
Barotrauma: The Storm

Barotrauma is a fun game set upon the moon of Europa which has been beset by dangerous waves of radiation from Jupiter and with contact having been mysteriously lost with Earth everyone is trying to survive and rushing towards its deep depths. But is that really true? The deeper they explore the moons depths the more they ask ancient ruins filled with enigmatic and confounding technology protected by ancient machines holding treasure ready to be plundered. And deep deep below across millions of caves and unknown abyssal creatures lye's the answer to all the moons mysteries and a being older than Earth itself. Our intrepid gamer finds him in this perilous situation after having finished his modded campaign on the hardest difficulty and now he finds himself in his character knowing his questions will be answered once he goes to Europa's depths.

wizardoggo · Video Games
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2 Chs

ch.1 The Shit starts here

In the violent and silent European seas, the wreck of a Dugong scout submarine sat atop a craggy rock near an entrance to the abyss. The sub had numerous holes on its top torn through by human-sized creatures below were fewer holes, but they were enormous compared to the top.

This story had been told all across Europa confident and ambitious groups of friends gathering their life savings to buy a sub and make it rich out in Europa's depths. Sometimes they succeeded, but most of the time they ended up just like this sub.

All compartments except the reactor, which had its doors welded shut, were breached by creatures not found in the cold caverns, but being near an entrance to the abyss guaranteed a fight with unnatural creatures.

The problem for the crew, if any had survived, was that they had been attacked by two alpha mud raptors, mud raptors of enormous size and strength, and secondly, the husks of long-dead human adventurers who also once tried to explore Europa but had ended up dead and infected by the husk virus.

Getting out of a situation like this could only be done by those with incredible experience, knowledge and strength. Unfortunately for the now-dead crew the last surviving member of the "Lucky" Has died of a heart attack in the reactor room taking out the chance of a hail mary with a nuclear explosion in the reactor. As such the chance of redemption and revenge had been taken away, and this sub would be written off as another death in the European seas.

Or would it? Inside the broken Dugong the recently dead crew member awoke confused and scared. Once he realised what had happened he turned white with fear and despair.

After all, he wasn't born here, he lived on Earth all his life and had not personally experienced the regular Europan day because humanity didn't have a colony on Europa they didn't even have a colony on Mars yet. He was from a different reality where this reality was a game to him, a fun one.

It was called Barotrauma: 2-d horror explorer game where you play as the crew of a newly bought submarine exploring the depths of the European seas killing its unnatural creatures gaining wealth and fame, and eventually travelling to the end boss to complete the game.

That was it and once that was done you could use the plethora of mods that the game had to make it all the more fun. Unfortunately in reality one would have a high chance of instantly killing themselves if they found themself in this situation.

But thankfully for our 6,0 18 old meaty teen, he came with a gift one he would have to rely on to escape and then survive until he came across a station. The Inspired Inventor is a power that allowed one to gain knowledge and skills at a supernatural rate making someone gain knowledge about the most insane things.

(Just a note but I am modifying II to allow one to gain skills like fighting not just science to make it clear)

Thankfully for Thomas, he had started with 4 charges he could put into anything. Survival was his goal he was ready to achieve it fine by doing anything to survive.

------------------------POV switch----------------------------------------

I quietly opened the power box and quickly found the switch that powered the doors. The doors that separated the Husk from the Mud raptors, I breathed in and closed my eyes, I flicked the switch.

The first thing I heard was the water moving and then the sounds of surprise, anger and then rage I guessed there were about 6-7 husk humans or husk creatures and 2-4 Mud raptors. Hopefully, they would injure each other or kill each other.

I just needed time and luck I grabbed my patched and modified diving suit, which was lighter and quicker thanks to [Survival], and put it on leaving the helmet off for now.

