
Chapter 1

In a world, where emotions, individuality, colours, differences, disabilities, food, drinks(except water), pets and lgbtq+ is illegal. Any one that breaks these rules, will be executed in different cruel and gory ways, like being decapitated by an axe guardian, being eaten alive by feral animals, being blended up by a saw gnome then being fed by a blood thirsty giant, being hung to death by a rope on fire and many more horrific ways. Once a human turns 50, they get knocked out, put into hydro pods and get taken to the hydro homes. When babies are born, the robots take them to a machine of draining and drain all the colours, emotions and individuality out. How ever, if the machine has a malfunction trying to drain any of it out, the robots will send the babies to a large dome on the moon and then execute them when they are 30. When a human baby is born with disabilities, they send them to a time pod, set it to 25 years and once the human with disabilities is 25, the pod will execute the being and the robots clean the time pod for the next victim. One day, a girl was born with all colour on her body and full of emotions. The robots tried to use the machine to drain the colour and emotion from her, but the machine broke. The robots sent her to the dome on the moon and decided to name her Niji. Niji grew up to be happy and positive to try to make others happy, she was friends with a boy with brown hair named Haru, a girl with blue eyes named Midori, another girl with tan skin named Lora and another boy with emotions named Cory. Niji has just turned 16 years old and decided to celebrate it by making hearts out of paper and give it to everyone in the dome, including her friends. Niji then sees a boy get sent to the dome and realized that he was one of the escapists of the dome. His name was Carter, so she gave a heart to Carter saying "Welcome back to the dome! Have a heart!" Carter had a straight face and said "Thank you for this weird creation." and walked off as he put the heart in his pocket. Niji then grabbed Carter by the arm and ran to her friends saying "I made a new friend!!" Carter looked at Lora, Cory, Haru and Midori and smiled. He then makes Niji let go of his arm and says "Hello, My name is Carter, Nice to meet you all." Lora then says "Nice to meet you too." Suddenly..the robot guardians walk in with a girl and her siblings. "Let me go!!" The girl said in a angry tone. The robot guardians then put her down and leave the dome. Niji then went to them and had a talk to them to try to calm them down. Niji then walks back to them with the girl and her siblings. "This is Emily, Elizabeth, Edward, Henry, Alvin and Sasha!" Niji said in a happy tone. "Emily, Elizabeth and Edward are triplets!!" "I think we noticed." Midori smiled as she goes to shake Sasha's hand. "P-Please don't hurt me…" Sasha says as she backed away from Midori slightly. "Hm..?..why would I hurt you?" Midori said in a normal toned voice. "They're always wanting to hurt us…" Sasha said as she kept her self covered in long clothing and looked at the robots. "Don't worry! We'll make sure they won't hurt you! Ever!" Midori said in the voice of determination and courage. They all smile and hug each other. Ever since that day, they all have been friends, and planned on how they will break free.