
Banished from the Hero's Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the

Sir_Smurf · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Interlude: The Young Boy and the Evil Woman

Six years ago.

I'd already carried out several missions as a squire for the Bahamut Knights.

"Sir Flores, I see the castle."

As I rode my drake along the forested path, the palace walls grew visible in the


Flores, an old knight, was my superior. "We'll finally be able to rest in a proper bed,"

he replied from his mount beside mine. A lighthearted grin spread across his face

while he rubbed his hip.

We were headed into enemy territory.

It was a castle in the Kingdom of Veronia, a country presently in a low-level conflict

with Avalonia.

Our current mission was a diplomatic one—to negotiate a reconciliation. However, we

were also traveling to the palace as spies to verify that the agreement was genuine on

Veronia's part.

I felt an imposing stateliness to the castle while gazing upon it. Sweat gathered on my

palms as I gripped the reins.

Despite my concern, we swiftly reached an accord. There were still details to be

worked out, but overall, the negotiations proceeded without any major upsets.


During a short respite in the talks, I walked around the castle, searching for any signs

of danger.

I didn't notice anything unusual, though.

One of the key points of the dispute between Veronia and Avalonia was supposed

military mobilization at this very place. I saw nothing that suggested as much,

however. It was tough to imagine Veronia would agree to the peace treaty and then

launch a surprise attack from this castle. And with that conclusion, my mission was


I returned the way I'd come, back to the room where Sir Flores waited.

It happened while I was walking down a corridor that ran the length of the inner


"Hm? Someone's there."

A girl was sitting in the courtyard.

She looked to be in her teens, but there was something peculiar about her that I

couldn't rightly express. In my confusion, I stopped walking.

"Oh? Good afternoon."

Noticing me in the hall, she offered a greeting like a proper noble lady.

Ignoring her risked causing a diplomatic issue, so I answered politely, if a bit


"Good afternoon, beautiful lady. I am Gideon Ragnason of the Kingdom of Avalonia,

squire of the Bahamut Knights."

"Oh my, a goodly squire."

Goodly squire, huh?

Truthfully, a squire was basically only a trainee who accompanied a proper knight.

Generally, nobles tended to look down on squires, but this young woman was giving

me a cheerful smile. Something about her caused my heart to stir. She possessed a

quality that was difficult to forget.

Had I been more experienced, I would have recognized instinctually that this girl was

dangerous. However, young as I was, a pretty face was still very disarming.

"I am called Noelle."

"Lady Noelle, it is an honor to make your acquaintance."

"You are quite collected for one so young, good Squire Gideon."

She smiled—a calculated gesture.

All I could think of was that I needed to leave as soon as possible and return to Sir


Noelle… was a fake name. Her real one was Leonor of Veronia.

That innocent maiden facade was the result of secret alchemical tinctures. Leonor was

the great figure feared by all Veronian nobles, and that was the day I met her.

Noelle claimed to be the daughter of a local lord.

By her telling, she'd been sent to the castle because the conflict imperiled her father's


"Please have a look. This is the sunflower field. It's quite well known to locals."

Her voice was bubbly as she spoke. She wore a riding outfit and sat astride a horse,

riding at a slow pace.

I was alongside her on my riding drake.

Drakes and horses did not tend to get on well, but Noelle was well trained and relaxed.

It was probably a highly disciplined war steed.

"It is lovely."

I looked out at the sea of yellow blossoms rustling in the breeze.

I couldn't say why, but Noelle had taken a liking to me. Over the past few days, she had

dragged me all over the lands surrounding the castle.

As her request for my company had been a strongly worded one from Veronia, Sir

Flores had been unable to turn it down.

In truth, the negotiations were going fine, so there wasn't much for me to do had I

been there.

Perhaps someone had noticed I was investigating the castle and had me accompany

Noelle to prevent me from learning anything.

"Squire Gideon," she called, tugging her reins lightly to bring her horse to a stop. I did

the same with my drake and faced her.

