
Baseball Gatcha system

After being rejected by one of the most popular girls in school, Stephen Rose walked home toward the only thing that brought joy to his life besides his family, computer and games. ''Baseball'' while sitting on his bed watching the last game of Shohei Ohtani with the Los Angeles Angeles before he got traded to the Dodgers on his computer, spam messages and ads would pop up now and then on his screen, he was used to this since he always watches games on a streaming platform like this, of course, this was illegal, but no matter how many times he tried to close this particular ad it would do nothing. Tired of it he just decided to click on it... a click that changed his life

Sebastien_Lecours · Sports
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28 Chs

Chapter 20: Layla's family and Dad's anger

Albert Smith P.O.V(Layla Grandfather/Old Smith)

When my son called me to ask if Layla was with me or if I had any news concerning her I panicked a little and with my wife went straight to my son's house. It wasn't Layla's style to disappear without saying anything she always had this gift for putting people and animals at ease and judging people's hearts also she hates making people worry about her so it was an odd occurrence for her not to warn anybody of her whereabouts

Once I arrived at my son's place I had to put my worry aside to calm my agitated son and then start looking for Layla after more than 20 minutes I finally was able to calm my son down enough for him to think straight again and so he began searching for the phone numbers of her friends but kids nowadays aren't like us old folk who still write numbers on a piece of paper no they have everything in their cellphone

My son was ready to take his car and leave to search for her when my daughter-in-law arrived and since she had her daughter's cellphone, maybe this wouldn't be needed. Linda made a call to a certain Coach and I was relieved knowing she was okay, at least was still ok 1 hour ago I was a lot less relieved knowing she had climbed into a young man's car even if she wasn't alone before Linda could finish what she was saying she turned her head to look through the window in the living and said 

''She is here and not alone'' what did she mean by that I thought walking toward the window with my wife and son in tow

Once I saw who was with my daughter I was stunned 'How could this be so we were worrying for nothing all along' I thought feeling the tension leaving my body all of a sudden I felt the need to sit so I did just that and sat on the sofa beside the window

''Who is this man with my daughter humph'' said my son displease seeing his princess with a guy and with the smile Layla had on her face they were probably getting along pretty well

''We were worrying for nothing, with this young man by her side there was nothing to worry about, sigh'' I said letting out a sigh of relief

''You know this young man, Al'' Asked my wife grabbing the attention of my daughter-in-law who turned to look toward me while my son was looking at young Rose mumbling something about how he would kill this brat if he dared to touch his princess

''Yes I know him, really a good kid well I don't need to say that since Layla would never associate herself with bad people, to begin with, but this kid is special haha and for god sake son stop what you're doing right now you'll creep your daughter out '' I said to my son who was still looking at them through the window like some of perverted stalker

''Sigh, let him be I bet he can't even hear us anymore, you know your son when he blocks on something he just forgets about everything else, so you know this young man you seem to have relaxed a lot once you saw him you must know him pretty well if seeing him with your precious granddaughter is not worrying you at all'' asked Linda bemused by my reaction

''Once you get to know him you'll be just as relaxed as I am, Agnes remember the boy I talked to you about this summer well it's this young man'' I said looking at my wife

''I see so that's him hehe you were right no wonder the ladies at the field were sad when he stopped showing up hehehe'' said my wife giggling

''Humph I too was this handsome when I was young'' I said feeling a little sour

''Say that a thousand times more and maybe it will become true hahaha'' said my wife laughing at me

I didn't have the time to retort before Layla opened the door to step inside but my helpless son was standing there looking at young Rose trying to make himself look intimidating

''Mom Da... DDAAAADD what are you doing standing there, you scared me'' said my granddaughter with a hand on her chest

''Where were you young girl?'' said my son finally shifting his gaze toward his daughter

''At school helping the volleyball team with their practice'' said Layla

''Who is this boy?'' my son asked rudely

''That's my friend Stephen the one who drove me home now can you move so that we can enter, sorry Stephen my Dad isn't like that usually'' said Layla looking apologetically at young Rose

''Haha don't be I too would act like that if my daughter were to come home late with a boy looking like me, I'm sorry Mr.Smith if your daughter is this late is because my baseball practice ends at 6 pm and I dropped my cousin and her two friends home before coming back to Nolensville'' said young Rose bowing his head a little

Maybe my granddaughter felt that my son would say something stupid but before he could say something Layla looked at him in the eyes with a dangerous gaze and said with a smile that wasn't really a smile

''Dad it's rude to stay standing at the door when people want to come in, can you move please'' which made young Rose and my wife laugh while Linda was clutching her head in shame

''Grandpa looks who here hehe I brought a surprise'' said Layla entering the living room with young Rose following her

