
BanG Dream: The Unexpected Part-Timer

A male part-timer suddenly appeared in a girl's band studio!? Meet Nakasone Kyo, a part-timer of CirCLE Studio. A high school student devotes his life to music. (I do not own any of the characters here. All rights go to Bushiroad & CraftEgg) Art: BanG Dream 2nd Season (I'll find a better cover book soon)

Yamiru · Video Games
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94 Chs

Last Day - Christmas Trip

The final day had arrived, and there was a bittersweet feeling hanging in the air. We'd been working tirelessly, and this vacation was drawing to a close. The thought of leaving this place stirred mixed emotions within me.

As we gathered our things and prepared to depart, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness.

"Last day, huh?" I remarked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, but the memories will stay!" Hina said cheerfully.

"It's been an incredible trip," Chisato added her expression a mix of nostalgia and contentment.

Aya smiled warmly. "We'll carry these memories with us, always."

Maya nodded enthusiastically. "Next time, let's plan something even more exciting!"

 "Hey, I have an idea," she said, her eyes gleaming. "How about before we go, let's explore around the shopping district near here!"

The idea resonated with everyone, and we all nodded in agreement. 

"Haha, sounds like a plan!" I guess It wouldn't hurt.

As we stepped out into the shopping district, the atmosphere shifted. The narrow streets were lined with quaint shops, each holding the promise of unique discoveries. Hina, always the troublemaker, immediately darted toward a vibrant display of souvenirs.

"Look at these cute trinkets!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening with excitement.

Chisato chuckled, "Hina, we're here to explore, not shop."

"But exploring can involve shopping too, right?" Hina teased, holding up a small souvenir.

"She's got a point. Let's explore and maybe pick up a few keepsakes along the way."

As Hina dashed ahead, leading our group, I noticed a store catching my eye. It seemed to specialize in accessories, and I found myself drawn to the display window.

"Hm?" I paused, drifting away from the group, and started to sift through the displayed items one by one. My gaze settled on a delicate necklace, its design capturing my attention. It had an elegance that appealed to me, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Excuse me, could I take a closer look at this necklace?" I asked the shopkeeper.

"Certainly, sir. Take your time," she replied with a warm smile.

As I held the necklace in my hand, I couldn't help but appreciate its craftsmanship. The subtle glint of the pendant under the store lights made it all the more appealing.

Eventually, after admiring it for a while, I decided to make the purchase. "I'll take this one, please," I said to the shopkeeper.

"Thank you for your purchase, sir!" she replied cheerfully as she carefully packed the necklace.

I slipped back into the group, discreetly tucking the necklace into my pocket. As the girls turned toward me, Eve's curious expression stood out among them.

"Hey, Kyo! We missed you for a moment there," Hina said, a playful grin on her face.

"Oh, just checking something out," I replied casually, trying to keep the necklace hidden.

Aya leaned in, her eyes glinting with curiosity. "What was it? Something interesting?"

I chuckled nervously, not wanting to draw too much attention. "Just a little store, nothing much."

"But you seem a bit sneaky," Chisato remarked a hint of amusement in her voice.

Eve, not one to miss any detail, pointed at my pocket. "Is there something in there, Kyo?"

I tried to play it cool, laughing it off. "Nah, just my wallet!"

The girls exchanged glances, clearly intrigued by my vague response. They seemed eager to know more, but luckily, the conversation shifted as Hina pointed out something else that caught their attention, diverting their focus away from my pocket.

As we passed by a cozy cafe, Hina's eyes lit up. "Hey, how about a quick break? I could use a cup of coffee."

The idea resonated with everyone, and we decided to take a moment to relax. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air as we entered the warm and inviting cafe. We found a comfortable corner and settled in, each choosing our preferred beverage.

"Ah, this is nice," Maya sighed contentedly, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

I'm curious at that chocolate... Why is it white?

As we chatted and enjoyed our drinks, the topic naturally turned to our experiences during the vacation. Aya, always curious, began questioning everyone about their favorite moments.

"Kyo, what was your highlight of the trip?" she asked, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Hmm... That's an interesting question.

pondered Aya's question for a moment, a warm smile playing on my lips. "Honestly, just spending time with all of you. Whether it was the playful banter, exploring the town, or even the unexpected surprises, every moment was special."

The moment those words left my lips, I noticed an unexpected reaction from the four girls. Their faces took on a subtle blush, and there was a brief pause in our conversation.

Chisato, usually composed, couldn't hide a soft smile. She raised her cup, and I noticed a slight tremor in her hand. "I-I must say, it was a delightful break from our usual routine. And the night talk was quite entertaining."

Maya eagerly joined in, her hands shooting up as she nodded vigorously. "T-That's also my answer!"

Hina grinned mischievously. "Well, well, Kyo, it seems like your answer had quite an impact on everyone."

Eh?! Everyone's red!? That was not on purpose at all!

With a hint of embarrassment, I turned away, my cheeks warming slightly. "I'm sorry," I murmured, feeling a bit self-conscious about the sudden change in atmosphere.

"Kyo, there's no need to apologize. Your honesty is appreciated," Chisato said, offering a kind smile.

Argh... Don't say that when your face is red!

As our Christmas trip drew to a close, the air was filled with a mix of satisfaction and anticipation. The goal of Pastel*Palettes, though not fully achieved, was within reach, adding an extra layer of motivation.

As we gathered our belongings and prepared to leave, I looked at the girls smiling at them. The memories we created during this short but eventful trip lingered in the air, binding us together in a unique bond.

I stood at the doorstep of our lodge, watching as everyone piled into the bus. The snowflakes danced around me, landing softly on my shoulders. 

"Hina-chan, don't forget your scarf!" Chisato called out, her voice carrying a motherly tone. Hina giggled and raced back to grab her scarf, waving it triumphantly before getting back on the bus.

"Maya, check if you've packed everything!" Aya reminded, her gentle voice carrying a hint of concern. Maya grinned, giving a thumbs up and patting her backpack with exaggerated gestures, earning a chuckle from everyone.

As the bus doors closed, Chisato turned to me, "Kyo, did you enjoy your time here?"


I have a feeling that composing this song will be easy.