

World at peace, yet so many violence. No peace will achieve if no understanding will happen. Julius, named after the great conqueror, attempted to take his life. Julius is a man taught to be fierce and brave, taught to become a man worthy of his name. How to become worthy, he asked. How to be brave, he asked. His father answered. "To survive every battle fought." Julius is not worthy of his name, bullied for his entire school life, he lose his own battle.

HughBum · Fantasy
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13 Chs


At the very first day, these pathetic nobles who hide behind their status has already made a ruckus.

If I didn't arrive at time, I didn't even know what could've happen. It was a mistake to even keep nobles and commoner in one place.

They should've just made a separate classes. Not that I am trying to degrade commoners.

They just have great potential to become one of the greatest warriors in this kingdom but they are being kept hidden by these arrogants of a noble.

Just like the one commoner who manage to outrank as all. The person who also fought and win against the veteran soldier who became an adventurer.

Vien Louis.

I heard he came from countryside in west, Hussein Margrave which border the Ibra and Zindet Kingdom. Though his reason of travel to this city is still a mystery, he still bear great power for out country.

I can sense, even though I can't appraise his power.

He's a very powerful man, perhaps more powerful than my father, a once known warrior across the continent.

Still, it's pitiful that he has such great power but in a different status. It would've been amazing if I became friends of him. With that, I can secure such asset.

Still... It's a pity.

The class ended without me noticing. The man in my mind has also left his seat and decided to left. However, before he could. Prince Lucio blocked the doorway, making Vien unable to exit the class.

I look him in the eyes but his expression is calm. I can't believe that such person has the ability to even look at his highness without losing his composure. At the least, they should've tremble in fear of his power.

Having an absolute power, the monarch has the highest authority in this country. Higher than the upper and lower nobles combine. A simple word from him would've made them kneel or killed.

So why.

Why is he not averting his gaze.

He even dare to look at him in his eyes, as if he's trying to provoke his highness.

This is dangerous.

"Vien, I would like to speak with you."

I need to at least stop this before it could get worse.

"What are you doing, Rose?"

I expected this.

I expected his highness to question my decision.

And yet, why.

Why do I feel such an overwhelming pressure coming from him. As if he's trying to devour me.

I tried to look away, turning my attention towards the commoner however,

He didn't even move!

"I am asking you, Rose. What are you doing?"


I can't speak.

He knows I'm going to lie. And if I do, it will surely severe the ties between us.

"I-Yo-your highness... I-I'm just gonna tell this student to know how... Place..."

"I see... So you're trying to say-"

"Why are you so scared?"

I thought it was his highness who spoke. But it was the person I least expected in this kind of situation.

Vien Louis.

"V-Vien... H-"

"How dare you speak without my permission?"

This time, it was his highness who spoke. He spoke with an intimidating tone who speak with authority.

He's trying to order the man.

"Since when do I need your permission to speak, your highness?"

It's the end.

It's already ending. It escalated too quickly. I shouldn't have involved myself.

"I am a prince of this country, a kingdom where you live in. How dare you even question my authority, do you perhaps want to be executed?!"

"I never knew that arguing or debating has already became a crime."

"It is a crime to even speak with high status, commoner. I suggest you shut up."

"And if i-"

Before we knew it, the commoner was send flying to the other classroom. Completely breaking the wall from each other.

It has began.

His highness who have a short-tempered personality, and a man of dignity.

"Ho-hoh? You still alive-I think-"

A dream?

No, it's too realistic to be a dream.

His highness, who has the highest authority in this school suddenly tremble in fear. His eyes widen, and his sweat runs down profusely.

His guards, our classmates have already guarded the prince in all direction. And I know the reason why.

That's because.

"It's all the same."

The commoner slowly regain his composure from the other side of the classroom. I can even here him mutter an unknown words.

I must note this, I can't let this slide.

"Y-you... H-how dare you...!"

"Your Highness, evacuate. We will take care of this."

The guards are already panicking. They too know that the commoner is a troublesome fellow.

But I didn't expect it, I never know. Or I just underestimated this man's intellectuality.

In the first place, he never actually made something that is wrong in the eyes of the public.

A glove thrown at the ground, in front of his highness currently guarded by his personal servants.

It was a request of duel. A symbol passed down through generations, despite the fall of the nation that once used it.

In the past, it was used between knights and nobles for entertainment or sometimes honorable battle of death.

I didn't knew I would see it here.

"I suppose you know this, your highness."

"A commoner like you dare to challenge his highness?!"

Suddenly, the servants guarding the prince started to feel anger too. It was too unreasonable for a commoner to ask a royalty.

They know that it would be a waste of time. Even I know it.

But I have seen this person fight. I want to see it once more.

"HAHAH! This c-commoner just asked me for a duel!"

A forced laugh?


Is his highness afraid?

No way. It can't be.

"W-well, I accept! The rules is simple, these guards will join me."

I knitted my brows, trying to analyze the situation and his words.

In a duel, the ones who are challenged will be the one who will make the rules. As long as a fight can happen, may it be fair or not, it will be his rules.

That's why, if a person asked for a duel, he should be prepared for such unreasonable rules.

But... Why is his highness demanding such rules?


And why did you even accept?! You truly are a commoner!

His highness laugh.

"The battle will happen two weeks from now. Until then, prepare."

This is escalating too much. I have to report this to my father.

"And you Rose, I'm disappointed. I will talk to my sister about our engagement."