
chapter 2 > Interactions

Dear Diary,

Yesterday, I met a man at a bookstore. He was somewhat kind but off, although He knew that I cut classes He still gave me the book that I wanted. But I keep wondering, where is Mister Chu?


Ah, finally! This is our last subject. All the teachers kept on asking me why I disappeared yesterday, psh. I thought Jin already told them, but it's fine they are really believing that I had an emergency quite funny since I don't have any family around me.

"Pst lyn!" This is the third time Jin has called my name and I'm still ignoring Him

I'm not mad, it's just satisfying to ignore him.

"Agh!" I screamed because Jin has throwed something on me!

Suddenly all the eyes are on me, I smiled awkwardly and told the teacher that "Uh.. miss I.. I accidentally scratched myself sorry"

"Keep quiet Ms.Mone." She exclaimed

I quickly looked at Jin and whispered

"WHY?" I asked

"Take a look" He mouthed

He throwed a paper near me, I quickly turned and got it. It was from the school Trina's going.

It said here that they have an opening.. for what?

I looked at Jin again, confused.

"At the back" He mouthed again

I turned the paper and saw that there's an opening for art students, and it's badly needed. We're almost half of the school year and I really don't want to transfer, but.. this deal seems good. It also offers scholarships for those who will study at their school and be a part of their art club.. hmm I see they lack of talented students there.

I thought about it the whole time the teacher was teaching. I could really use the scholarship in college, and it's an opportunity ito get famous and have a work that I love.. wait. It's too early to think about that.

*bell rings*

"Alright, answer page 179 to 185 the deadline would be nextweek. Have a great weekend" Miss said as she was leaving

I love how teachers gives us a lot of homeworks and even dare to tell us 'have a great weekend' Wow! Great weekend it is!

I rolled my eyes and packed my things. Then suddenly Jin came towards me.

"Are you gonna take it?" He asked

"Hmm. I guess, It's a good deal. But who will be with you here?" I asked

"I ain't gonna be left here! I'm coming with you!" He exclaimed

I laughed at Him, Jin and I were both orphans. Well I consider myself as one since my father died, He's my only parent. While my mother is still alive, I really don't consider Her as my parent anymore.

"We don't have the money to buy uniforms, let's just transfer next year." I told him

"No! What if the opportunity got taken by others? You can't lose that." He's acting weird, it's not like He's the one taking the opportunity.

He pouted at me "Stop doing that it's annoying" I rolled my eyes at Him

"Let's transfer! I don't care if it's half of the year or what." He is really persistent about this transfer thing. Psh.

"Alright, let's fix papers this weekends. I'll also ask Mr.chu if He could let us work for the weekends so we can have money to buy unifroms." I assured him

He smilled widely, "I can finally see her everyday!" Jin jumped out of happiness

Her? Oh. Trina

"I knew it! You are only up for it because it's the school that Trina goes to!" I laughed and throwed my pencil case at him

He catched it and laughed, "Of course!" He throwed the pencil case at me and ran out "meet me at the bookstore! I'll help you talk to Mister chu!"

I got my bag and started walking, Jin has the habbit of running everytime He was out of school. He's a smarty pants and He said that it calms His mind whenever He runs after school. So I let Him be and we just meet at a place afterwards.

I took the bus to bookstore, I really should have thought about this yesterday rather than running psh. After getting out of the bus I saw Jin buying from the convenient store. So I go straight to Him

"I didn't know you like bibimbap" I asked Him when I saw Him buying 3 bibimbaps. "Hmm was it because of trina?" I jokingly asked

"Yes! What Trina likes, Jin likes too" I swear He's a kid stucked into a 16 year old.

"But I'm gonna give the other one to Mister chu, and the other one to you." He added

"Okay okay, can we go now?"

"Just a minute.." He said while counting pennies from His hands

I rolled my eyes, this is gonna take forever. I pulled my wallet out of my pocket and payed the bibimbaps. Great, I payed for what He will be eating.

