
Barbarian Emperor: Blood Tattoo

This is just a story it neither related to living nor dead. Well.. I Getting stuck in hospital wad and it was boring as hell so I decided to write some random novel that even possible classes as completely garbage. read this novel at your own risk. !!!Disclaimer!!! -this novel is not original and copy from other -some people may get Brain demage while reading this because there are lot of broken sentences and words. -I did not responsible if any demage done upon your brain during reading this. Okay after the disclaimer let the real synopsis begin ................................................................................................. Slam! Tik! tik! tik! tik! "Dammit! Dammit! dammit! Why Do i Keep losing! This must because of my pig like teammates" Roger slam his old spare keyboard as he cursed his teammates for making him lose the promotion game to gold. This is not his first time today, losing the promotion game in fact it was his 3rd time in row. To calm his mind and release the tension that filled his rice sack like body he then visit not so family friendly website to discuss culture of human behavior with his little brother.. But he did not know that he will regret this decision sometimes later.

the_mighty_blanket · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Evil Ads From Non-Family Friendly Website

Bam! Tik! Tik! Tik!

Roger smash his old spare keyboard on the table angrily causing the old keyboard button to flying everywhere.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Dammit! dammit! dammit!" Roger keep cursing while slamming his old keyboard on table.

"if not for these ...pig like teammates and that ...stupid Rito balancing team there is no... way I will keep losing my... promotion game to gold ranked" he say between his ragged breathes.

With his body like extra large rice sack there is no way he will not run out of breath after a few times smashing his old spare keyboard.

And why did he smash his old spare keyboard and not his new and current use keyboard? because he is angry losing the game but not to the point of losing his mind to smashing new things.

Bam! Creak!

Roger let his buttocks fall down into the gaming chair after done smashing the old keyboard to his heart content.

The fury burning in his stomach dissipate a little. This is not first time he losing his promotion game to gold ranked, in fact this is the third time he lose his promotion game in single day!

God know what happened every time he play non promotion game he keep winning and have good teammates but when it come to promotion game time there is always someone afk or trolling.

Growl!.. Growl!!

His stomach growing like a hungry tiger, but eat he not because it is just 12.01PM and not his lunch time yet.

Compare to yesterday and the day before this he decided to go on diet, yes a diet but don't make mistakes he did not plan to eat healthy but just eat on right time.

Looking at the digital clock on his computer that showing it just another minute passed and his lunch is still 58 minutes away, he sigh in despair.

He can't continue playing the game as his anger still not fully subside and fear if he still go on today he might end up dying by heart attack.

Left with nothing to do he than stand up straight from his gaming chair and walk towards his room door.

He put his head out from the door than looking left and right.

He did not see anyone else outside his room, so he called out.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! are you there!?" Roger shouted his throat out.

There is no respond not even sound of cockroach crawling.

"Dad! Dad! Dad! are you home yet!?" he shouted a second time.

still the same and no ones responding to his call.

"JOSH! Josh! are you home!?" Roger shouted third time.

Sure enough there is no one responding to his shouting. He already know that there is no one at home at this time but him.

His mother and father is at work while his big brother is at his friends house, but it better be safe than sorry.

after waiting for 10 second at his room door for any delays respond he than close his door and lock it .

creak~ creak~

the gamming chair creaking as if it complaining to Roger that he is too heavy for it to handle him.

But Roger ignored it as it is normal occasion for him to hear chair, table and bed creaking as he sit on them.

Without waiting for another moment, Roger than double left click on google chrome browser icon in order to open the chrome Incognito Mode to visit some non-family friendly website.

It a website that human called hub of culture of man and women alike,PH.

He often visited this website and he is no mere normal visiter, he is premium user! To him this website have a lot of advantage to calm his anger and letting his little brother outside once a while.

As he searching for a video of 'artis' performed her 'art', a strange small pop up coming from edge of his monitor capture his attention.

He take it as just some lousy advertisement and close without paying much attention to it, forgetting that premium PH member did not have advertisement hovering in their screen.

But after he closes the pop up, the ads keep popping up back, this time twice it size before. He close it again and the pop up keep coming back large and larger until it cover his whole monitor.

This time Roger have no choice but to at least read it to understand what going on.

He find it there is strange questions written on the pop up.

[[ Would You Like To Go To Adventure In Other Dimension?]]

[[Yes Or Yes]]

[[Please choose Your Answer Wisely]]

"What kind of crappy scam is this?" he cursed at the pop up as he find the way to close the pop up forever.

He try all thing from clicking the red X button of google chrome to Alt+F4, nothing happened, he even pressed the restart and power button but the computer refused to close the chrome or even shut down.

"Damm, this virus is so powerful!" He exclaim in despair and anger.

"Fuck! you leave me no choice but to plug off your wire!" Roger can't think of anything anymore other than plug off the wire and restart it manually.

without further ado, he than go under the computer table to plug out the computer wire.

Clack! Clack!

The computer plug was pulled out from the electric socket and put it back again.

He than pop his head from under the table to look at his computer screen.

The pop up is still there covering the whole screen like it own the monitor.

"Dammit! did I plug off and on other device?" he grumble as he go back under the table to complete his original intention.

But when he arrives at the electric socket he froze, bead of sweat slowly dropping from his forehead.

He is not only shock but also feeling scared, it because, he really did plug off the computer and monitor plug and plug them back but he forgot to turn on the switch.

If the switch is not turn on, where the hell does his computer and monitor got their power from to turn on?

In moment of panic, Roger found that his mind was never clear as this moment.

'I must get out from this house, I must!'

Deep Inhale!

Deep Exhale!

Roger come out from under the computer table, this time without looking at his computer nor the monitor he walked like nothing ever happened.

steadily, he walk toward the door.