"Do you prefer fighting and cultivating your blessing over admiring the flowers?"

Hmm, how to answer that to the liking of a young lady, I wondered.

I started to piece together an answer that would sound nice, but I sensed a piercingly

intense emotion in Noelle's eyes hidden behind her cute, fake smile, so I stopped.

"I enjoy time with the flowers just as well. I suspect one who battles endlessly would

forget why they were fighting after a while."

"Doesn't one's blessing dictate why they enter combat?"

"I believe it is up to people to decide their purpose for fighting. A blessing is certainly

one motivation, but it is the person who chooses whether to accept that reason."

"Oh? You're quite mature for one so young, Squire Gideon."

Noelle's expression was that of the perfect young lady save for her eyes.

There was a fiery intensity in the gaze bearing down upon me.

I felt a bit cautious. But also, I had written her off as just a troublesome aristocrat with

a good ingratiating smile, but for the first time, I felt some interest in her.

"What do you think, Lady Noelle?"


"Admiring the flowers, or fighting. Which do you prefer?"

She smiled—the same calculated, perfect expression.

"I much prefer admiring the flowers."

"Is that so?"

I didn't say anything more and looked back to the field.

The blossoms were indeed beautiful, swaying in the wind.

I had been fighting ever since I was six, constantly pushing myself to get even a little

stronger. It was all to support Ruti when the day came for her to set out on her journey.

No sunflowers bloomed in our village, but I could remember going to see the spring

buds that did open with Ruti. If we could return to that hill again someday…


I sensed a murderous intent and put my hand on the hilt of my sword.

"Squire Gideon?"

Noticing the change in my demeanor, Noelle called out to me nervously.

"There are enemies. Please get behind me, Lady Noelle."

"…Very well."

A whistling sound split the air when she started to move her horse.


I struck down the arrow with a drawing cut.

"There's… eighteen."

Three archers in distant trees and fifteen more approaching on horseback.

"Pretty extravagant bandits to have that many horses."

Seeing the enemy charging in with spears, I considered how to fight.

What is their goal?

The natural thought was they were aiming for a nice ransom by kidnapping Noelle,

who was the daughter of a local noble. It would be challenging to fight while protecting


In which case, I guess that means I should go on the offensive!

"Please wait here, Lady Noelle."

I pushed my drake to run. The bandits, seeing me racing straight at the fifteen

oncoming spears, shouted in shock, "The kid's gone mad!"

For one brief moment, there was hesitation on their part.

However, they quickly readjusted and ran straight down on me at full speed.

I sensed a gaze at my back, likely Noelle's.

My drake reached top speed. The spears were rapidly growing nearer. In that instant,

I kicked the drake's stomach with my heels, giving the signal.


With a cry, it spread its small wings and leaped over the polearms.


I saw the bandits' shocked faces below me.

"Drakes can jump better than horses!"

My mount stomped on one of the outlaws, crushing him, while I beheaded two others

with my sword.

I'd moved past the spear's superior range and was now close enough for a sword. Since

we were in a chaotic melee, the archers in the trees wouldn't be able to attack for fear

of hitting their allies.

I swung my sword down on one bandit after another as they fell into a panic.

"Haah-haah… haaaah."

That was tiring. All the assailants were skilled.

If that first surprise attack hadn't worked, there was no way I would've won without


"Squire Gideon, are you hurt?"

Noelle had dismounted and was coming over to me. I came off my riding drake as well.

"Yes, I am fine."

"You are so strong. I was afraid it was all over."

"Though I'm still in training, I'm a knight. I could never allow bandits to get the best of


"Oh my."

Noelle's expression was radiant. It was a beautiful smile, but her eyes were different.

She was holding a silk handkerchief and reaching out to my face, dirty with blood from

my slain enemies. However, I gently stopped her, being as careful as possible to avoid

being rude.

"It would be a shame to dirty your handkerchief."

"Handkerchiefs are made to be used."

