for his father. The jokes, the stories, the shared laughter – they were all a testament to the deep bond they had forged over the years.

However, beneath that appreciation lingered a weighty regret, one that had haunted him since his previous life. Takeshi's thoughts turned inward as he silently apologized to his father for what had transpired before.

'I'm sorry, Dad,' he thought, his gaze fixed on the restaurant's worn wooden floor.

'In my past life, I couldn't be there for you when you needed me the most. I was too consumed by my ambitions and dreams to see the sacrifices you were making for our family.'

Takeshi's eyes glistened with unshed tears, but he quickly blinked them away. He had made a silent vow to himself never to reveal the truth of his reincarnation, to carry the knowledge of his past life as a heavy burden in silence. But that didn't mean he couldn't make amends in his way.

'I may not be able to change the past, but I can make sure I'm there for you now,' he resolved, his determination unwavering.

'I can appreciate the moments we share, and I can support you in any way I can.'

With renewed determination, Takeshi turned his attention back to his father, who was busy preparing for the restaurant's opening. He knew that actions spoke louder than words, and he was determined to show his love and appreciation through his deeds, not just his thoughts.

As the day unfolded, Takeshi continued to help his father in the restaurant, making the most of every moment they had together. It was a small, heartfelt way of making up for the past, of ensuring that his father knew just how much he meant to him, without ever needing to utter a word about the extraordinary journey that had brought them to this point.


As Takeshi strolled towards the nearby basketball court, his mind shifted from the heartfelt conversation with his father to the familiar world of basketball. It was time to check his skills, to see where he stood in this new chance at life.

He stepped onto the court, the rhythmic squeak of his sneakers on the polished hardwood filling the air. Takeshi took a moment to gather his thoughts, reflecting on the skills that defined his basketball prowess. In his unique ranking system, there were four groups: junior high, high school, university, and professional, with five skill categories – ball handling, shooting, defense, finishing at the rim, and passing.

Takeshi was no stranger to self-assessment, a habit honed from years of rigorous training and competition. He knew he had to be honest with himself, and that humility was key to growth. He also understood the value of recognizing his current level to strive for improvement.

With a calm demeanor, Takeshi began his self-assessment:

Ball Handling: He thought about his dribbling skills. As a high school freshman, he considered himself at level 2 – below average for his group. He was slightly confident with the ball, but he knew he had room to refine his control and creativity.

Shooting: Takeshi evaluated his shooting prowess. He ranked himself at level 2 as well. His jump shot was a little shaky and there was still work to be done to consistently nail those three-pointers and free throws.

Defense: Takeshi reflected on his ability to defend. He rated himself at level 5 – excellent for his group. His agility and anticipation allowed him to disrupt opponents effectively. However, what prompted him to give that evaluation to himself was his experience. He had played against one of the best in Europe. So, a couple of high-school players can't trouble him on the defensive end.

Finishing at the Rim: He considered his knack for finishing plays at the basket. Takeshi placed himself at level 3, right at the average mark. He could score effectively but sought to enhance his finishing moves.

Passing: Takeshi assessed his playmaking skills. He rated himself at level 2 – this time, below average for his group. He could distribute the ball decently, but he aspired to become a more versatile and strategic passer.

Takeshi nodded to himself, satisfied with his self-evaluation. He was well aware that he was just a freshman in high school, and his skills were a work in progress. However, he was determined to climb the ranks, to progress from being average to excelling in his group, and eventually, to make his mark in the university and professional categories.

Takeshi recognized the paramount importance of solidifying the fundamentals of basketball, and he embarked on his training session with a clear focus on honing these basic skills.

He kicked off his training with stationary dribbling, ensuring that each bounce of the ball was controlled and deliberate. Takeshi moved the basketball with precision, his fingertips dancing over its surface. Keeping the dribble low to the ground, he minimized the risk of turnovers. As his confidence grew, he transitioned to more advanced dribbling drills, practicing crossovers and behind-the-back moves. However, he kept it simple to avoid overwhelming himself on the first day of training.

Next came his shooting practice. Takeshi took his position at the free-throw line and dedicated himself to refining his shooting form. He scrutinized his footwork, striving to maintain a solid base. With each repetition, he perfected the fluid motion of his jump shot, ensuring that his release was quick and smooth. His target was always the center of the hoop, and he repeated the process from various spots on the court. He gradually extended his shooting range, knowing that consistency would be key in future games.

Takeshi recognized the importance of being a well-rounded player, and so he transitioned to defensive drills. He worked on maintaining a low, balanced stance, with knees slightly bent and his weight on the balls of his feet. Takeshi practiced shuffling laterally, mirroring the movements of an imaginary opponent. He honed his timing for shot-blocking and rehearsed the art of stealing the ball without resorting to fouls. He knew that a strong defensive game was vital for his overall skill set.

The training session moved closer to the basket as Takeshi focused on finishing at the rim. He practiced layups from both sides, with an emphasis on mastering the use of his off-hand. Takeshi visualized scenarios where he encountered defenders, refining his finishing techniques to adapt to different situations. Simulating contact, he practiced both finesse and power finishes, aware that versatility would be a valuable asset on the court.

The final segment of his training centered on passing. Takeshi meticulously worked on chest passes, bounce passes, and overhead passes. He imagined defenders applying pressure and focused on precision and timing. His passes had to reach their intended targets without delay. Takeshi ran through various passing scenarios, including fast breaks and half-court sets.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Takeshi concluded his training session. He was acutely aware that mastering the basics was just the initial step in his basketball journey. Still, he felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing that he had laid a solid foundation for his growth as a player. With a steadfast commitment to consistent practice and improvement, he was determined to advance beyond the high school group, eventually making a name for himself in the university and professional ranks of the basketball world.
