
Baseball Gatcha system

After being rejected by one of the most popular girls in school, Stephen Rose walked home toward the only thing that brought joy to his life besides his family, computer and games. ''Baseball'' while sitting on his bed watching the last game of Shohei Ohtani with the Los Angeles Angeles before he got traded to the Dodgers on his computer, spam messages and ads would pop up now and then on his screen, he was used to this since he always watches games on a streaming platform like this, of course, this was illegal, but no matter how many times he tried to close this particular ad it would do nothing. Tired of it he just decided to click on it... a click that changed his life

Sebastien_Lecours · Sports
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28 Chs

Chapter 25: Girlfriend?

Layla Smith P.O.V 

Because of Stephen, my coworkers teased me all morning and my habit of always double-checking what I am doing allowed me to avoid many mistakes today. I was really distracted and that made my coworker all the more inclined to make fun of me of course I knew this was just friendly banter but it still made me embarrassed 

After feeding all the animals I started following Dr. Brant to observe her but I kept zoning out drifting in my thoughts thinking about my soon-to-come date with Stephen, I was so out of it that Dr. Brant sent me home in advance telling me that I couldn't learn anything with the way I was today

I was a little bit upset at myself for letting this affect me so much but I was also grateful to DR. Brant because I didn't want to wear the clothes I was wearing for my first date, so getting out of the Animal Hospital I called my Mom to asked her if she could pick me up. 20 minutes later my Mom pulled into the parking lot and stopped the car beside me 

'' You are out early today'' said my Mom with a questioning tone

''Yeah... my mind was elsewhere all morning so Dr. Brant sent me home'' I said with a wry smile

''Is it because of what happened last night, even if you said nothing happened I'm sure that was a lie'' asked my mother

''No nothing happened I said well something did happen but it was just my imagination running wild, no something else happened... Stephen asked me out on a date today, and I said yes'' I said almost whispering toward the end

''Sigh... I know we talk about this but as a mother, I can help but start feeling old now... my daughter is going on a date hehe I think we should keep your Dad in the dark for now I don't think his heart can take it'' said my mother 

''Humph he will need to get used to it soon I wasn't going to stay single all my life, I'm not a little girl anymore'' I said crossing my arms

''Oh already planning on becoming his girlfriend I see, hehe'' said my mother laughing

''Eh isn't a date made for this why go on a date if you don't plan to become a couple'' I asked my Mother with a puzzled face

''Hehe you are so pure and innocent sometimes that's a little scary and cute at the same time, well its good that you think that way but not everyone thinks like that, honey just make sure that this Stephen also thinks like you I wouldn't want you to get hurt'' said my Mom with a caring smile directed at me

''Hmm I understand, but Stephen is not like that, not with what happened to him last year'' I said to myself after acknowledging Mom's advice

''What happened last year, and you just have to be yourself you are so beautiful that you don't have to think too much about it'' said my mother 

''It's nothing Mom, I was talking to myself...Mom what should I wear for my date'' I asked my Mom

''Do you know where or what you are going to do? It's important if you want to pick the right outfit'' asked back my mother

''NO, stinky Stephen would tell me saying it was a surprise, arrgghh I should have insisted'' I said annoyed by my lack of judgment here

''Well haha you can only go toward the safest option then, comfortable clothes but pretty enough to blend anywhere and absolutely no high heels hahaha'' said my mother laughing at me

''This is as good as not saying anything thanks Mom'' I said annoyed

''Hehe'' laughed my mother not saying anything else

Soon we were home I didn't say anything and just rushed to my room right away I also needed to take and shower and text Stephen to tell him I was home, which made me think I should ask my Mom to bring me to Stephen's house because if Stephen come to pick me up my Dad will know for sure

After choosing a simple light pink top and my favorite jeans I went to take a shower and prepare myself I didn't like putting on makeup but I did put on some gloss and some perfume before lying on my bed with my phone on messaging Stephen

-Layla: I went back home earlier are you home?

-Stephen: I just climbed in my car, do you want me to come pick you up at your place?