"You don't have to" He looked at me

"The bookstore's gonna close before you even get to count all of your pennies. What did I tell you about exchanging your bills to pennies?"

"Never exchange them." He surrendered

I laughed, He's like my little brother. "Let's go, I bet Mister Chu misses us."

He got the plastic of bibimbap and started walking with me, while walking I was still thinking about the offer, what if I mess it up?

I sighed and tried not to think about it.

"We're gonna make it, Lyn. You are not letting this opportunity go, this will make you big" Jin assured me

"Yeah, and when I got big I'll make sure to feed you a lot of bibimbaps" i joked

"I already told you that joking is not for you!" He rolled His eyes.


Finally, we arrived at the bookstore. Luckily I saw Mister chu cleaning in front of the bookstore

"Mister!" Jin shouted

As Mister chu saw us, He smilled and waved at us.

Jin and I ran towards Him.

"How have you heen Mister chu? I heard you were sick." I asked him

"You're sick?!" Jun exaggerated.

"Shush you kids, I just had a cold." Mister chu laughed at us

"But why did you hire another person? Be honest with us" I told him seriously

"It was because I'm getting old and about to retire. Of course I still have to keep my shop running, but with this cracky bones.. i would go bankcrupt." He explained "Go inside, I'll make you ramen."

Jin and I nodded and get inside the bookstore.

I sniffed almost the whole bookstore when I got in, I love the smell of books so much!

"What's the purpose of your visit, kids?" Mister chu asked while He was preparing the Ramens

"Uhh, Jin wants to ask you for a favor." I said

Jin looked at me and mouthed "me?"

"Yes, YOU." I glared at Him

"Ah yes! Can we work this weekends? We're gonna be transferring schools."

"Oh where?" Mister chu asked whil handing out the ramens

"To Trina's" I said

"I can just give you the money, no need to work for it." Mister chu smilled and sat beside us

"No, Mister chu it's not fair.." Jin

"Yes Mister, we should work for the money." I told him

"I already have a worker here, It would be such a shame if you stole His job for the weekends right?" He explained

"But.." I haven't finished yet when someone interrupted

"Just accept the money kids, you will never win against Mister chu." It was the barely 23 guy!

"Ahh, come here Klein meet my friends." Mister told klein?.. mister told klein to sit with Him

"Aren't they young to be your friends sir?" He asked

Mister chu punched Him lightly.

"Of course not! These kids might be young but they think almost the same as me" Mister chu laughed

Klein looked at me, and I looked at Him confused.

Why is this old man gihing me that look?

"You're the one who cut classes yesterday right?" He asked

I sighed, this old man.

"Y-yeah" I looked at Jin who's completely confused

"You cut classes for the book right!?" Jin asked "I genuinely thought that it was an emergency and told everyone!" He pouted

"Psh, stop being so childish." I pinched His cheeks

"You young lady, you're still so naughty." Mister chu said "Go on and eat your ramen, I'll get you one Klein have a chat with them.."

When Mister chu left, we were filled with silence not until Jin spoked.

"Do you want bibimbap?" He asked klein

"Sure." Klein replied

"Hey! I thought it was for me?" I looked at jin, He just laughed and gave the bibimbap to Klein

"You never told me Mister chu has a new employee!" He said

I rolled my eyes, I payed for that!

"Nevermind" I punched Him lightly

"Lets just share hihi.." Jin smilled

"Are you siblings?" Klein asked

"No were Orlings" orlings?

What is Jin saying

"Orlings?" Both me and klein asked

"Yeah, Orphan Siblings." Jin smilled

I sighed, I swear I'm gonna kill Him! He keeps on spreading that We were orphans. That's the reason why we got bullied a lot. This son of a-

Klein looked at me.

Oh please I hate that look.

"Yeah we're orphans, but we're not related. Webjust grew together" I told him

He nodded.

"I'll save you books next time so don't cut classes." He said and stood up "sir! You can have my Ramen, I'm going home." He said and left the bookstore.

Save me books, huh?