
barrier no 1


hello my name is danish Nathaniel .I am a male nurse working in a government hospital dhq hospital nowshera .the book which I am writing is a barrier of my success .or the problem which I faced in my life from the age of 15 to 28 . everyone who are rich and poor both are equally facing the challenges and i have a also a lot of problem which i was faced.so my novel is just for my myself explain my life and explain and history of life hope you read it and enjoy it ...

1september 2005 I am in 8th standard class and my exam started on that time i was very poor in study because i was only concentrated on a games and fun business and not very interested in studies .so on that my examination come and i was so worried for my exam and started study only when the exam nearby to my head .so i study well and come on examination hall on the next day I saw all my friends who are only believe in taking a piece of paper in the pocket because I don't believe on the piece of papers in my rules this is wrong so i didn't do any thing wrong and give the exam and those questions who I didn't understand i wrote this by my own words so in all exam i did this and on the results my parents are not come because of some problem my father is paralyzed and he uses crutches for walk so the principal give me result because they knew my problem when i saw a results the results is completely against me i was fail on whole subject on that time i was very worried 😫😫 because my father is so strict and i know if my father see this he will slap me on my face so suddenly the devil 👿😈 comes in my body and the devil 👿😈😈 is also uneducated because i changed my results by scratching the result paperwork and i make fail into pass and d grade into 1 st and i rewarded my own result as a first position but the mistake which i create is i didn't change the marks which I was obtained so i told you before that my devil 👿👿 was uneducated suddenly i went home and screaming to my father and family and i took first position and my father was so happy 😊😊😁 he went to bazzar that brought some sweet but my happiness so not goes so long my toution teacher who name is sir waris rehmat and he is teaching in seven day Adventist school he come home and i was worried because if my teacher see the results he definitely pick my mistake which i had done in the results card so my father give the results and sir waris watch my results so he broke all my dreams he suddenly asked to my father that your child give you the wrong information. he is fail look he didn't change the marks and in all subjects he took poor marks and he just change the results with scratching the cards and change his position to fail and consider his self first position ooono what i do i was so cry in front on my father and my father slap me on my face and after that i felt shame because i never ever did these types of thing suddenly devil's give me a idea to give a happiness to the family but i was wrong when you are doing a wrong thing you also should face a big problem in future i learned so much on that time and i was felt shame because i give false happiness to my family . because i was live in Peshawar Pakistan in that time my uncle and aunty come from Karachi the Karachi city is a big city in Pakistan and they come to visit us when they know my story told by my father they told my father that we would carry him for education and he will pass the matric in Karachi and my father are agreed with my uncle decision and after i went to Karachi for my further education so this is my first barrier which i faced second barrier is started in Karachi so i write this story tomorrow thanks you