Then I grabbed my plasma tool and water-protected "backpack" and started blasting through the Dugong's hull all the while the monsters fought for their lives. Time slowed to a crawl and the monsters got louder and louder, but once the water started coming through the hole I latched on my diving helmet and prepared my underwater scooter.

I started to sweat from the reactor heat it was giving it off I knew I would have enough time but I was still worried after all, I was starting a nuclear meltdown underwater. But That train of thought stopped once the hole blew open and the dull grey rock was shown to me.

The water quickly filled the reactor compartment I quickly sped off with my scooter glancing back at the tomb I was sure I would've died in and then I saw a large Mud raptor crawl through one of the holes and stare right at me.

I smirked and allowing myself a moment of pettiness I flipped it off. Then I continued into the dark depths of the Europan sea hoping to find what I sought.

--------------------------------Pov switch again--------------------------

In the now fully quiet submarine its reactor scorched the surrounding water until finally it reached its critical state and exploded sending nuclear waste and radiation everywhere. Thankfully for the wildlife of Europa, they were attracted by the noise and as such multiple hordes would come here and fight to the death.

But there was one problem with that, If I may remind you of where the submarine had landed on a rock near an entrance to the abyss. The loud sound reverberated through the waters and into it gathering the attention of one mighty beast and it quickly flew towards the sound ready to rip apart whatever had disturbed its mighty self.

Its tendril-like body quickly flew out of the abyss ready for its prey only to find itself surrounded by the chaotic battle of other inferior creatures attracted by the sound it gave of something like a smile ready for a feast.

The battle quickly dissolved into a battle of survival against the massive beast who ripped them to shreds. But It never forgot the smell of the first thing it smelt remembering it well.

-------back to mc--------

Swimming through the ocean was a terrifying experience to many, especially when it was dark it gave one the creeps just seeing it. This was an instinctual response from ancient humanity.

That feeling is worse when you are on an alien moon filled with hostile creatures ready to tear you apart, eat you or take over your body. Thankfully for our main character something was currently attracting a lot of attention away from him.

Because of this, he was flying through the ocean using his [Survival] and [Europa] knowledge to his advantage, cruising alongside powerful currents to get to the nearest station. Soon he saw it, his only hope for someone nearly out of oxygen.

He predicted how long he had left and quickly made a choice. Luckily the inhabitants wouldn't kill him for what he was going to do. He pulled out his plasma cutter and prepared for the rush of water.

He started to cut through the outside vents for maintenance and reconnaissance and crawled into them knowing he had set off an alarm or two but he still crawled towards his chance of survival.

--Switch to station security------

In a nice colorful clean room, a heavy man sat at a computer playing with something in his hands until he heard the scary sound of a beep. He quickly snapped his neck up and saw that there was an alert for flooding he swore pressed the red button and checked for damage in the system.

Quickly he found that it was from the maintenance hatch and reported it. A team of elite fighters quickly gathered together and equipped themselves with heavy weapons and armour then they rushed down to the maintenance tunnels and found the location the problem would appear from.

They lined up and all aimed at the hatch silently, then one asked, "When will it arrive?" A tall man in the middle of the group answered, "Seconds, so shut up and point" The questioner nodded and got back to point at the hatch.

Then everyone heard the sound of rushing water tensing they put their fingers on their triggers, and seconds passed 1.... 2.... 3.... And then 4! Out came a thing from the hatch they quickly fired at it but before they could pump it full with lead the leader shouted, "STOP! STOP IT'S A DIVER!"

They all quickly stopped and rushed towards the diver, our protagonist, who had been shot quite a bit thankfully he had just passed out because of oxygen deprivation. The warning beep it emitted clued the security guards in quickly they ripped off the helmet and dragged the man to the medical bay while two men stayed behind to guard the hatch and temporarily seal it.

If they were quick enough he would survive if they weren't then they'd have a dead diver on their hands.


Author here give some advice I really haven't written in a while so it'd be nice oh and don't expect longer chapters I'm lazy as fuck just doing this for fun