
BanG Dream: The Unexpected Part-Timer

A male part-timer suddenly appeared in a girl's band studio!? Meet Nakasone Kyo, a part-timer of CirCLE Studio. A high school student devotes his life to music. (I do not own any of the characters here. All rights go to Bushiroad & CraftEgg) Art: BanG Dream 2nd Season (I'll find a better cover book soon)

Yamiru · Video Games
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94 Chs

We are all in this together

"This is all your fault." Those words echoed in my mind from my middle school days, a painful reminder that haunted me.

I opened my eyes slowly, staring at the ceiling as my memory returned in fragments. 

"What was I doing? I don't remem—" Panic surged through me as I turned my gaze to my monitor, only to find my PC completely turned off. "No way... Did I save it? Please tell me I saved the song before I slept..." My heart raced as I realized that I had no recollection of saving my work, and the fear of losing it all began to creep in.

I tried to get up from my bed, but my legs gave way, and I tumbled onto the floor. "Argh! My chin!" I groaned in pain. Panic and frustration consumed me as I struggled to get back up. But then, I heard footsteps on the stairs, and the door swung open.

"Kasumi? Everyone!? What are you all doing here?!" I blurted out, surprised by their sudden appearance.

"We were worried about you!" Kasumi exclaimed in a concerned tone.

"I-I'm fine..." I managed to say, though my voice was shaky, and I was clearly not in the best shape.

Kasumi rushed to my side, her eyes filled with worry. "You don't look fine at all!"

I tried to sit up, wincing as I touched my chin. "I fell."

The others gathered around, their expressions a mix of concern and relief that I was awake. Arisa knelt down beside me. "You really should be more careful, Nakasone-san."

"Yeah, seriously, You had us worried sick," Saaya added.

I felt a pang of guilt for causing them to worry. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to."

Kasumi's eyes softened as she helped me up. "It's okay, Kyo. But you should take better care of yourself."

"Wait, what about the song?" I suddenly remembered, a surge of panic rushing through me. I looked around frantically.

Saaya gestured towards my PC. "Don't worry, Nakasone-kun. We didn't touch it. But we were really concerned when we found you passed out."

I let out a sigh of relief and got up, heading to my PC. 

  I quickly checked the files, praying that my hard work was intact. As the screen flickered to life, I exhaled in relief. The song was still there, and everything seemed to be in order.

"It's all here, I didn't want to let you down, so I worked through the night. I'm sorry if I worried you, but I promise I'll finish this song."

Kasumi smiled warmly. "We know you will, Kyo. But you don't have to do it all alone. We're in this together, remember?"

"Alright, everyone!" Kasumi said cheerfully, "Let's do this!"

"By the way, Nakasone-san," Tae began, "I didn't know your sister was an ex-band member."

"Oh, I..." I hesitated, not sure how to explain.

My sister chimed in, "Kyo-chan, catch." She threw a key, and I quickly grabbed it.

"What's this?" I asked, examining the key.


Oh... Basement... basement...



"That's right~ That's where I used to practice with my ex-band member, you know~"

I couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed. "How come I didn't know that!?"

My sister chuckled. "Because you never asked." She then turned to leave but paused, looking back. "It's right under the stairs, Kyo. There's a trapdoor leading downstairs."

"Uwah, I didn't know that..." I muttered to myself.

"Alright, everyone! Onward to Kyo's basement!"

"HUH!? Wait! I want to know too!?" I protested, but it seemed they were all too eager to explore the mysterious basement of my own home. 

As we gathered around under the stairs, I noticed a small keyhole on the floor. It seemed like my sister hadn't exaggerated. I inserted the key into the hole and slowly turned it.

The trap door creaked open, revealing a set of wooden steps leading down into darkness.

A musty, old smell wafted up, and I hesitated for a moment before descending.

Once we were all downstairs, I flicked on the lights, revealing a small but cozy basement space. It was equipped with musical instruments, amps, and various band equipment. 

Posters of my sister's old band decorated the walls, and a set of comfortable chairs and a small table sat in the center.

My sister grinned. "Welcome to our little music sanctuary!"

"Woah! Onee-chan! You scared me!"

The others gasped in awe, and Kasumi was the first to excitedly rush towards a guitar displayed on the front. "Wow! This is amazing! You used to practice here? Azumi-san?!"

"Yeah, it's where we created our songs." She explained, looking around at the familiar space.

Tae walked over to a guitar rack and picked one up, strumming a few chords. "This place is perfect for making music."

"Feel free to use any of the instruments or equipment here, guys. It's all at your disposal."

"Kasumi," I called out, my eyes locking with hers.

"Yes!" Kasumi's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.

I turned to Saaya, who was poised and ready at her drum kit. "Yamabuki-san."

"Ready," Saaya responded with a determined nod.

"Hanazono-san,"  I said, addressing Tae, who had a guitar in her hands.

Tae gave a casual salute. "Let's rock."

"Ushigome-san," I turned to Rimi, who was adjusting her bass guitar.


"Ichigaya-san." I turned to Arisa, who clutched her keyboard with determination.


I smiled at each of them, feeling a deep sense of unity and purpose. "Alright then! Let's do this!"

The instruments came to life as each member of Poppin'Party poured their passion and talent into their music. Kasumi's vocals soared with infectious energy, and Tae's guitar riffs added a playful melody to the mix. 

Saaya's precise drumming provided a steady heartbeat to the song, while  Arisa's keyboard notes danced through the composition, completing the ensemble. Rimi's bass guitar added depth and rhythm.

The room was filled with the vibrant sound of our music, and I couldn't help but get lost in the moment. 

  I couldn't help but feel that we were getting closer to capturing the essence of a perfect summer tune.

With each note and each lyric, we painted a musical picture of sunshine, beaches, and the joy of being together.

That's right... the feelings! I get it now! The memories.

  it was a shared experience, a memory in the making!

As the final chords resonated in the air, they let the music fade away.

"Kyo! I totally feel it!" Kasumi exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "The feeling of summer!!"


"Yeah... Me too," Saaya chimed in with a bright smile.

"W-Well, I guess It's not bad," Arisa admitted.

"10/10," Tae declared, giving a thumbs-up.

"It was beautiful!" Rimi added, her shy nature momentarily fading as she expressed her appreciation.

Just then, my sister made her entrance with refreshments in hand. She joined our gathering with her usual carefree attitude.

"That was a fantastic performance," she praised us. "And just for that, here are some refreshments."

"Onee-chan... You shouldn't barge in like that."

"Hehehe~ It's fine~ You're starting to become a producer~ Kyo-chan~" She hugged me from behind, causing me to squirm.

"Uwah! Hey! You're too close!!"

We had achieved our goal for the day, and it felt good to have been part of Poppin'Party's journey in creating their perfect summer song.

"Well... I'm glad that I helped out the Poppin' Party with their song," I thought to myself as I looked around at the smiling faces of Kasumi, Saaya, Tae, Rimi, and Arisa. 

What a fulfilling experience.

And just like that, school was right around the corner, a new chapter waiting to unfold.