-Layla: No my Dad would freak out... oh I know I can wait for you at the playground beside the elementary school. (* light bulb emoji *)

-Stephen a good idea.. oh and by the way can you stay out pretty late I would also like to invite you to dinner

-Layla: that should be a problem if I'm back before 9 

-Stephen alright I'm leaving now, see you soon (* happy face emoji *)

-Layla: I am still home so you might need to wait for me (* sticking out tongue emoji *)

-Stephen: Well you might need to wait for me instead because I'm running low on gas I'll need to make a stop at the gas station before coming (* gas pumping machine emoji *)

-Layla: OK I'll wait for you by the swings (* swings emoji *)

After ending my conversation with Steph I went downstairs and told my mom about my plan my Dad was busy taking care of the backyard so I took the opportunity to leave without getting questioned by him my mother told me she would take care of it so with a pep in my steps I left the house toward the playground

I wonder where Steph will take me too, I hope what am wearing is alright maybe I should have put makeup finally ... sigh why am I thinking so much he asked me out when I was in my working clothes my appearance should really matter right he couldn't know I would come back home in advance so he was already alright with what I was wearing before

All kinds of thoughts were popping into my head one after the other while I was walking to the playground, 10 minutes later I finally saw the swings and decided to just enjoy them while waiting for Steph.

''I remember waiting here for my mother to pick me up, time sure has passed'' I said to no one out loud I wonder why I never met Stephen here I thought looking around before focusing back on the road and waiting for Steph's car to appear 

Stephen Rose P.O.V

Climbing in my car after talking with my Dad well like enduring my Dad's teasing I start driving toward Mill Creek Animal Hospital gain when I realize I was running low on gas stopping at the gas station. While I was patiently waiting for my turn to use the pump scrolling through my phone Layla sent me a message 

I didn't want her to feel bad so I didn't tell her that I was already halfway toward Mill Creek I just told her I only just climbed in my car and that I would need to go to the gas station which may take some time. 10 minutes later I was out of the gas station and drove toward the playground beside the elementary school

I knew where it was but I'd never been there before of course when I was young I often saw multiple kids playing there but I never went to talk with them... ' I wonder if I saw Layla there without knowing it was her ' sigh, I was such a coward I thought.

Driving for a while longer I arrived in the street where the playground was located and from afar I could see Layla sitting on the swings looking toward my car with a smile before slowly getting up and patting her ass to remove anything that could have stuck there while sitting on the swing

Stopping the car beside her I was about to get out and open the door but she was too fast and had already opened the door and climbed inside

''You could have let me be a gentleman and open the door for you, you know that's how a guy should act on a date'' I told her 

''Oh sorry, I didn't know... I... I can get out and let you do it if you want'' she said ready to step out of the car

''Wait wait I'm messing with you hahaha we do not need to follow all cliché but when ill take you out to a fancy dinner in the future please let me do it hehe'' I said with a smile

'' Are you so sure I will accept a second date with you Mister Rose'' she said with a mischievous smile

''I am pretty confident that you will Ms. Smith, hahaha shall we go now we have to go a bit far for the first stop'' I said laughing because I didn't think she would act like that 

'' Yes, you won't tell me where we are going right'' she said buckling her seatbelt 

''No... and by the way ... You look really pretty'' I said a little embarrassed

''Thank you, you are n..not bad yourself'' She answers probably as shy as me right now

The drive to the place I had chosen for the date was a silent one but I didn't find it uncomfortable light music was coming out of the radio and I could smell Layla's perfume in the cabin at some point I had to roll down the window a little bit or I would have been intoxicated she was just smelling this good

After driving for a while Layla began frowning looking outside then back at me and then back outside until she finally couldn't take it anymore

''Why are we taking the same route as yesterday for your game are we going back there?'' she asked

''Haha no don't worry, we are going in that direction because yesterday during the bus ride I spotted a shop and I thought at the time that you would probably like a place like this so I decided to make it our first date location hehe'' I said laughing

''I'm not worried I was just wondering why would we go back there, now I really want to know where we are going'' she said sticking her tongue out toward me

''We are almost there I said'' before falling back into silence

15 minutes later I stopped in front of the Caffeine Cat Cafe that I had spotted the day before before coming here I had done some research and learned that we could even adopt cats here but sadly you needed to be 21 years old for that and live 2 no farther than 2 hours away from the Cat Cafe the second requirement wasn't a problem but for the first, it was another story 

Layla looked around not sure where I was taking her there was a restaurant a store selling vacuum and other things like that the Cat cafe a drug store and another Japanese restaurant all lined up close to each other of course Layla's eyes stop on the cat cafe shop with hopeful eyes looking at me but seeing her like this I had the urge to tease her a bit

