
BanG Dream: The Unexpected Part-Timer

A male part-timer suddenly appeared in a girl's band studio!? Meet Nakasone Kyo, a part-timer of CirCLE Studio. A high school student devotes his life to music. (I do not own any of the characters here. All rights go to Bushiroad & CraftEgg) Art: BanG Dream 2nd Season (I'll find a better cover book soon)

Yamiru · Video Games
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94 Chs

True Moments We Cherish (1)

"For some reason, This is our first time struggling to create a new song," Ran sighed, her hand resting against her forehead.

"Y-Yeah," Himari mumbled, her face buried in the table.

"Nakasone-san... How are you still standing after all this time?" Tsugumi asked me, her head slowly rising from the table.

"I've been through this before..." I chuckled, then turned to Moca. "Aoba-san, please don't sleep. We still have work to do."

"I'm tired... I don't wanna..."

"Oh dear... Do I have to motivate everyone?" 

A few hours earlier, I was about to unlock the door when someone patted me on the back.


I turned around to find all the Afterglow members dressed casually. "Everyone? Isn't it too early?"

"Well, Ran said we needed to arrive early to work on a new song, and she also wants to talk to you about something," Tomoe explained.

"Wha!? Did you just change the story, Tomoe??" Ran flustered, then turned to me, "Don't misunderstand it! It was Tomoe who wanted to talk to you!" She glared.

"O-Okay... Calm down," I chuckled. I opened the door, gesturing for them to enter, "Help yourselves in the lounge, and feel free to turn on the AC."

"Yeah, Thank you, Nakasone!" Himari said as they proceeded inside heading to the lounge, and the work began.

"So? How do we start? We're gonna brainstorm starting from now on right?!" Himari asked enthusiastically.

"How about putting bread in the song!~" Moca suggested, her playful spirit shining through.

"Is that all that comes to your mind?" Ran sighed, clearly looking for something more substantial.

"Hehe," Moca chuckled.

"Then what about something we like?!" Tsugumi suggested, trying to steer the conversation in a different direction.

"Ohh!~ Good Idea!" Tomoe responded. "Then, Ramen!"

"Flowers?" Ran added.

"Bread," Moca chipped in.

"E-Eh!? Is it really alright!?"

"Then let's think more!" Tomoe suggests as she smiles at the group. They all seem eager to finish composing as they all said in unison "Agree!" 

And then they start brainstorming.

A few hours later, it was lunchtime, and I glanced at the wall clock.

"Oh, it's already that time? I should get them something to eat at least." I quickly dialed a fast-food restaurant and placed an order.

A few minutes later, the delivery arrived, and I paid for it. "Aoba-san will be happy to see this."

With the food in hand, I made my way to the lounge where Afterglow was working on their song. "Good afternoon, everyone. I have some refreshm—WOAH! Why do you all look like zombies!?"

Ran slowly raised her head from the table, "Oh? Nakasone-san."

I promptly placed the food in the middle of the table, saying, "Here, guys, I've got some refreshments for you. Take a break for now!"

And so, they ate for a bit, and slowly but surely, their energy levels started to return.

"Thank you, Nakasone-kun, you're a great guy, aren't ya!" Tomoe grinned as she patted my back.

"Oi oi, what was that just now? Why did you all suddenly collapse like that? Aoba-san almost turned into dust, you know!?" I asked, perplexed.

"Well, we can't help it since we're all thinking," Ran explained. "Plus it would be nice if we think this through without you since we don't want to be a burden to your part-time work."

"Eh? I appreciate it but I'd rather help y'know?" I sighed, "Hmm, alright, since it's break time, I'll help you guys."

"Really?! That'll be great."

"Yes... So, let's start brainstorming again."

"Yeah!" They all said in unison.

And so, here we are at the present...

I said that but how do I motivate them?

Hmmm, first let me praise their efforts.

"Everyone! You're all doing great!" I cheerfully praised the Afterglow, trying to infuse some positivity into the room. However, my attempt seemed to have the opposite effect, as their spirits remained low.

"Nakasone-kun... That's not how you motivate people by praising positive reinforcements," Moca muffled, her face buried in the table.

I felt a bit embarrassed and scratched my head, realizing that perhaps I needed to rethink my approach. "E-Eh?" I stammered, surprised by their reaction.

"That's what we've been doing for the past 4 hours, Nakasone-san," Tsugumi muffled in a tired voice.

"Eh... I forgot."

Jesus, Am I actually bad at motivating? I needed to find a different approach to lift their spirits and reignite their enthusiasm.


"Everyone... Listen to me, This is just a question, but why are we composing a new song? Why? What for?"

My words seemed to penetrate their exhaustion, and they slowly raised their heads, looking at each other.

Ran smiled as she nodded, 'My bad... Let's brainstorm the theme!'"

"Yeah!" They all echoed, and the energy in the room shifted.

"Fight~," Moca chimed in.

"Hehehe~ Seeing everyone get motivated, I won't hold back too!" Tsugumi joined in.

"Yeah!! Hey, hey, ooh~!" Himari cheered, but, once again, no one followed her, including me. I remembered my previous blunder and opted not to join in.

"Why, Nakasone-kun...!" Himari said, her teary eyes turning to me.

Looks like I sparked some motivation for them... After all, this is all for Tsugumi.