The lock on the door was successfully open, he walk out from his room and ligh of the sun shine upon his face from the glasses window giving him sense of security.

'Never ever I ever feel like sun is so majestic as today he shouted in his mind as he feels the ligh of the day.

Know not he did, that sense of safety provide by the sun is just mere illusion implanted into human mind from the myth passed down from their ancestor about the evil fear the light.

After Savour the light of sun, he than walk briskly towards stairs to first floor in order to come out from his home.

Even after basked in sun shines he some how feels that every movement he make is being watched tightly like bacteria under powerful microscope.

steeling his heart, he ignore the sensation and walk towards the door, he keep his movements brisk and fast but not as fast as running as he fear that whoever observe him will realize that he trying to escape.


The door open and he saw the scenery outside his house, it still same as ever, double storey suburban house placing beside each other like well organized leggo block.

He than put one of his leg outside his house.


Sound of door being slammed could be heard from his back, and he realizes that, the door that being slammed is his bedroom door!

He so scared that he forgets he only wear boxer and run as fast as he can, away from his home without even giving a dam toward his neighbors that watch him as if he is crazy person.

As he running he hear someone tell him "can't...Avoid...prepare" he can't hear the words properly as the owner of the words have incoherent voice, it did not sound like male nor female but sound like from two sharp metal teeths grinding each other.

Roger ignored the words that come out of nowhere and keep running towards the only church at his neighborhood Thorn Crown Church.

He did not dare to go towards police station afraid that the police will send him towards mental asylum.

It was 1 afternoon and the church is quite empty. as soon as he enters the church he hear someone called him and questioned his attire.

"Roger? Why are only wearing boxer? where the rest of your clothes?" say the middle-age man.

"Father Mario! Thank god you are here! Help! Help! Help Me!" Like drowning man finding the floating tree truck, Roger hug Father Mario legs and asking for help.

"Child calm down, no one can hurt you, you are in god house!"

"tell me what happened slowly so I can lending a helping hand" say Father Mario peacefully.

Without much nonsense Roger than told Father Mario what happened to him this afternoon, he did not hide anything and even repeatedly tell Father Mario how incompetent is Rito game balancing team.

Shaking his head, Father Mario Ignores the non important matter like, when Roger lost his promotion game until he smashed his keyboard and only focus on important things like the uncloseable pop up and computer that still turn on without electricity supply towards it.

"poltergeist?" Father Mario say while frowning his brow.

''How would I know?'' reply Roger

smack! Father Mario smacked Roger head while saying " I not asking you! I just thinking out loud"

Looking at the teenager infront him, Father Mario shake his head. It all because not a lot of people have supernatural experience.

Those who had them either become too afraid of anything so much so a little wind blowing at night may end up making them going into hysteria or those who can't be separated with the supernatural phenomenal and keep searching for them.

He the father of Thorn Crown Church is the later. When he is young boy, his big brother have been kidnapped by spirit.

His whole family and police try their best to find his big brother but it all useless, until a old man with worn up priest clothed come to his family and lending a helping hand.

The old man was the previous father of Thorn Crown Church and also Father Mario mentor.

He can't let this entity escape or god know who it will terrorize later, so Father Mario say to Roger " Is there anyone else in your home?"

"No.. I . I .was ..alone..the entire time" reply Roger shakingly.

"Thank the Holy Thorn for that" Father Mario Nodded in relieve.

"Now give me your home key, and go get something to wear, you know where it is" Father Mario instruct Roger.

"No need to use key... I don't even lock the door"Roger reply as he looking at his feet.

"Ok than, go get something to wear and don't leave the Church until I come back" Father Mario say as he leave the church with black duffle bag that god know what in it.

"Em" Roger nodded his head like woodpecker.

Clang~ The church door closed by Father Mario as no other people come and he need to go out.

Father Mario did not worry leaving Roger alone in the church because when Roger still not teenage yet, he spent all his morning helping and following him doing all church related duty as Roger are not comfortable with other caretaker like his big brother Josh.

It all changes when Father Mario best friend, Roger father buy him a computer, since than he rarely go out much less going to church.

Now Roger is 16 and keep staying inside house do nothing but playing game, no wonder his body like extra large rice sack.

long story short, this Thorn Crown Church is like Roger second home.

still feeling terrified, Roger look at his feet without doing anything else, his mind freeze from fear as his mind process no thought.

It was not until 10 minutes later after Father Mario left did his fear recede. But his fear intensifies as he realized that he neither can move his arm or legs.

In matter of fact, he can't even turn his head. Only than did he realized that at bottom of his feet, there is blood keep flowing until it reach a circle with diemeter of 2 meters with his feet as center.

When the blood pool like circle reach 2 meter diemeter, he started to hear sound like clashing metal teeths spoken to him.

He remember that, it the same sound and voice that he heard when he left his house.

But this time, the voice become nore clearer. It say to him something that make him feeling strange, because when he really hear it properly the voice mean no harm but just demanding him to accept something.

It say "No one can escape fate, even the gods must face it much less you, be prepared to take your responsibility and face fate! You can't keep running forever!"

After the voice finished it sentence, Roger feels strong pulling force on his feet, pulling him into the blood pools.

Helpless, he can only watch the blood pools engulf his body until his consciousness become black as void.




30 Minutes later in Thorn Crown Church, Father Mario open the church door while asking a question to Roger.

"Roger are you sure, you are not hallucinating?"

No one answered him.

"Roger! oi are you sleeping?" shouted Father Mario as he enter the church.

There is still no answer.

" Roger!"

His heart getting heavy, his mind become panic, he rush toward the chair where he saw Roger last sit on.

When he saw there is no one else and only blood pools left, he dropped the black duffle bag.

He falls onto his knees, his expression froze and the only thing come out of his mouth is the name of the missing teenage ''Roger''