 I was walking toward the drugstore when I passed by the cat cafe without stopping I could see a flash of disappointment in her eyes and then she made a bewildered face when she realized I was going toward the drugstore before becoming red like a tomato, that when I realize that my action could really be misinterpreted, I stop walking and turn toward Layla 

''Sorry when I saw how hopeful you were after seeing the Cat Cafe I wanted to tease you a bit but I didn't realize that... well you know hahaha sorry'' I said with a wry smile on my face 

''Meanie, that will cost you I'm not holding back on snacks humph'' she said still a little shy

''Alright I wasn't planning on restricting you but I must say I didn't know you had a dirty mind like this hehehe'' I said teasing her further which made her turn back bright red again 

She looked at me with an aggrieved glare before turning around and storming off inside the Cat Cafe, she was so cute that I couldn't react before her hand was already on the handle of the door 

''Hey, wait ah hahaha I'm sorry I'm sorry I won't do it again I swear hahahaha Sorry why do you have to be so cute when I'm teasing you hehe'' I said running toward her

She didn't turn around but she did wait for me to get close before opening the door ' She is so cute ' I thought while stifling a laugh

The space inside was separated into two parts one part was where you could sit and interact with the cats and the other was the shop part where you could buy snack cafes and all kinds of cat toys. The cat space had a huge fake tree where cats could climb and even take a nap there were little bridges hanging on the wall all around the room making it easy for the cat to go from station to station 

Layla directly went toward the cat space and walked toward a big fat orange cat sleeping on one of the many sofas that were placed around the room, the cat lifted his head when he sensed Layla approaching but after a quick glance he went back to sleep putting his chin back on his crossed paws she sat beside him and start caressing his fur with a smile on her face I stood at the entrance making sure I was engraving this image in my head forever her smile and her hair that was almost the same color as this cat was gently falling on her cheeks while she was busy looking at the cat 

After 2 minutes she finally turned toward me and smiled at me before turning her attention back to the cat ' Seeing her smile was worth it ' I thought getting a little jealous of this cat right now not long after a young lady maybe around the age of Aina came out of the back of the cafe she seemed stunned for a bit seeing people inside maybe she hadn't heard the chiming sound from the door but she quickly put on a smile and walked toward me

''Sorry Mister I didn't hear you and the young lady coming, I hope you didn't wait too long what can I do for you today do you want something to drink or are you only here for the cats ... Oh maybe you are here to adopt a cat'' she asked at the end with the same hopeful eyes Layla had earlier

''We can even adopt a cat wow'' said Layla with her eyes shinning

''We are here to enjoy our time with coffee, So yes I would like something to drink and also some snacks I noticed that you don't sell treats for cats here is a reason and sadly we can't adopt a cat I read on your website that we needed to be 21 to adopt a cat here ... we are only 16 this year what do you want to drink Layla'' I said to her with a wry smile while asking what Layla wanted to drink

''I want a hot chocolate with cookies'' she said not leaving the cat out of her sight for a second

''I will take the same then'' I said to the lady 

''Oh, I'm sorry I just thought... you don't look like a high school student at all, I will get you both a hot chocolate with some cookies '' she said looking at my tattoos after a little pause and then walking toward the space where the shop was located 

I walked toward Layla planning to sit beside her when without warning a paw tried to grab the side of my pants while passing in front of what I thought at the time was an old television but it turned out it was just the shell of the TV the interior was hollowed out and a little cushion was put inside for cats to sleep on 

Looking inside there was a pretty white cat looking at me with his big round eyes I must say this cat was beautiful I put my hand close to him or her I didn't know and after a little hesitation the cat started rubbing his face on my hand making little meowing sound clearly asking to be pet

''Hehe you also found yourself a friend, Steph'' laugh Layla

''Seems so this cat is really pretty almost as much as you'' I said looking back at her with a cheeky smile

''Humph smooth talker, You were right I really do like this place it's just a pity that I can't bring them all back home'' she said looking a little sad

''Yeah well I wouldn't take them all but I do kinda want to bring back this one'' I said looking at the cat that was now playing with my hand and gently biting my fingers 

After a while the lady came back with our hot cocoa and cookies put them on the coffee table between us then left with a smile. I continued petting the cat while occasionally taking a sip of my drink when Layla suddenly came and sat beside me our shoulders touching

''Say Steph w...w...what are we now? she asked almost whispering 

''I would like to consider you my girlfriend but if it's too soon we can just be more than friends and less than lovers until things happen naturally'' I said after thinking for a bit