Noelle's expression was troubled. I'm sure anyone else would've described it as


But her eyes. Those blazing eyes.

When she looked at me, a far greater chill ran down my spine than I felt while fighting

for my life.

"So cold. It is also a knight's duty to accept the affections of a lady, is it not?"

"My deepest apologies. For the moment, we really should return to the castle as soon

as possible. There may well be more bandits lying in wait."

"Hee-hee, true. But with you to protect me, I am not scared in the least."

"I am scared, though… were something to happen to you, it would be blamed on


"You really are so cold."

Just a little bit miffed… it was another flawless performance.

I stopped, signaling Noelle to fall back with my left hand.

"Squire Gideon?"

"There's someone here."

Not coming. Here.

I hadn't noticed until they were close. I immediately drew my sword.

"Not bad, kiddo."

A shadow stirred in a tree, and a large figure appeared.

A well-built, handsome visage. However, he had six arms instead of two.

"An Asura demon?!"

Unique even among demons with their shared blessings, Asura demons were the only

creatures in the world without Divine Blessings.

This was my first time seeing one in person.

The Asura demon slowly took a stance, two-handing a massive greatsword.

"Gajasura!" Noelle shouted.

"Ha-ha-ha, just playing with you, kid."

The Asura demon laughed out loud and stowed his weapon before raising all his hands

to prove he wasn't holding anything.

"That isn't funny."

"My apologies, Lady Noelle. The boy's fighting was so much better than I expected that

I wanted to get a taste for myself."

He walked over to me and held out his right hand.

"It was a splendid fight."

"…Thank you…"

Although a little unsure, I shook his hand.

I could feel the massive calluses on his palm, indicating how many years of training

he'd undoubtedly amassed.

"I was hired to be Lady Noelle's guard."

"An Asura demon as a guard?"

"Even on this continent, lower-level demons are hired as mercenaries. This is similar."

It was true that soldier demons, who were skilled infantry and could even serve as

platoon leaders, and fat demons, able to topple poorly fortified gates with a good

shove, were sometimes employed. However, the church frowned on cooperating with

demons, so it was not something that a country as large as Veronia regularly did.

"My position isn't significant here."

"…If you're an official guard, then that makes things simpler. I'll leave the rest to you."

"Hmm? Not going to ask anything?"

Gajasura was smiling, but I leaped onto my riding drake without a response.

"Please wait, Squire Gideon!"

"I will return to the castle at once to report to the ruling lord."

Noelle frantically tried to stop me, but I bowed my head and afforded her every

courtesy before leaving.

I left everything about dealing with the ambush to the Veronian side.

They didn't seem to know who the attackers were, but it wasn't my duty as an outsider

to get more involved than I had. Ultimately, they never found the mastermind, and the

investigation was dropped.

Afterward, I was still called to accompany Noelle on strolls or for meals.

"Our meetings will end tomorrow."

I was lying on the bed in a guest room, breathing a sigh of relief.

All the negotiations had concluded today. Sir Flores, representing the Kingdom of

Avalonia, and the castle's Duke Antonius, representing the Kingdom of Veronia, had

both signed the treaty.

There would be a gala in celebration tonight. Tomorrow morning, Sir Flores and I were

to return home, which would end this mission.

Suddenly, I felt a chill.

Leaping from the bed, I grabbed my sword leaning against the wall by the bed.

"Wait, I haven't come to fight."


The door to the room hadn't opened, but an enormous shape was standing in the dark


"I guess this isn't the time to ask how you did that."

"Yes, I came to request an urgent favor."

"Something regarding Lady Noelle?"

"That's right. There's no time, so I'll keep it quick." Gajasura stepped out of the shadow.

"Lady Noelle was kidnapped. I want you to help me save her."

"Kidnapped? While you were with her?"

"They caught me off guard."

"…In that case, you can just ask the duke, can't you? There's no reason to come to a


"Like I said, they caught me off guard."