''Hey, Old man how have you been? Mme Smith, Ms. Smith it's a pleasure to meet you'' said young Rose with a smile

I've been good so you finally joined a baseball team that's good that's good I'm glad that your training paid off'' I said 

''Well I'm not officially on the team yet, tryout ends in 2 weeks but Coach already told me I had made the cut so thank you, and don't say this to anyone'' Stephen said looking at Layla who made a key-locking gesture on her lips to let him know she won't say a thing

''Tell my granddaughter when you have a game close and I'll come cheer for you'' I said with a smile

''Well all our home games are played at our current school until they finish rebuilding Nolensville High, we should have two practice games in the upcoming two weeks but I don't know if I'll play but I for sure will let Layla know when I do'' He said 

''Great, wait you said Nolensville High so you are playing for the ... I don't remember the name but the big team for high school students right what was it called again'' I said drawing a blank

''The Knights and it is called the Varsity team the highest level for high schoolers, you must be pretty impressive if the Coach told you that you made the team on the first day of the tryout, I too would like to see a game of yours'' said Linda looking at young Rose

''Mom how do you know all that'' asked Layla 

''Before I met your father I was going out with a guy who was on that team hehe so I know a bit'' said Linda which made my son's face almost turn purple

Taking that as his cue to leave young Rose bade us farewell and left 

Layla Smith P.O.V

After accompanying Stephen to his car and coming back inside I was really annoyed by my dad's behavior I knew he wouldn't be happy that I brought a boy home he could have at least waited until he was gone before showing his displeasure but he was clearly rude to Stephen and that was not his fault if I had come home this late I was about to ask my dad what was wrong with him when my Grandfather talked

''So since when do you know young Rose?'' asked my Grandfather curiously

''I met him for the first time last year but really got to know him only today, we are classmates also Grandpa can you call him Stephen it's weird hearing you say young Rose when talking about him'' I said to him

'' Humph you two seem to get along well for people who have only known each other for a day'' said my Dad which I completely ignored as I was still annoyed with him

''Sorry Mom for today I completely forgot to tell you that I would help the volleyball team with their practices even if I don't play anymore and I didn't know you had dated a baseball player when you were my age did he look like Stephen'' I asked my Mom knowing that this would annoy my Father greatly if I judge by his reaction earlier 

My Mother smiled finding the situation funny, she knew why I was doing this but she didn't say a thing about it but before she could say anything

''Humph he was a pure playboy and a bully baseball player are all up to no good I'm telling you Layla I don't want to see you hanging around with this boy. Did you see his tattoos he clearly his a problematic child'' said my Dad 

Hearing my Dad say something like that really made me angry it made me think back to this professor from this morning at first I wanted to ask my Mom or Dad to pick me up after school but after hearing what he just said I changed my mind

''Mom, from now on I will come back with Stephen every day after volleyball practice, Grandpa, Grandma I'm sleeping at your house tonight'' I said getting up and walking to my room to get clean clothes for the night and for school tomorrow

''Didn't you hear what I...'' started saying to my father but was cut short by my Grandfather

''SON, Shut the hell up you made a fool of yourself enough already your Mother and I didn't raise you like that. Linda don't worry I will drive Layla to school myself tomorrow, Layla we will be waiting in the car'' I heard my Grandfather say before I walked upstairs toward my room

Linda Smith P.O.V 

I knew my husband was an idiot when it came to our daughter but today he really outdid himself I do not know how many times I told him that the more he would be opposed to her doing something the more she would rebel and want to do it when she was young my husband stop her from approaching dogs cat and all animals fearing they would hurt her what happen she would sneak out of the house to play with the dog of the neighbors when Coach Sparks came to recruit her to play volleyball my husband told her no that a school in Nashville wasn't safe and was too far what did she do she accept right away

Right now he did it again but it was not defiance I could see in my daughter's eyes no this time it was anger I don't know which part of what my husband said triggered this reaction but he might have just pushed them closer without even knowing it. Even my Father in law was angered by my husband there was clearly something those two knew about Stephen that we didn't or they wouldn't have such a similar reaction, what could it be I started thinking before my thoughts got interrupted by my husband once his dad and mom left the house

''Arent you gonna say something about this?'' asked my husband 

''You're an idiot, you know that I love you but your behavior today really put us to shame if I were you I'd start thinking as to why your Dad and daughter reacted like they did, with how old our daughter is now you can't be this overprotective you will just push her away... sigh I'm going to see our daughter now'' I said leaving my husband on his own I also took my purse to bring it into my room since I was going upstairs

I walked upstairs and knocked on my daughter's room door

''Honey it's me'' I said softly

''You can come in Mom'' Layla said from inside

My daughter was looking Through her drawers I could already see her pajamas lying on her bed so she must be looking for what she would be wearing tomorrow at school after one more minute she finally made her choice and put everything in her bag

''Do you want to tell me why you are so angry'' I asked her sitting on her bed

''Do you have my phone I will show you'' said my daughter 

''Oh yes I forgot you can have it back the company sent me another one today I won't need yours anymore thank you for letting me use your phone'' I said taking her phone out of my purse and giving it back to her

''I don't want to make Grandpa and Grandma wait for too long so I will send it to you as soon as Stephen answers me do you still have the same number? and sorry for this Mom I'm too angry at Dad today I will go now'' she said kissing my cheeks before walking off of her room 10 seconds later I could hear the front door opening and closing before hearing the sound of my father-in-law driving off

I got up put my purse in my room then walked into the bathroom to take a good shower I had a really tiring day but I think that the last 30 minutes tired me more than my whole working day, 20 minutes later I came to my room to put my night clothes on the light at the right upper corner of my phone was flashing which mean I had received a message so I took my phone and open up my message app

-Layla: This happened this morning and don't worry this professor has been fired already (Video.mp3)

I clicked on the video file and 2 seconds later the video started playing after listening to the whole thing I understood why my daughter was this angry but that didn't explain why my father-in-law was but that was for another day I thought. Sigh, my husband really chose the worst day to say what he said earlier I really want to show him this video but I think that my husband needs to think about this himself a bit more because even without this video the thing he said is unacceptable 

Stephen Rose P.O.V

Soon after leaving Layla's house, I arrived at mine after unlocking the door and stepping inside I directly went to the bathroom for a good shower I really wanted to go to the backyard to throw some more balls but I didn't know when my dad would be back I will need to ask him about that later so I can make arrange my schedule I thought

Before I could even take off my clothes and look for a new set of clothes I received a message from Layla I had made her put her number in my cellphone earlier while I was driving

-Layla: Hey can you send me the video we took this morning, please 

-Stephen: Of course, here it is (Video.mp3)

-Layla: Thank you I'll talk to you later I'm on my way to eat in a restaurant with my Grandparents hehe :)

-Stephen: Have a good meal, I was about to take a shower anyway :P have a good meal talk to you later

I didn't know why she wanted the video but since she was my partner in crime I thought that maybe she wanted to see her work. After taking a shower and hand-washing my baseball pants before hanging them in my room to make sure my dad wouldn't find them I started looking at recipes online to make myself dinner my Dad came home just as I was finishing my food at 8h30 pm 

'' Hey, Dad are you gonna arrive this late every day if it's the case I can plan to make dinner a little later so we can eat all together you know?'' I asked him 

''Sigh, nah you do not need to trouble yourself or your mother for this for the first month I will probably come back home this late every night, speaking of your mother why isn't she here already her car isn't in the driveway or the garage'' asked my dad 

''You really didn't look at all today didn't you?'' I asked him

''No I was so excited this morning that I forgot it here hehe'' said my dad embarrassed

''Let me tell you Dad you miss something if I were you I'd look at my phone right now before Mom comes home and discovered you didn't have your phone today'' I said with schadenfreude

''That can't be that bad right?'' asked my Dad unsure if I was serious or not

''Well if Mom knows you didn't answer because you knew she was handling the situation and you were busy she won't say a thing but if she knows that you just didn't see any of her messages ... hehehe you're sofa in your office is comfortable right?'' I said with an evil smile

''What the fuck happen today'' screamed my dad running upstairs at full speed

5 minutes later I could hear my father coming back down with heavy steps he walked toward the fridge opened it took out a beer gulped it down in record time before opening another one then looked at me

''Is this video real, this really happen today'' asked my Dad I could hear the anger in his voice I don't think I had seen my dad before and honestly if his anger was directed at me I would have shit my pants

''Yes, but don't worry Mom called Sandra and everything turned out well'' I said 

''Are you alright'' asked my dad his anger dissipating and looking at me with concern in his eyes

''Dont worry I'm alright Dad'' I said

''You have more self-control than me son because if I was in your shoes I would have jumped on this jackass and sent him to kingdom come'' said my death taking another sip of his beer

''Hahaha well from all the rumors about this incident today the student's favorite one was that I punched him so hard he was sent to the hospital and that was why he wasn't in school anymore hehehe'' I said laughing

''Well, the rumor wouldn't have been a rumor if it was me I'm proud of you. Sigh, I need a shower you should go to bed early'' said my Dad before going back upstairs

After sending Layla a good night message I did 30 minutes of yoga before lying on my bed for a good night of sleep