There was a grating sound as Gajasura grit his teeth.

"You don't mean… the duke was behind it?"

"That's right. As long as I'm with Lady Noelle, I can protect her no matter how many

people come at us. But a demon can't stand by her side at all hours, and they took

advantage of that. The escort provided by the duke betrayed her."

According to Gajasura, the duke had hired mercenaries to kidnap her for ransom and

intended to dispose of the mercenaries and Noelle when it came time to hand over the


Apparently, there were many schemes among Veronia's nobles.

"So Lady Noelle really isn't just some local lord's daughter."

"Sorry, I can't elaborate further. Will you help me? There's no other human in this

castle who'd be willing."

"…So is that the truth, or is this just another lie?" I stared down Gajasura.

The mercenaries who'd attacked Noelle previously had surely been hired by Noelle

herself through Gajasura. It was only slight, but they'd shown reluctance to kill

someone as young as me. That was an awfully kindly reaction for bandits trying to

kidnap a noble.

"If she'd been abducted while an Avalonian was guarding her, it would have been a

total humiliation for Avalonia."

"Smart kid. You're right. Apparently, there was one clause in the negotiations they

really wanted to get changed."

"And had I perished, you would've saved Lady Noelle yourself and then killed the

assailants to keep it secret, just like the duke."

Gajasura nodded at my hypothesis.

"So then, is this time different?"

"It is. Last time, the duke was not involved at all. When he found out afterward, he

apparently took it very badly."

"Is Lady Noelle generally disliked?"

"No, more like she has lots of allies, but many enemies as well." Shaking his head,

Gajasura turned around. "If you've seen through the earlier ruse, then this was a fool's


"What do you mean?"

"It's not like you have any reason to help the woman who tried to frame you."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"There's no option but to save her alone. Sorry to waste your time. The duke might be

planning to hang the crime on you, so you should probably report this to your

commander and put together some sort of alibi."

With that, Gajasura departed.

The next day, in a nearby forest.

Noelle let her hatred show plain, having dropped her usual facade at the humiliation

of being bound in rope.

With her in the center, Veronian soldiers and mercenaries were squaring off against

each other.

"Heh-heh, do you have the gold?"

It was an easy job for the mercenaries since the party standing across from them was

actually the mastermind.

It was an even split of the ransom, but even half the payout was enough to ensure the

hired men would be living easy for at least a year.

However, their smiles faded swiftly when a line of crossbows suddenly turned on


"Wh— This ain't what we talked about!"

They'd come from a small farming village and became mercenaries hoping to make a

name for themselves, so they didn't know anything about the devious wiles of nobles.

Upon seeing the coldness in the duke's eyes, they finally realized they were dealing

with someone who held wholly different morals.


They frantically tried to flee. Only Noelle alone kept her eyes narrowed at the duke.

Taught crossbow strings were released.

"Lightning Speed."

I leaped in front of Noelle and thrust the rectangular greatshield I'd borrowed from

the castle into the ground. Arrows thudded into it.

"Squire Gideon!"

"Hold on to me!"

Pulling three smoke sticks from the pouch at my waist, I slammed them against the

ground, breaking them.

Black smoke filled the air.

"What? The Avalonian squire?! Curses! Don't let them escape! Attack!"

A second volley of bolts lanced into the haze to pin me down. Veronian soldiers drew

their swords and charged.

"Gajasura! I'm counting on you!"

"Leave it to me!

The Asura demon leaped over my head with a beastly speed.

"It would have been rough battling while protecting her, but it's no problem if I can

fight freely."

"I-it's Gajasuraaaa!!!"

I could hear the Veronian soldiers' screams from beyond the smoke. I left the shield in

the ground, picked Noelle up, and ran into the forest.

"Run, mercenaries! Run if you want to live!"

My shout brought the hired men back to their senses, and they beat feet.

It should've sufficiently muddied the waters for us to get away.

Disappearing into the woods, I hurried to where I'd left my riding drake beforehand.


After setting Noelle down, I took deep breaths to get the air back into my screaming


Lightning Speed was convenient, but it was too stamina intensive.

All it did was increase my movement speed. The actual physical effort to sprint across

the distance was unchanged. I needed to find some other skill to pair with it.

"Squire Gideon."

When my breathing finally returned to normal, Noelle spoke not in her girlish

performance voice, but in her cold, natural tone.

"What is it?"

"Why did you save me? You've surely realized the truth of the previous attack."

"Yes, I have."

"Then why? As far as you are concerned, I am an enemy who tried to have you killed."

"That's correct."

"…Then is it just some impulse of your blessing to save people?"

An impulse to save people? My heart ached a little bit because I thought of Ruti when I

heard that. Once this mission is over, I should take some leave to visit her.

"No, I do not have any such impulse."

"Then why would you rescue me?"

Why? If I had to say…

"To be honest, I do not have a particularly favorable opinion of you, but even so, I

wouldn't want your death keeping me up at night."

"…That's all?"

"Yes, that's all."

For the first time, Noelle looked at me as though she were genuinely stunned.

I couldn't help chuckling a little.

"I see. You risked your life to save me because it might disturb your sleep."

"That's pretty much it, yes."

"Heh-heh. What a selfish boy you are."

Had I upset her?

Despite my unease, Noelle grinned, took my hand, and kissed the back of it. Seeing my

shocked reaction, she giggled again and then easily leaped onto the riding drake.

"Very well, Squire Gideon. What is the plan now?"

"We'll meet up with Sir Flores and make our way to a fortress in the south."

"I see. There is an army directly under the Veronian royal family there, so it should be

safe. Duke Antonius cannot afford to draw his blade against the royal family publicly.

However, I am concerned about Gajasura."

"…You needn't worry. I cannot imagine a warrior of his caliber being defeated."

Surprisingly, Noelle appeared concerned for the Asura demon's safety.

Thinking back on it now, Gajasura was actually the prince, so his death would've

ruined her plan.

We managed to safely throw off the duke's pursuit and escape to the southern fortress.

Two nights later, Gajasura arrived, looking totally fine.

Seeing me, he flashed a fanged Asura demon grin.

"You did good, kid."

To think the day would come when an Asura demon complimented me. A knight saw

many unusual things in the line of duty.

When I mentioned that to Sir Flores, he laughed wryly and said, "Yeah, it's certainly

not a normal job."

Duke Antonius's castle was currently encircled by the Veronian army. It was only a

matter of time before he surrendered, but that was someone else's battle.

Sir Flores and I received an award and a letter of thanks from the Veronian royal family.

An award from a different country. It wouldn't lead to a bonus or a peerage, but it

would at least be good for future negotiations. In the end, it turned out that saving

Noelle had also been good for Avalonia. That's what I'd believed at the time anyway.

"Lady Noelle has requested your presence."

As we were preparing to return home, I received a summons from a Veronian soldier.

Since arriving at the fortress, Noelle hadn't led me around like before. The only time

we met was during dinners.

"Exchanging a proper farewell, perhaps?"

The Veronian soldier guided me to where Noelle awaited. It was the first time I'd been

in that chamber.


I opened the door, and there was a row of soldiers in spotless dress uniforms on either

side. Past them, Noelle was lying on a luxurious sofa.

The guards were part of a force that reported directly to the royal court, and they

attended to Noelle reverently.

Soldiers slipped behind me, and the door closed.

"Thank you for coming."

"I know you couldn't be just some daughter of a local lord. Who are you really?"

"The name Noelle is, of course, an alias."

She stood. The sofa was on a platform, allowing her to look down at me.

"I am Leonor of Veronia. Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Veronia."


"I've taken a liking to you, Gideon."

"That is… I'm honored, Your Highness."

Noelle—no, Leonor walked toward me. Each step was brimming with confidence and

a bewitching charm. There was no more playing at girlishness.

"Gideon." She smiled lasciviously. "I want you to be mine."

It didn't seem like she was joking. Evidently, she carried a genuine interest in me.

"I am a knight of Avalonia, my lady."

"Leave behind the Bahamut knights and your country. The reason you take up your

sword, the reason you are a knight, the reason you live, the reason you die, everything.

Devote it all to me. In exchange, I shall love you. Wealth, glory, power, I will give you

everything. I want you to love me, protect me, and become my joy until I die."

I looked Leonor in the eyes as I responded, "Please forgive me, my lady, but I cannot

accept your generosity."

"…Do you find my appearance distasteful?"

"Not at all. You are beautiful. More so than your appearance, however, your fiery eyes

are alluring to me."


"However, there is a reason I carry my sword, and a person for whom I would devote

my life. Were I to lose them, I would have no reason to continue on."

I was trying to become strong for Ruti's sake. It was why I'd become a knight. Wealth,

power, and the love of a queen all paled in comparison to Ruti.

"Please forgive me, Your Highness."

I apologized once more. Leonor wore a tranquil grin, as if she'd expected this turn of


"How unfortunate. However, that spirit of yours that surpassed blessings was what I

loved about you. I suppose this is the natural result. Very well, Gideon."

"Thank you. If it should please yo—"

"Capture Gideon. If he resists, you may kill him."


The soldiers surrounding me all drew their blades as one.

I didn't have a sword at my waist. I didn't have the right to freely wear a weapon in a

foreign castle.

"Gideon, you saved my life. You have my heartfelt gratitude for risking yourself for my

sake. However, being grateful does not mean I will allow you to go against my designs.

I shall have to return your kindness with malice… It is unfortunate."

"P-please wait, my lady! I may just be a squire, but I am here as part of the Kingdom of

Avalonia's diplomatic delegation! We've only just negotiated a peace agreement! If I

were to be killed, it would surely ruin everything our nations have worked for! We

were so close to ending the conflict! Do you intend to start hostilities again over me?!"

"Yes. You refused to love me. If it is to kill you, I care not how much blood is spilled."


Her eyes showed no hesitation, and the younger me was left terribly confused.

It was the first time I'd encountered a truly incomprehensible human evil.

Sir Flores and I were both arrested and thrown into jail.

"I'm sorry, sir," I apologized. In my naive youth, I'd believed that those I'd aided would

thank me.

Sir Flores laughed and patted my head with his big hand.

"That was a pretty terrible betrayal. The queen of Veronia's quite outrageous."

"…Yes, sir."

"Don't let it get to you. You don't need to feel bad about it. There was a knight's spirit

in the way you fought. Chivalry is an expression of your way of life. It isn't something

that can be demanded of you by others."


"Don't be discouraged by this. In the future, if you believe that fighting is the correct

choice, then you should do so without regrets."

"…I will do my best, sir."

"Now then, how to escape. Our deaths would spell full-on war between Avalonia and


Just then, there was a clanking sound from the door.


Sir Flores and I both cautiously approached.

"Yo, that was a disaster, wasn't it?"


The Asura demon was peeking through the window into the cell. There was a creaking

sound as he opened the door.

He was holding my and Sir Flores's swords in his hands.

"You're saving us?"

"Lady Leonor's beliefs aside, I'm grateful for what you did."

"So you brought us the key and our swords?"

Gajasura shrugged.

"She never told me not to help you. Still, I can't fight her soldiers, so this is where my

aid ends. There won't be a second time."

"No, this is more than enough. Thank you."

I took my weapon from the demon.

"Gideon, I'd love a chance to fight you someday. Try not to get yourself killed."

Gajasura watched as we made our escape.

As we ran, Sir Flores grinned. "There's no guarantee your chivalry will ever be

rewarded, yet a little reminder that it can be on occasion is nice, too."

We encountered several dangerous situations, but somehow managed to cross the

border. The war had been averted.

And upon our return to the capital, I was knighted.